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Chapter 14 The Origin of Species
Mosquito Mystery Speciation is the emergence of new species
How do we know that a distinctly new species has evolved? In London, two populations of mosquitoes exist with very little overlap in their respective habitats Evidence indicates that the two species did not diverge from one species
In the United States the two species appeared to hybridize into one species, which transmits West Nile virus How could the mosquitoes behave like two species on one continent and one species on another?
14.1 The origin of species is the source of biological diversity
Microevolution, gradual adaptation of a species to its environment, does not produce new species Speciation, the origin of new species, is at the focal point of evolution Macroevolution, dramatic biological changes that begin with the origin of new species, has led to Earth's great biodiversity
CONCEPTS OF SPECIES 14.2 What is a species?
Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with naming and classifying the diverse forms of life The binomial system was introduced by Linnaeus in the 18th century Similarities between some species and variation within a species can make defining species difficult
The biological species concept
Defines a species as a population or group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring Reproductive isolation of different species prevents gene flow Cannot be used as the sole criterion for species assignment
The morphological species concept
Classifies organisms based on observable phenotypic traits The ecological species concept Defines a species by its ecological role The phylogenetic species concept Defines a species as a set of organisms with a unique genetic history
14.3 Reproductive barriers keep species separate
Reproductive barriers serve to isolate a species' gene pool and prevent interbreeding Prezygotic barriers prevent mating or fertilization between species Temporal isolation: Species breed at different times Behavioral isolation: There is little or no sexual attraction between species due to specific behaviors
Mechanical isolation: Female and male sex organs or gametes are not compatible
Gametic isolation: After copulation, gametes do not unite to form a zygote
Postzygotic barriers operate after hybrid zygotes are formed
Hybrid inviability: Hybrids do not survive Hybrid sterility: Hybrid offspring between two species are sterile and therefore cannot mate Hybrid breakdown: Hybrids that mate with each other or either parent species produce feeble or sterile offspring
Video: Albatross Courtship Ritual
Video: Blue-footed Boobies Courtship Ritual Video: Giraffe Courtship Ritual
14.4 Geographic isolation can lead to speciation In allopatric speciation, a population is geographically divided Barriers include geologic processes such as emergence of a mountain or subsidence of a lake Changes in allele frequencies are unaffected by gene flow from other populations New species often evolve, but only after reproductive barriers develop
LE 14-4 A. harrisi A. leucurus Video: Grand Canyon
14.5 Reproductive barriers may evolve as populations diverge
Diane Dodd tested the hypothesis that reproductive barriers can evolve as a by-product of the adaptive divergence of populations in different environments Fruit flies bred for several generations on a certain food tended to choose mates that were raised on the same food Reproductive isolation was well under way after several generations of evolutionary divergence
Initial sample of fruit flies Starch medium Maltose medium Results of
LE 14-5a Initial sample of fruit flies Starch medium Maltose medium Results of mating experiments Female Female Same population Different populations Starch Maltose Starch Same 22 9 18 15 Male Male 8 20 Different 12 15 Maltose Mating frequencies in experimental group Mating frequencies in control group
Video: Galápagos Marine Iguana
Geographic isolation in Death Valley led to allopatric speciation of pupfish By genetic drift or natural selection, the isolated populations evolved into separate species Video: Galápagos Marine Iguana
LE 14-5b A pupfish
14.6 New species can also arise within the same geographic area as the parent species
In sympatric speciation, new species may arise without geographic isolation Not widespread among animals but important in plant evolution Many plant species have evolved by polyploidy, multiplication of the chromosome number due to errors in cell division First discovered by Hugo de Vries Most polyploid plants arise from the hybridization of two parent species
2n = 6 Diploid 4n = 12 Tetraploid Unreduced diploid gametes
LE 14-6a Parent species Zygote Offspring may be viable and self-fertile Meiotic error Self- fertilization 2n = 6 Diploid 4n = 12 Tetraploid Unreduced diploid gametes
LE 14-6b O. lamarckiana O. gigas
14.7 Polyploid plants clothe and feed us
CONNECTION 14.7 Polyploid plants clothe and feed us 20—25% of all plant species are polyploids Most result from hybridization between two species Many of our food and fiber plants are polyploids Bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, is a polyploid with 42 chromosomes that evolved over 8,000 years ago Today, plant geneticists create new polyploids in the laboratory
AA BB AB AA BB DD ABD AA BB DD Wild Triticum (14 chromo- somes)
Triticum monococcum (14 chromosomes) AB AA BB DD ABD Sterile hybrid Meiotic error and self-fertilization T. turgidum Emmer wheat (28 chromosomes) T. tauschii (wild) (21 chromosomes) T. aestivum Bread wheat (42 chromosomes) AA BB DD
14.8 Adaptive radiation may occur in new or newly vacated habitats
Adaptive radiation: the evolution of many new species from a common ancestor in a diverse environment Occurs when mass extinctions or colonization provide organisms with new environments
Video: Galapágos Islands Overview
Island chains with physically diverse habitats are often sites of explosive adaptive radiation 14 species of Galápagos finches differ in feeding habits and beak type Evidence indicates that all 14 species evolved from a single small population of ancestors that colonized one island Video: Galapágos Islands Overview
LE 14-8a Cactus-seed-eater (cactus finch) Tool-using insect-eater
(woodpecker finch) Seed-eater (medium ground finch)
LE 14-8b A B B B B C C C C D C D D
14.9 Peter and Rosemary Grant study the evolution of Darwin's finches
TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE 14.9 Peter and Rosemary Grant study the evolution of Darwin's finches Peter and Rosemary Grant have documented natural selection acting on populations of Galápagos finches Finch beaks adapted to different food sources through natural selection, as Darwin hypothesized Occasional hybridization of finch species may have been important in their adaptive radiation
14.10 The tempo of speciation can appear steady or jumpy
Gradualism model: New species evolve by the gradual accumulation of changes brought about by natural selection Darwin's original model Not well supported by the fossil record, because most new species seem to appear suddenly in rock strata without intermediary transitional forms
Punctuated equilibrium model: periods of rapid evolutionary change and speciation interrupted by long periods of little or no detectable change Fossil record shows species changing most as they arise from an ancestral species and then relatively little for the rest of their existence Most evolutionary biologists now see both models as having merit Current research is focused on the tempo of evolution
LE 14-10a Time
LE 14-10b Time
MACROEVOLUTION 14.11 Evolutionary novelties may arise in several ways
Darwin's theory of gradual change can account for the evolution of intricate structures Complex structures may evolve in stages from simpler versions having the same basic function Example: Eyes of molluscs Existing structures may be gradually adapted to new functions Exaptation: a feature that evolved in one context and was later adapted for another function
Transparent protective Animation: Macroevolution
LE 14-11 Light-sensitive cells Light-sensitive cells Transparent protective tissue (cornea) Fluid-filled cavity Cornea Lens Eye cup Layer of light-sensitive cells (retina) Nerve fibers Nerve fibers Retina Optic nerve Optic nerve Optic nerve Patch of light- sensitive cells Eye cup Simple pinhole camera-type eye Eye with primitive lens Complex camera-type eye Limpet Abalone Nautilus Marine snail Squid Animation: Macroevolution
14.12 Genes that control development are important in evolution
"Evo-devo" combines evolutionary and developmental biology Studies how slight genetic changes can be magnified into significant phenotypic changes Many striking evolutionary transformations are the result of a change in the rate or timing of developmental changes Paedamorphosis: retention in adult of features that were juvenile in its ancestors
Animation: Allometric Growth
LE 14-12b Chimpanzee fetus Chimpanzee adult Human fetus Human adult Animation: Allometric Growth
Important in human evolution
Large skull and long childhood provide humans with more space for brain and more opportunity to learn from adults Juvenile physical traits may make adults more caring and protective Example: "evolution" of Mickey Mouse
14.13 Evolutionary trends do not mean that evolution is goal directed
Evolutionary trends reflect the unequal speciation or unequal survival of species on a branching evolutionary tree Example: lineages of horses that died out Evolutionary trends do not imply an intrinsic drive toward a goal If environmental conditions change, an apparent trend may cease or reverse
Hippidion and other genera
LE 14-13 RECENT Equus Hippidion and other genera PLEISTOCENE Nannippus Pliohippus Hipparion Neohipparion PLIOCENE Sinohippus Megahippus Callippus Archaeohippus Merychippus MIOCENE Anchitherium Hypohippus Parahippus Miohippus OLIGOCENE Mesohippus Paleotherium Epihippus Propalaeotherium Pachynolophus Orohippus EOCENE Grazers Hyracotherium Browsers
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