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Some random samples covering some items covered so far this semester.

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2 Some random samples covering some items covered so far this semester

3 The law that states that at twice the distance from a subject, artificial lights provide only one-fourth their original level of illumination Inverse square law

4 The usual term referring to a self contained TV news story in which the reporter tells the entire story, including such elements as sound bites, b-roll, and voice- overs. package

5 A TV news story that contains b-roll and a sound bite, and in which the news content is read by the anchor live on the air. VO-SOT

6 The ---- shot shows the view as seen through the subject’s eyes Subjective / POV

7 Several shots of action done by the photojournalist, in which shots vary from LS to MS to CU, and that replicate how a viewer would break down the action if (s)he were at the scene is called shooting --- sequences

8 Lighting a scene with a single light that produces uninteresting pictures with little sense of depth or modeling is called --- lighting flat

9 ---- action. When editing shots from a single camera set-up, it is possible for the editor to produce matched action on the screen only if the photographer in the field has shot ---- action. overlapping

10 Accent or separation light in a 3-point lighting set-up is the --- light Back

11 A highly directional light coming from above and behind a subject, adding highlights, shape, and separation from the background. backlight

12 18-- The three parts of three-point lighting Key, fill, and back

13 19-- In normal shooting, each eye normally contains one highlight, called ------. When lights are properly placed, the subject’s eye’s normally contain how many? Catchlights / two (one in each eye)

14 The three more dominant brand names of nonlinear video editing systems Avid, Final Cut Pro, Premiere

15 A rectangular floodlight. Broad (or) pan

16 The brand name of the classic controlled-beam spotlight; A light with a well-defined lens; the beam width is varied as the bulb is moved toward and away from the lens. Fresnel

17 The relationship of the brightest area to the darkest area in a given camera shot, as determined by reflected light readings. contrast ratio

18 Inside the modern TV camera, the ---- is the solid-state chip that converts reflected light into electrical signals Charge-coupled device (CCD), or CMOS

19 Whenever you compose a shot in the viewfinder, you must allow for TV -----, in which home TV screens clip off the edges of the transmitted image Cut-off

20 We called it ------ video when referring to too many photographers around the country who ‘shoot everything that moves’ with little regard to story line or subject matter. Rambo

21 If, while a shot is being made, you shift the focus from one subject to another (such as from a foreground to a background subject), the effect is called a ----- focus rack

22 A thin translucent, colored material such as gelatin or plastic that can be mounted in front of lighting instruments to produce specific color effects. gel

23 What technique should we follow in composing shots in which we mentally divide the viewfinder horizontally and vertically and place subjects or interest-catching features at points where these lines intersect. Rule of thirds

24 Visuals of a news story that should have nat sound but which are used as cut-ins, cutaways and inserts B-roll

25 The most commonly used device to eliminate jump cuts is the ----------, a shot of some part of the peripheral action that diverts the viewer’s eye for a moment. cutaway

26 A camera filter that reduces the amount of light hitting the charge-coupled device without affecting the color temperature. neutral density

27 The scale of measurement used to measure frequencies so that color temperature can be determined. Kelvin

28 The color temperature of TV studio lights is ---- 3,200 degrees Kelvin

29 If a camera is set to shoot outdoors but is used indoors the video will be ----; if set for indoors but used outdoors, the video will be ---- Red/orange ; blue

30 Writing down what is on a videotape, including the content of each shot, the inpoints and outpoints, and comments about the quality of the shot; when you log only the shots you will use you are make an ---- Logging / EDL

31 Current, breaking news is most clearly defined in television as spot news

32 A tungsten floodlight that contains a single bulb in a bowl-shaped metal reflector. scoop

33 Our text says a good reporter doing a newsgathering interview should ask questions the ------ would ask. viewer

34 The effect created when direct light throws strong highlights and distinct shadows Specular light

35 The opening sentence of a news story is best defined as the lead

36 The term for the reporter’s live intro and close to a prerecorded segment, such as a package Lead-in

37 A distinct visual jump called the ---- cut occurs if the camera is allowed to remain on the same axis line from one shot to the next, typically seen when shooting a WS followed by a MS without moving the camera off the original axis line. See text -- it’s not a jump cut

38 When shooting video for a news story, if a subject moves screen left in the first shot, then (s)he must move left in all other shots or the result will be a _____. False reverse

39 Rapid montage cutting is also known as _______ cutting See editing chapter

40 When you arrive at a news conference, the book suggests you place ------- where you want the subject who will be speaking to stand, suggesting that ‘it’s like bait.’ See audio chapter

41 In editing, ------ occur when a shot ends and its accompanying sound ends, only to be replaced at the splice line by a new picture with new sound Cold cuts

42 The text says most of the individual shots in a typical TV news story average --- to --- seconds 4 / 7

43 What are you told to shoot first upon arriving at the scene of a story? Perishable (fleeting) video

44 A proven method to heighten the viewer’s sense of involvement in your story is to shoot matched-action ________, such as when showing a child boarding a bus, shooting close-ups of her face, hands, etc., shots of the bus driver, the bus door opening, the father waving good-bye, the bus pulling away, etc. See text

45 The book’s author says what part of the news story should be so strong that nothing else can top it, and that, ideally, the moment the reporter arrives on the scene, (s)he should begin looking for a shot for it? The close

46 Combined with a master shot, typical --- shots include the close-up or insert shot, reaction shot, and point of view shot Pick -up / cut-in

47 Even when photographing with a single camera, a photographer can produce shots that can be edited together in matched action provided that (s)he also shoots --- action Overlapping

48 The shot that is often called ‘the pan with a purpose.’ Moving (follow) shot

49 used by reporters in TV A ----- is the little box imprinted with the station’s logo that is attached to hand-held mic used by reporters in TV See audio chapter

50 noise? What device made of acoustic foam is attached to the outside of a mic to reduce wind noise? See audio chapter

51 A ______-pass (or high-cut) filter may be used to diminish wind noise outdoors. See audio chapter

52 Whenever you record sound in the field, you should record some ------- tone or ambient noise for the editor so that gaps of silence will not occur in the story. See audio chapter

53 our text say is the ‘most important interview question’? What does our text say is the ‘most important interview question’? See interviewing chapter

54 When conducting interviews for people stories, ‘don’t interview people’ (but instead): (see interviewing chapter)

55 The type of news story that is ‘about it / them’ rather than about an event taking place: See class notes

56 Sound bites in TV news stories should always be framed and shot in the ---- point of view. See class notes

57 According to John DeTarsio, while a news story is told by the action—whether it’s a death or murder scene or whatever, it’s the _______ that makes the story memorable. reaction

58 Civic Journalism suggests interviewing people in the middle on a story—the third voices—which will bring less heat and more ------ to your story, and instead of conflict we should look for the ----. Light / friction – also review related notes about ‘civic engagement’

59 PIO stands for Public Information Officer (in early video, Greg Liggins was referred to one)

60 stories are covered and how. In the 5-part video series about TV news, Bruce Land said one type of newsroom is ------ driven, while the other is ----- driven, as far as what stories are covered and how. See notes -- or videos are on Edit Station A or E

61 What did Linda Ellerbee say is ‘the absence of a question?’ in one of our early 5-part videos? See your notes -- or videos are on Edit Station A

62 ‘The wire ’ refers to primarily what U.S.-based cooperative news service? Associated Press

63 kind of organization and/or for what purpose? VNR stands for --- is produced by what kind of organization and/or for what purpose? Video news release / PR firm for free publicity

64 guideline? Having a ‘nat pop’ inside a story is best as an example of which visual storytelling guideline? See the textbook

65 The name for the type of lead that delays the climax, or essence of the news, until the very end of the story. See in-class handout -- and see other types of leads for similar test questions

66 If you have S/Bill on the video side of a TV script, the S/ is indicating that ----- See textbook -- this is a sample from the ‘script’ chapter

67 A high concentration of journalists from competing news organizations jammed into an area, each concerned primarily with his or her own interests. See textbook

68 One of the ‘elements of news’—it says news is what happens to important people, places or things. See early class notes and review other ‘elements of news’

69 An interview segment or sound from an event that is used as reaction and comment content in a TV news story. Sound bite

70 One of the natural consequences of editing is to convert ---- time to ---- time. See editing chapter

71 In sound as a transitional device, this technique allows incoming sound to be heard for a moment or two before the accompanying shot appears on-screen. See editing chapter

72 What two ways does the text say to monitor audio levels? See audio chapter

73 ENG stands for See textbook

74 A news videographer who gets run over while shooting in the middle of the road during a bicycle race has been careless while doing which of the ‘shooting tips’ discussed in our text? See the text

75 One of the first rules for writing television news is to reference your ------. video

76 it will appear on air. Before you can tell a story, you must decide the -----, which is a simple, vivid, declarative sentence expressing the heart and soul of the story as it will appear on air. See the text

77 See the course outline These are some samples of some of the content covered in the chapters from the beginning of the semester thru the mid- term. Anything else covered could be on the exam. These are some samples of some of the content covered in the chapters from the beginning of the semester thru the mid- term. Anything else covered could be on the exam.


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