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SBRI Celebration Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs April 4, 2006.

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1 SBRI Celebration Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs April 4, 2006

2 Severe malaria



5 FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3 - December 2005 p.2 MAP OF COUNTRIES REQUIRING URGENT EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE COUNTRIES REQUIRING URGENT EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE (Total: 27 countries) Since conditions can change rapidly, and published information may not always represent the most up-to-date basis for action, enquiries or corrections should be directed to Henri Josserand, Chief, Global Information and Early Warning Service (ESCG), FAO, Rome (Fax: 39-06-5705-4495, E-mail: GIEWS1@FAO.ORG). FAO/GIEWS - December 2005 --- Jeffrey D. Sachs Director, The Earth Institute at Columbia University 314 Low Library, MC 4327 535 West 116th Street New York, NY 10027 (212) 854-8704 (212) 854-8702 Fax FAO/GIEWS December 2005

6 THREE GREAT CHALLENGES Green Revolution Health Revolution Connectivity Revolution

7 GREEN REVOLUTION: Seed, Soils, Water, Climate, Pathogens


9 The Yield Gap Reported Grain yield levels Some observations from sub-Saharan Africa

10 Per Hectare Fertilizer Use by Markets 2002/03 (kg/ha)

11 Nutrient Mining in Agricultural Lands of Africa 1995–972002–04 kg/ha

12 HEALTH REVOLUTION: Infectious disease control, human resources, public awareness, logistics

13 Malaria Ecology Index

14 Sub-Saharan Africa has the Highest Prevalence of Nine Neglected Tropical Diseases ConditionCases in AfricaProportion of Global Burden in Africa Hookworm198 million27%-34% Ascariasis173 million14%-22% Schistosomiasis166 million89% Trichuriasis162 million20%-26% Trachoma 33 million40% Lymphatic Filariasis 46 million38% Onchocerciasis 18 million99% Trypanosomiasis 0.5 million100% Dracunculiasis<0.1 million100%

15 Geographic Overlap of Hookworm and Malaria


17 CONNECTIVITY REVOLUTION: Roads, rail, ports, telecommunications, internet

18 A Comparison of Railway Networks in Africa and India

19 THE ECONOMIC STRATEGY Rural Sector: Millennium Villages Urban Sector: Millennium Cities Demographic Transition

20 Rural Sector Community-led development through Millennium Villages

21 Millennium Research Villages






27 Urban Development Promote global competitiveness in urban areas Millennium Cities Project

28 Demographic Transition: Total Fertility Rate below 3.0 by 2015 Maternal empowerment, girls’ education, Child survival, contraceptive availability, Family planning

29 Sector ODA Per African Per Annum: Recommended versus Current Source: OECD DAC, 2003 Note: ODA net of Technical Cooperation


31 Science for the Poor: Financial model Access Ecological Specificity: health, agriculture, environment, energy The 90/10 Challenge SBRI


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