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TheMartianvisitorswillhavelandedbyThursday. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence Phrases Clauses adj n vvvprepn subject ---- predicate ---- prep. phrase one.

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Presentation on theme: "TheMartianvisitorswillhavelandedbyThursday. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence Phrases Clauses adj n vvvprepn subject ---- predicate ---- prep. phrase one."— Presentation transcript:

1 TheMartianvisitorswillhavelandedbyThursday. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence Phrases Clauses adj n vvvprepn subject ---- predicate ---- prep. phrase one independent clause, simple declarative sentence visitors the Martian will have landed by Thursday

2 Ourshipwashitbyaweakerbeam. pronn v v prepadj n subject--predicate-- ------prepositional phrase------ one independent clausea simple declarative sentence ship was hit Our by beam a weaker

3 Explosionsandcataclysmsrockedthenightthunderously. nnnconjvadjadv ----------subject---------- predicate direct object no phrases one independent clause, simple declarative sentence Explosions cataclysms and rocked night thunderously the

4 TheAndromedansattackedsavagely,andwefellback. adjnvadvconjpronvadv subjectpredicatesubjpred ----------independent clause---------------independent clause----- two independent clausesI,CCI – compound declarative sentence Andromedans the attacked savagely and wefell back

5 Everyplanethasamagneticfieldaroundit. adjnv npreppron subjectpredicate direct object prepositional one independent clause, a simple declarative sentence planet every has around it field a magnetic

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