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Review for the ACT and SAT Verbal Sections The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science By Jack L. Carter.

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3 Review for the ACT and SAT Verbal Sections The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science By Jack L. Carter

4 Abstract Sense Impressions Red Color Car Vehicle Transportation The Student’s Transportation is a red car. Line of Generality

5 Order Concept: Sentences are defined by order. The type of sentence in a paragraph is defined by the Line of Generality The ringing bell announced the end of class. The bell rings for the end of class. Senior rings arrived this morning. Adjective Verb Noun

6 Problem: Fill in the Blank Concepts General or Specific Descriptor, Subject, Objective, or Action Clue Words in Sentence How to test which words to eliminate Part of a word may indicate best choice Specific is often better than General, given a choice

7 E

8 C

9 B

10 Problem: Related Pairs Important Concepts Order of the words is crucial!!! Order is often in the form of General and Specific At issue is the RELATIONSHIP of both words. Try to eliminate as many answers as possible before you chose

11 E Concept: Drapery is made from fabric; therefore, drapery is more general Right Order; wrong relationship Wrong Order; wrong relationship Right Order; wrong relationship

12 Concept: Pineapple is a kind of fruit; therefore, Pineapple is more SPECIFIC. Right Order; wrong relationship C


14 Concept: A bungler LACKS finesse; therefore, bungler is GENERAL; finesse is SPECIFIC attribute of bungler. Correct order; no negation Correct order; no relationship C Correct order; negation

15 Concept: One answer is always the best wrong answer. The best wrong answer comes from a misreading of a word

16 Concept: Travail could be a descriptor for work, meaning difficult work. Notice how easy it would be to substitute TRAVEL for TRAVAIL. Work is GENERAL; travail specific. Same Level; no relationship Same Level; descriptor of travel Negation; same level Kind of; relationship Same level; reason for B

17 Interpretation of Passage Issues Introductory Material is IMPORTANT. Questions as for both STATED MATERIAL Answer can be found in text IMPLIED MATERIAL Reader must INFER or find a logical reason for one of the answers based on information given. Interpretation looks at different aspects General overall meanings or attitudes Specific meanings or attitudes Meaning of key words or concepts


19 At issue, equality of theory of development. Look for reversals and negations of initial idea.

20 Negation



23 Conclusion or summary Expansion

24 Concept: point of view is whole rather than a part. Therefore, answer cannot exclude parts of passage. Incomplete Possible Answer Incomplete Too General C

25 Specific Part in relatinship to whole Too General Inaccurate Incomplete B

26 Negation plus patterns: from which inference or reason Too General Too Specific B

27 Reference to interpretation of specific passage Too General One-sided; wrong side for question Too General Contradicts assertions in article C

28 Specific part of passage: calls for an inference however Too General Male side Too General C

29 Draw a conclusion but based on specific passage in text. Negation Incomplete; too general Irrelevant; too specific Too Specific A

30 Sentence Completion ISSUES: Best answer is required, not perfect answer; therefore, best might be obscure Check for key words that indicate Level of Generality Direction of passage: positive or negative Reversal in passage, which may change choice Word chosen for an answer must fit all of the sentence and not just part

31 Same level; no reversal D Same; reversal

32 Concept: a positive result grew from the contest; therefore, the two words must be positive and not be a reversal. Positive; no reversal Different level; reversal reversal A

33 Concept: Whole sentence must be taken into consideration. Consider Answer A and Answer E. While they mean approximately the same thing, one does not reflect the whole sentence. Levels ok, but direction Reversal; wrong direction Reversal; incorrect Same level; wrong idea Relationship; correct idea E

34 Concept: Process of elimination works best when a word is unusual or unknown or used in an unexpected manner. Blending is a positive action in this case. Inter--go between; not saw as join or blend Ex means against Anti means against Imitate means alike, not part of D

35 Further Concepts: Parts of Object Whole object Part of object Function of a material object Function of whole object Function of a part of the object Attitude Towards a thing Towards a person General attitude Causal Issues

36 Concept: Part of object relationship Another Part Function Object Part Whole Material Abstract Part E Relationship: Hinge holds up a door

37 Rare type: Answer is in same order and same level, but opposite concept adversityunlucky Negative situation superb Exemplary Ordinary Unusual divine courteous changing unchanging despairing unfortunate Positive situation Attitude Situation A

38 Comparison Reading Question

39 Writing Skills Questions Issues: Coherence: the order of the words in the sentence. Organization: the Order of Sentences in a Paragraph Mechanical Skills Punctuation Shifts in Point of View Person Number Tense Mood Voice

40 Writing Skills Questions Issues Continued: Misuse of parts of speech in various parts of the sentence The parts of the sentence Pronoun Reference Effective of Sentence Clear Use of specific words to describe Distinguish between GENERAL AND SPECIFIC Avoids trite phrases especially such phrases as There is It is This is Following is incomplete because of time limitations.

41 Concept: Incorrect Point of View

42 Shift in TENSE:

43 Spelling Infinitive: to gather

44 Wordy or imprecise: need coordinate: and

45 Shift in Point of View: Number

46 Some are Correct!

47 Shift in Point of View: Tense

48 Shift in Point of View: Mood

49 Agreement: Subject and Verb


51 Vague; too general; empty words

52 Reference: Agreement in Number

53 Infinitive Verb Mood Adjective Present participle

54 C

55 A Some are correct!!!

56 Parallelism



59 Qualifies Sentence 2 with details.

60 Major Grammatical Error: Comma Fault

61 Comparison and Contrast: Contrast

62 Point of View: Shift in Person

63 A

64 The End

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