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1) First put your books and notebooks down at your desk. 2) Next notice the blue paper(s) posted at each student work station. 3) Notice what is on the.

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Presentation on theme: "1) First put your books and notebooks down at your desk. 2) Next notice the blue paper(s) posted at each student work station. 3) Notice what is on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1) First put your books and notebooks down at your desk. 2) Next notice the blue paper(s) posted at each student work station. 3) Notice what is on the blue paper(s) (months for birthdays). 4) Go to the work station that is displaying your birth month WS 1: January and Feburary WS 2: March WS 3: April Corner WS: May WS 4: June WS 5: July WS 6: August WS 7: September WS 8: October and November Front WS: December Oct 15, 2014 Bell Work SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation

2 1 ) Discuss objectives, check bell work, tally results 2) Celebrate birthdays 3) Watch adaptations video, do activity at work stations Video link: Camel Adaptations-Video ClipCamel Adaptations-Video Clip 4) View and discuss notes about adaptations 5) (Time Permitting) Watch a Study Jam video about adaptations Take Out Your Agendas! HOMEWORK: Re-study and do over assignments (as needed) PLAN 2 SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation

3 Environments always change over time  So organisms, both plants and animals, must also change  Changing is called adapting (also called adaptation)  If an organism can not adapt to environmental changes they die  If too many of the organisms die, then the entire species will go extinct Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation Notes Instructions 1) First click on "View" from the top-menu bar. 2) Then click on "Slide Show" from the drop-down menu. 3) Then use the right-arrow button on your keyboard to advance through this presentation.

4 Tennessee SPI Objective: Analyze structural, behavioral, and physiological adaptations to predict which populations are likely to survive in a particular environment. Notes Science Essential Learning Students will analyze behavioral and structural adaptations that relate to species survival. Essential Question How do species adapt their behavior and their physical structure in order to survive? SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation

5 Yet millions of years ago Antarctica was further north and had a warm climate. Example: Antarctica is very cold and icy today since it is at the south pole Environments always change over time It moved south riding on a tectonic plate. As it moved the environment became colder.  So organisms must also change in order to survive.  One reason that environments change is due to the movement of tectonic plates. As the environment became colder, the plants and animals there had to adapt or die.  They change seasonally and sometimes for other reasons Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptations Notes This is called adapting

6 Millions of years ago Antarctica was further north and had a warmer climate. Environments always change over time It moved south riding on a tectonic plate. As it moved the environment became colder. Antarctica As the environment became colder, the plants and animals there had to adapt or die. Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation Notes

7 Environments always change over time It moved south riding on a tectonic plate. As it moved the environment became colder. Millions of years ago Antarctica was further north and had a warmer climate. Notice that it is moving southward As the environment became colder, the plants and animals there had to adapt or die. Antarctica Video Link: Tectonic Plate MovementTectonic Plate Movement Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation Notes

8  Another reason that environments change is due to the way the Earth orbits (revolves) the sun Sun Earth As the planet becomes hotter or colder, plants and animals must adapt or die. Example: In reoccurring cycles lasting thousands to millions of years, the Earth wanders either a bit further away or a bit closer to the sun as it orbits the sun. Environments always change over time When Earth orbits closer to the sun, the entire planet is warmer. When Earth orbits farther away from the sun, the entire planet gets colder. Distance As the distance increases or decreases between the Earth and the Sun, Earth becomes colder or hotter. Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation Notes

9  Another reason for this change is due to catastrophic events like volcanoes and/or objects striking the planet from space. Example: Volcanic eruptions can throw tons and tons of rock dust and smoke into the atmosphere creating gigantic clouds that block sunlight. This affects plants, and the animals that eat them. Both the plants and animals have to adapt or die. Environments always change over time Video Link: Volcanic EruptionVolcanic Eruption Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation Notes

10 Environments always change over time  Another reason for this change is due to catastrophic events like volcanoes and/or objects striking the planet from space. Example: When large asteroids strike the Earth tons of rock dust is thrown up into the atmosphere. These dust clouds block sunlight causing our planet to become colder. This affects plants, and the animals that eat them. They must adapt or die. Video Link: Asteroid Strike (In the Future?)Asteroid Strike (In the Future?) Video Link: Asteroid Strike (In the Past)Asteroid Strike (In the Past) Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation Notes

11 Quick Review Questions  What is one reason that environments change?  What is another reason that environments change?  What is another reason that environment change?  When environmental change occurs, what happens to the organisms that live in the environment?  What is extinction?  Is extinction rare or common?  Explain how humans are causing environmental change around the planet. Science SPI 0807.5.2 Adaptation

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