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National Nutrition Council 2015 1 st Semester Accomplishment Report as of 31 May 2015 2nd Management Conference 24 June 2015 NNC Board Room.

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Presentation on theme: "National Nutrition Council 2015 1 st Semester Accomplishment Report as of 31 May 2015 2nd Management Conference 24 June 2015 NNC Board Room."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Nutrition Council 2015 1 st Semester Accomplishment Report as of 31 May 2015 2nd Management Conference 24 June 2015 NNC Board Room

2 NNC 2015 1 st Sem Accomplishment as of 31 May 2015 Program/Project/ Activities FY 2015 Target Accomplishment 2 nd Qtr1 st Sem%2 nd Qtr % 1 st Sem MFO 1: Nutrition Management Policy Services 36103427.894.4 MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program 9 4,74676,99279,04781.383.4 Total of MFO 1 + MFO 2 94,782 77,00279,08181.2 83.4 % Accomplishment = (Qtr or Sem Accomplishment/Annual Target)*100

3 NNC 2015 1 st Sem Accomplishment as of 31 May 2015 Program/Project/ Activities FY 2015 Target Accomplishment 2 nd Qtr1 st Sem%2 nd Qtr% 1 st Sem MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nut Program 9 4,74676,99279,04781.283.4 Performance Indicator 1: Assistance to Local Nutrition Programs 94,02476,88378,84281.783.8 Performance Indicator 2: Public information Service 72210920515.128.4 % Accomplishment = (Qtr or Sem Accomplishment/Annual Target)*100

4 NNC 2015 1 st Sem Accomplishment vs. Annual target as of 31 May 2015 PPA No. of indica tors Accomplishment 90% & above70 - 89%50 – 69%Below 50% No % % % % MFO 1 23730.4521.71147.8 MFO 217529.415.9423.5741.2 PI 110514 PI 2 7 133 Overall 40 1230.012.5922.51845.0

5 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 1: Nutrition Management Policy Services 1 st Sem Targets: Almost completed (90% - above) 25 out of 27 Policies of RNC/RSDC/RDC NET validation visits to 12 CROWN areas 14 regions completed RET MELLPI & BNS evaluation 1 IPC chronic food insecurity analysis report of Mindanao 5 databases (e.g. OPT Plus, nutrition human resources, local nutrition committees w/ NAPs, functional LNCs, LGUs adopting CGS) Maintenance of NNC Website and social account

6 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program PI 1. Assistance to local nutrition program 1 st Sem Targets: Almost completed (90% - above) Service award for 304 long-serving BNS 5,397 Local NAPs validated/evaluated

7 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program PI 2. Public Information Service 1 st Sem Targets: Almost completed (90% - above) 4 National Conference of BNSs Trainings on NPM for new nutrition workers w/ nutrition planning workshop 16 Regional media campaign ongoing implementation 25 maintained Nutriskwela Community Radio Stations

8 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program PI 2. Public Information Service 1 st Sem Targets: Partially done (70-89%) 34 of 48 episodes produced and aired for “Radyo Mo sa Nutrisyon”; new season to start 26 June

9 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 1: Nutrition Management Policy Services 1 st Sem Targets: Partially done (50-69%) NSIP Strategic Plan 2011-2016 7 of 12 RNC Strategic Plans updated Supplementary Feeding Guidelines ongoing revision Updated PPAN Monitoring and Evaluation System 3 out of 6 NNC Technical Committee Meetings TWG meetings (i.e. NSIP, SF, CGS, Nutrition Cluster)

10 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program PI 2. Public Information Service 1 st Sem Targets: Partially done (50-69%) 9 of 17 batches on Basic Course for BNS 27 of 48 episodes produced and aired of “Katumbas ay Biyaya” Airing of nutrition messages by 35 Nutriskwela community radio stations

11 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 1: Nutrition Management Policy Services 1 st Sem Targets: Below 50% Policies for approval by NNC GB a. Finalized Updated PPAN 2014-2016 b. Revised PPAN results matrix 2011-2016 c. Revised ASIN Law IRR d. Magna Carta of BNS e. Policy on tools on Food Security PPAN Investment Plan, 2011-2016 Strategic plan for capacity building on NPM at all levels 2015-2016 Strategic plan for the PFNSS 2012-2016

12 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 1: Nutrition Management Policy Services 1 st Sem Targets: Below 50% Strategic plan on mandatory food fortification 2014-2016 Strategic plan on nutrition emergencies 2014-2016 PPAN Research Agenda 2014-2016 PPAN Legislative Agenda 2014-2016 Guidelines on: a. Integrating gender perspectives in nutrition policies, plans and programs b. Revised policy guide on nutrition in emergencies

13 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 1: Nutrition Management Policy Services 1 st Sem Targets: Below 50% Management of NNC & other structure for policy formulation at national level (except 7 of 13 National Nutrition Cluster meetings) 20 of 64 RNC meetings 25 of 64 RTWG meetings 10 of 74 mtgs Regional Nutrition Cluster

14 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program PI 1. Assistance to local nutrition program 1 st Sem Targets: Below 50% 3,372 of 11,200 BNSs provided with travelling allowance Members of local NC participating in local nutrition planning workshop from Region 8 and CARAGA Members of national & regional federations of NAOs, D/CNPCs, BNSs Representatives of NGOs for nutrition

15 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) MFO 2: Technical Support Services for the Nutrition Program PI 2. Public Information Service 1 st Sem Targets: Below 50% Training on PGN including IYCF Orientation of pregnant women through Buntis Congress Various training modules, manuals & syllabus

16 Strengths Now ISO 9001:2008 certified! (Congratulations to all) ◦Journey to ISO led to documentation of core procedures and instituted a system of audits and process improvement High (97% and 91% ) satisfaction rating from client feedback Strong commitment to quality service; Committed human resource

17 Strengths Recognized leader, authority and partner in nutrition ◦Recipient of various media awards, eg Gandingan, Pantar (DZRH) and other recognition ◦Sought after partner for nutrition projects (WHO, FAO, UNICEF) ◦New designations/assignments for NNC ◦New visits (33,694, 31.7% inc) and page views (92,015, 17% inc) in NNC website And more…. NPCs to discuss Friday for additional inputs

18 Areas for improvement Low budget utilization in some regions Sorting of records and disposal of inactive documents Procurement process (requisitioning to distribution) Need to fasttrack policy formulation activities Need to regularly monitor and report NNC performance along training evaluation, IECs, client satisfaction with trainings, IEC materials and behavior change Others? (NPCs to meet also on this)

19 Challenges NNC Role in ECCD plus other “new” activities ISO increased documentation and human requirements from NNC Stakeholders focused on respective APCRs Any more? …..

20 Challenges Indicator2015 Target % Accom. % overall accomplishment (at least 90% for all 3 PIs) of MFOs 1 &2) ≥9083.4 (30 May) % Obligation Rate % Budget Utilization Rate6643.5% (15 June) % P/C/M implementing quality nutrition programs 7267% % Households consuming adequate diets 3290.3% (FNRI, 2013) % Stakeholders rating NNC assistance as satisfactory or better 8591%, 97% (CO and ROs)

21 NNC 2015 Accomplishment Report 1 st Semester (as of 31 May 2015) Action Requested: 3 July 2015 – Deadline for submission of CO and RO accomplishments for the 2 nd qtr (including month of June) Indicate in submissions ratings for % client satisfaction, training evaluation, etc

22 Thank you! Email: Visit us: Like us: Tel. no.: 843.0142, 818.7398, 843.5818

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