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Open House Mrs. McLaughlin & Mrs. Tulowitzki

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1 Open House Mrs. McLaughlin & Mrs. Tulowitzki
Chartiers Valley Intermediate School Third Grade

2 Behavioral Expectations
Classroom Rules Rewards and Consequences Follow directions the first time given. Raise your hand if you have something to say. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Use your manners: say “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome.” Work hard and always do your best. Choices Clip chart (flexible) CAT slips (Caught Acting Terrific) / Terrific tickets Good work habits

3 Self-directed Learners
Manage impulsivity Be persistent Think about their thinking (metacognitive thinking) Strive for accuracy Communicate with clarity and precision Apply past knowledge to new situations Gather data through all senses Respond with wonderment Questioning Think interdependently Remain open to continuous learning

4 Communication Platforms of Communication
Important Information (Separate note) Newsletters or Phone calls Tracker Website Excuse for absence Change in mode of transportation Deposit of money into account If possible, please include name and account number with the money in a sealed envelope.

5 Homework Homework assignments will be recorded daily in the tracker by the students. The teachers will initial each homework assignment at the end of class to ensure the correct recording of work. After homework has been completed and reviewed at home, we ask that the parents please sign or initial the bottom of the tracker.

6 English Language Arts English Language Arts teacher is Mrs. Tulowitzki (room 146) Includes reading, writing, and spelling The English Language Arts subjects account for two hours of the school day.

7 Reading Materials - Red reading folder which will house all reading materials needed for a particular lesson - Red reading notebook in which class notes will be recorded - ELA binder which will be used as a resource throughout the year - The Chartiers Valley School District uses the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pennsylvania Journeys series as a resource, as well as a variety of other materials. - The reading anthology can be accessed online at Components of Reading - Word work (includes decoding, phonics, and phonemic awareness, etc.) - Vocabulary (the meaning of words) - Comprehension (the understanding of what is read) Accelerated Reader - The children will take a Star Reading Assessment quarterly. - Each child will receive a reading level and a reading range from which they should select their reading material. (“Just right” books for each student.) This information will be recorded in each student’s tracker quarterly. - The students will take AR quizzes in school on the AR books they read. The results will be graphed.

8 *** Writing across all subjects ***
Materials - Blue writing folder will house writing pieces the children are working on - Blue writing notebook will be used for class notes and assignments - ELA binder will be used as a resource throughout the year - Green and red pens will be used for different stages of the writing process Purposes for Writing - Narrative - Compare / Contrast - Opinion - Informative (Presentation on a topic researched) Writing Process - Prewrite, draft, revise, proofread, and publish Rubrics Scoring rubrics will be used to score the children’s writing samples *** Writing across all subjects ***

9 Spelling Spelling Words Spelling Assessments
Spelling is the encoding of words. Spelling words will usually reflect a specific encoding skill or strategy. At times spelling words may be related to a particular subject or topic. The lesson’s spelling words will be located on the Focus Wall, written in the tracker, and a list will be housed in the “study” side of the student’s red folder. The children are expected to study their spelling words and/or apply the skill/strategy at hand nightly to reinforce learning. The children will take a spelling pre- assessment at the start of the lesson or unit. If a child scores 100% on the pre-assessment, that score will be recorded in my gradebook. He/she will not take the post-assessment. Practicing of the skill involved is expected and assignments will be issued as deemed appropriate. If a child does not score 100% on the pre- assessment, he or she will be expected to study the spelling words and take the post- assessment on the day specified. Nightly practice and assignment will be issued as deemed appropriate.

10 Mathematics The children’s Mathematics teacher is Mrs. McLaughlin (room 147). The math series implemented in the Chartiers Valley School District is Math Expressions Common Core by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (consumable book). The children have access to their math textbook online at The children are expected to have mastered their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts by the end of third grade. Please practice until the children can recall these facts with automaticity.

11 Content Area Subjects Social Studies Science
National Geographic Series Physical Science Life Science Earth Science Supplemental Science Kits Concepts Covered Geography Communities / Careers Constitution and Government American History Current Events

12 Evaluations and Assessments
A variety of resources will be used to assess the students throughout the year. These measures are used to evaluate their understanding, identify academic levels of achievement, and provide information for differentiated instruction and/or interventions. These measures may include: - Lesson/unit assessments - Classwork and projects - Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (Dibels) - Star Reading assessments - Accelerated Reading assessments - Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)

13 Interventions Meeting the needs of all children
The school has implemented a Response to Intervention and Instruction program (RtII). (MtSS – Multi-tiered System of Support) - Reading -Mathematics An RtII block of time is included in our daily schedule. Small group instruction occurs to meet the needs of all students specifically in the areas of reading and mathematics (in the areas of corrections, reinforcement, and enrichment).

14 Closing Notes Thank you for attending tonight’s Open House at Chartiers Valley Intermediate School. Please tour our classroom and enjoy seeing where your children learn every day. All special area classrooms and the cafeteria are open for your pleasure. Please sign up for a parent – teacher conference time. Enjoy your visit!

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