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Part 6: Simple, poor beginnings On 8 September 1823 the Congregation of Mary began in Cerdon with the two life-long friends from Coutouvre living in a.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 6: Simple, poor beginnings On 8 September 1823 the Congregation of Mary began in Cerdon with the two life-long friends from Coutouvre living in a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 6: Simple, poor beginnings On 8 September 1823 the Congregation of Mary began in Cerdon with the two life-long friends from Coutouvre living in a borrowed room. Their Account Book shows that they had a few chairs and benches, a wardrobe, a clock, a stove, a table and beds; some crockery and kitchen utensils, and a few provisions: fire wood, grain, wine and flour. Within a month they needed to move into their first residence – where they were joined by Marie Gardet, niece of Marie Jotillon. They rented two rooms to which they had access from an outside staircase.

2 ..with ups and downs… Years later Jeanne-Marie liked to recall how poor they were and used to say that the landlord’s horse was better housed than the first sisters. Yet they were extremely happy – so much so that one of the young village girls used to love to sit on the step of their staircase and take in the atmosphere of that little community. She joined them later when her parents considered her old enough. In the meantime, the first person to join the little community was Jeanne-Marie’s first cousin from Gresle. As it happened she was quite a difficult person and found it hard at first to get used to community life. However, the example and loving patience of the others had a wonderful effect on her.

3 … marked by love and joy During those first six months, Jeanne-Marie became very ill and almost died. The little group did all they could to care for her and they prayed with all their hearts. In spite of the doctor’s concerns, she recovered. Soon it was decided to move into a second residence – perhaps because of the damp around the house and to allow for more members, as they quickly grew to 10. These young girls left quite comfortable homes to come to the poor rooms rented from a landlady who was very unkind to the sisters. They were attracted by the sisters’ joyful and loving ways and by their simple life style – praying, doing good for those who needed help and sewing to make their living.

4 A Special Day! On 8 December 1824 the villagers crowded into the parish church of Cerdon to witness the first official ceremony of the Society of Mary. The first novices were about to be received in the women’s branch of the society. They would put on a habit, the special clothing of the congregation, and they would be given a religious name. Three priests were present: the two Fathers Colin – Pierre, parish priest,and his brother, Jean-Claude, as well as Fr Etienne Déclas.

5 Part 7 of the Jeanne-Marie Chavoin Story will be published in January Before the three priests stood nine women – Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, Marie Jotillon, Marie’s niece, Jeanne-Marie’s cousin and five girls from Cerdon families, including the one who used to sit on the step. A tenth candidate was too ill to be present and was received in her own home later. Jeanne-Marie Chavoin having been chosen as leader of the little group took up her role under the name of Mother St Joseph. All consecrated themselves before this statue of the Blessed Virgin, as it was Mary whom they considered as their real leader.

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