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What Does it Mean? AP: Institute a Foot-Washing Ceremony? (IL: Bretheren) No: JC=Explains How Love Works (Jn.13= “Luv Chapter”) John 13:34-35 So now I.

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Presentation on theme: "What Does it Mean? AP: Institute a Foot-Washing Ceremony? (IL: Bretheren) No: JC=Explains How Love Works (Jn.13= “Luv Chapter”) John 13:34-35 So now I."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Does it Mean? AP: Institute a Foot-Washing Ceremony? (IL: Bretheren) No: JC=Explains How Love Works (Jn.13= “Luv Chapter”) John 13:34-35 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” JC=A Radical, Spiritual, Emotional Reversal: New xperience, new hearts, new OUTLOOK/new DAY JC= “Swim..against the Currents..Culture” NOT a Loving Culture: cold, “business”, $$, war, divorces,brutal murders, rape, theft, etc. We’re OBLIVIOUS to it = DENIAL U & I are NOT Loving: Scarred, Hateful, Vengeful, Guarded & COLD USE Ppl, Manipulate, LIE, Steal ?? Can Explain WHY my Life/Family = Messed Up? We Get AMBUSHED: we ALL Know What That’s Like

2 God’s Solution/Msg: “LOVE!” =Insanely Simple: “Love…Like ME!” ~a RULE Book (Hv Enuff Rules..~Work!) “NEW Commandment” = “NT” / “Gospel” Gal.5:14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." INGENIOUS: Just ONE WORD! Yet ~TRITE Solution Every1 KNOWS w/o Luv, it’s all Useless & Meaningless Lonely =Suicide / Drugs / Depressed / FAIL @Life 1Co.13:3 “Without Love, I am nothing.” = G’s Msg THUS: “You will be HAPPY IF you love” = G’s Promise: Happy=Fulfilled All R Efforts 2b Happy/~b Depressd/Stability =Quest 4 Love Feelings R Biggest Failures/Pain/Regret =FAILING @the Quest: ~Feel Lovd/Apprec. IL: Gamers=Hi Energy/ “Happy” Until ‘Game Ovr’ = EMPTY ROOM/Alone

3 JC: “Love..Like ME!” “I=Example” Loving G’s Wy, ~My “Old, Loser Wy” =Confidence/Authority =U R Signif, Important, Respected, LOVED John 13:1 …He loved them to the end. = ~Shaken, ~Disoriented, ~VICTIM 1Co.8 “Love NEVER Fails” =G’s Promise / = Timeless FACT: Walls Exist, etc. Yet R Xperience ~Fit That: “I=Struggle w/ Failure..” Why? JC=Has Confidence= Love AUTHORTY John 13:3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going back to God, got up and [THEN washed their feet] = KNEW Where He Was Coming FROM & Going TO R Xperience=INSECURE/Confused/ GUILT & Failure DIFF=Redemptv Luv (We= ‘Defensive Luv’= Insecure) “Redeem”=Salvage/Help/Build In2 “Lost Causes” IL: RV aftr Accid ‘Defensv’=Protect/Guard Against ‘Lost Causes’ = CONDITIONAL: ?What do I Get??

4 Redemptive Love Means… 1.Vastly Diff frm R Love =Why ‘Luving’ ~On r Radar \ =Frustr/Fail/Fumble/Stun R Obsess= “How R U Loving ME?”, ~ “Me loving you…” AP: Acknowl: “I=Stinky Feet” = “I ~UNDRST” Nd 2 “Draw Close..” \ “Seek/Ask/Knock”=“Help!” ~Mix & Match Defensv & Redmptive = #1 Rsn Xians Fail \ “I Know…[the RULES]” =IMMITATE JC’s Luv w/o CARING We= Legalists/Judge: Self-Right,Self-Import =PROUD: “G=Opposed..proud” IL: Peter= “I’m OK..” but w/ FOOT DISEASE! JC: “U Nd ME 2 Fix U” AP: Get 2 Know JC =Talk,Read,Follw ~Fake It: ‘Defensv’=Fruitless, Useless, Selfish, ~Signif, ~Respectbl 2 Mny Xians=‘ Rule-Book Xianity ’ Req: CREATING Arbit. Rules Self-Right/ “Gud Little Xian” ~Impress,~Fool Any1 JC: “” \ How’s Ur Luv Relat? 2.“Lost Cause” ~Exist \ JC=Committed! “Luvd them to the End” =12 Losers! SELFISH! “I=Lost Cause” \ JC: “Luk @MY Love, ~Ur Luv” U Phil.1:6 Only 1 Crit 4 JC’s Help: BE DIRTY ! “I ~Come 2 save..righteous..but dirty feet!” AP: b Hopeful/~WriteOff/Optimistic/ ~Nasty/~Legalistic

5 PRACTICAL Redemptive Love Means… 3.Engaged v. Detached/Aloof=REAL SACRIF! \ ~Jst ‘Sacrif’ WOG: “I ~desire sacrif, but compassion” Defensv Luv=Frm a Distance =PRETEND 2b “Interestd” \ ~Invest HRT, ~Care Immature Xian= ‘EZ Sacrif’ \ IL: Take Out Trash.. ~Chng 5 yrs Latr JC=Gets Down & Dirty (Lit!) Foot Issues=Persnl/Embarrass JC=Intrusive, ~Superfic “HaHa/YukYuk” JC=Breaks ‘USA Rules’ – “ ~Dirty Laundry” =BOUNDARIES Ppl=Get PISSD \ IL: PETER \ &Ppl r GRATEFUL \ IL: 1,2 Peter AP: b Interestd In Tastes/Music/Events/Past/Family, etc. Sacrif= Suspend Ur Interests/Pains/Anxieties IL: JC ‘Forgot’ Cross ~Like “Me Man”=J.Hewlett: “Reminds me..” =Show-Off @CG

6 PRACTICAL Redemptive Love Means… 4.Cleaning v. Criticizing (=Ezest & Most USELESS) JC=Cleaned, ~Rebuke Disc “You PIGS!” =Constructv, Helpful, INSTRUCTIVE Older Xians=FORGET, EXPECT 2 Much=DEMAND =Having the GUTS 2 Say, “Your Feet Stink” ~ “Sweet” / Sentimental / ~ “I Care…”=Hypocrisy! ~Laff b-Hind Back / “Tsk, Tsk, Tsk…” IL: IP w/BO Everywh=Dirty Feet! ALL r Interactions=1 Purp: to CLEAN/Build AP: Rebukes from Backlash/Judge in2 HELP Sacrifice=Thinking/Praying/Investing/CARING Sacrifice=Taking Chances/Scary AP: Cut yourself off from ur “Base” ie, UN-Learn Your Old Relationship Sacrif=CIRCUMSPECTION

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