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THE CRIMINAL COURT SYSTEM The Participants. BURDEN OF PROOF  2 Fundamental Principles: Accused is innocent until proven guilty. Guilt must be proved.

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2 BURDEN OF PROOF  2 Fundamental Principles: Accused is innocent until proven guilty. Guilt must be proved beyond reason doubt.

3 THE JUDGE  Controls admission of evidence  Controls the trial  Instructs jury  Sentences the convicted person  “Trier of law”

4 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE  Has less authority than a judge.  Can issue arrest warrants, search warrants, bail hearings.

5 THE ACCUSED  The person charged with committing a criminal offence.  Often called the defendant

6 COUNSEL  Duty Counsel – lawyer on duty in police station or courtroom who gives free advice to the person just arrested.  Defence Counsel – the lawyer who represents the accused on trial. Public defender will help those who cannot afford a lawyer.

7 THE PROSECUTION  Crown Attorney (Prosecutor) – the lawyer who represents the government

8 WHO ELSE MIGHT BE AT THE TRIAL?  Court Clerk – Assists the judge  Court Reporter – types everything said in the court  Transcript – typed record of every said in the court  Court Security officer – maintains security in the court  Sheriff – manages the jury  Bailiff – assist the sheriff

9 THE WITNESSES  Witnesses give evidence under oath.  Subpoenas are court documents requiring the witness to appear in court on a certain date. (in Pineapple Express, Seth Rogen delivered subpoenas as a job)  Perjury – knowingly making false statements in court while under oath. Perjury is serious – so serious it could put you in jail for 14 years.

10 THE JURY  A jury is a group of 12 men or women chosen by the crown and the defense counsel. They will decide, beyond a reasonable doubt, whether or not the accused is guilty. Their decision must be unanimous.

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