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ACE AFT 6554 Political Action Committee.  To elect WVMCCD Trustees who are pro- public education, pro-faculty and staff, and represent the diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "ACE AFT 6554 Political Action Committee.  To elect WVMCCD Trustees who are pro- public education, pro-faculty and staff, and represent the diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACE AFT 6554 Political Action Committee

2  To elect WVMCCD Trustees who are pro- public education, pro-faculty and staff, and represent the diversity of our student population.

3  District enrollment: _________________  Enrollment has declined and feeder schools have fewer graduates in some HS districts (per DEMC institutional researchers)  ACE AFT 6554 has approximately 750 members  300 full time  450 part time  1 st raise in 7 years eaten away by health care costs  Full and Part-time salaries lowest in Bay 10  Especially difficult to hire and maintain part-time faculty  Community funded via local property tax dollars  $25,000,000 - $30,000,000 surplus (must be confirmed)  Reserves constitute approximately 30% of total budget  Conservative board that mostly listens to District Administration

4 2Pk

5  Area 1: Karl Watanabe  Area 2: Bob Owens  Area 4: Steve Landau (just filled vacated seat on 11/17/15)  Area 6: Adrienne Gray  Very supportive of faculty and staff and improving CC access, though feels frustrated by current BOT dynamics; would greatly benefit by having another ally on the BOT  Served as campaign manager for Anne Kepner (2014)

6  Area 3: Jack Lucas  Area 5: Anne Kepner  Very supportive of faculty and staff and improving CC access; former PAC members contributed to her campaign and helped canvass; beat Pete Constant 59% to 41%  Area 7: Chad Walsh

7  Link to WVMCCD web page

8  Recruit 10-12 ACE AFT Political Action Committee members  Representatives from BOTH colleges  Must be current contributors to ACE AFT PAC (required by formation document filed with California Secretary of State, July, 2014)  Variety of talents and interests  Willing to meet once per month, alternating campuses ▪ Day and time TBD  One half day retreat in January ▪ Produce detailed campaign plan and revise formation document to reflect CFT affiliation, other issues

9  Recruit Trustee Candidates for Areas 1, 2 and 4  Work with partners  South Bay Labor Council—our primary resource  Other local CFT CC’s such as San Jose City/Evergreen CCD ▪ ID their members who reside in AREAS 1, 2, 4  Local elected officials, e.g. Evan Low, Jim Beall  Santa Clara County Democratic Party  Retired WVMCCD Faculty

10  Internal Coalition  Membership Outreach ▪ Training at Steward Council meetings re. one:one conversations re. importance of upcoming elections and volunteer mobilization  Classified Staff ▪ Attend classified staff union meetings to establish relationships/ID leaders  Students ▪ Attend student government meetings at both colleges to establish relationships/ID leaders  Retired WVMCCD faculty members ▪ Assist in their organization—database, link with ACTION NETWORK

11  Form ties with external coalition members to identify campaign volunteers and activists  South Bay Labor Coalition ▪ Suggestions (based upon shared issues) ▪ Santa Clara County Democratic Party ▪ Black Lives Matter ▪ Affordable Housing Coalition ▪ ▪ Others….

12  Hold happy hour/function (s) with BOT Candidates for Areas 1, 2 and 4  Invite members, classified, local elected officials, students and retired faculty, and external coalition members AND MEDIA!  Social Media campaign includes photos, videos and highlights of function  1:1 conversations to ensure turnout and ACE AFT PAC drive

13  BBQ Meet and Greet for BOT Candidates, ACE AFT members, other SBLC activists and sister CFT members  Invite media  Social media blitz

14  Executive Board and Steward council phone banking to our members; ACE AFT PAC phone banking to student government leaders, retired faculty and classified staff to secure campaign volunteers for:  Phone banking at SBLC  Canvassing for Areas 1, 2 and 4

15  Incentives for campaign volunteers  Raffle drawing for those who volunteer at least 4 times for phone banking or canvassing  Variety of food at phone banks and staging areas  Engaging and inspiring volunteers  Invite local elected officials for pep-talks  Visits by BOT Candidates  Follow up with debrief and thank you calls after phone bank/canvassing shifts

16  Last week of campaign  Finish last weekend of phone banking/canvassing  Recognize volunteers with thank you calls, emails and raffle prizes  November 8, 2016  VICTORY PARTY!!

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