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A New Kind of Quest: CultureQuest Dr. Sheila Offman Gersh City College of New York Esther Feffer – President S.T.C

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1 A New Kind of Quest: CultureQuest Dr. Sheila Offman Gersh City College of New York Esther Feffer – President S.T.C

2 CultureQuest projects are: inquiry-based investigations of other peoples and cultures that are rooted in student questions and based upon student interests

3 CultureQuest Projects may: Focus on foreign cultures Focus on your country’s culture and/or subcultures Focus on the diverse cultural heritages of the students Compare and contrast any of the above.

4 Greek Holiday Foods

5 CultureQuest Goals To promote knowledge and appreciation of other peoples and cultures. To foster understanding and appreciation of one’s own culture and cultural heritage. To enhance enthusiasm, interest and motivation for school.

6 CultureQuest Goals To promote authentic, creative and better school work. To strengthen technology skills. To increase literacy, inquiry and research skills. To provide a model for technology integration.

7 literature art music history government religion language everyday life customs & traditions Values, beliefs and behavior WHAT APECTS OF CULTURE ARE EXAMINED?

8 Music in Russia

9 CULTUREQUEST PROJECTS MAY RELATE TO OTHER DISCIPLINES Social Studies Music, Dance, Performing Arts Art Science Math Economics Geography

10 Environment Impact of Fishing in Spain

11 21 ST Century Model of Education L L E L L E LLL E L P LL LLEL

12 Technology Skills Access Internet resources for the study of culture. Promote communication with students and experts in the target country (ePals). Internet Basics --searching, evaluating Web sites, use of proper citation, appropriate and ethical use policies, etc. Teaching with the Internet Creating Concept Maps (ex. Inspiration— Creation of an educational Web site.

13 Related CultureQuest Skills Academic Reading Technology Internet Use Learning Styles Problem Solving Culture Appreciation of Diversity and Multi- culturalism WritingComputer Skills Research Skills Acting as Cultural Informant Music, Art, Literature Web Site Design CreativityKnowledge of Another Culture History, geography Presentation & Graphics CollaborationKnowledge of American and own Culture

14 CultureQuest Pedagogy Student- Centered ConstructivistProject-BasedAuthentic OwnershipInterdisciplinaryInquiry-BasedCollaborative Teacher as Facilitator MulticulturalStandards- Based Real Audiences for Work Multiple Intelligences Humanistic and Caring Students as Workers Product/Action

15 The CultureQuest Process Decide on target culture Brainstorm what students know about the culture Brainstorm what students want to know about the culture Cover the core areas with whole class

16 The CultureQuest Process (cont’d) Use to find classrooms Students communicate with counterparts using e-mail on Divide students into small groups by interest area u s i n g e - m a i l o n e P a l s. c o m D i v i d e s t u d e n t s i n t o s m a l l g roups by interest area

17 In Gathering Information about the Culture: Use books and library resources Use Internet resources Explore resources in own city/community Museums People (oral history) Visit neighborhoods (shops, restaurants, etc.) Cultural Centers E-mail to students and/or adult experts

18 Final Products Class creates Web site with general information and links to group projects Other multimedia products: PowerPoint HyperStudio Digital stories with stills and videos

19 Countries Participating in CQ (besides the US) Australia Chile India Israel Japan Spain Sweden

20 A Project about Tourism in Dominican Republic

21 Culturequest in Israel The first Israeli CultureQuest project will be done at the Bialik School in Holon,. Holon city is known for her investments and achievement in education, With assistance from the Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv, teachers and students will receive the training and assistance to plan and carry out the project. Three schools will do a CultureQuest,. Looking at the project from the perscpective of Arab students, Religious Jewish Students and Secular Jewish. The schools include the assistance of 3 teachers colleges: El Kasimi- in Balka in El Garbis Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv Academic Talpiyot (Jerusalem)

22 Culturequest in Israel Acre (Acco) city 2 schools will do a CultureQuest project based on the theme “ I am proud of my city, that ‘s why I like others cities. Looking at the Acco City from the perscpective of Arab students, and Secular Jewish. The Arab school El Amal will do the CQ in Arabic Gordon the Jwish school will do CQ in Hebrew at the end they will compare the CQ. They will have the assistance of : El Kasimi- Arab college for teachers Academic Arabic College of Education in Haifa, Municipality, Ministry of Education – Dr Nimer Baaya Students in both cities will have a dialogue about their city and create a project. In addition to the websites, students will also create huge posters of their town.

23 Culturequest in Israel Hod Hasharon – Two 5th grade Hebrew classes in Hod Hasharon Reut school will do a CultureQuest project about “60 Years of Israel”, reflecting the history of Israel through posters, coins (have changed several times), people, etc. The end project will be websites in Hebrew and posters.


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