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 OBSERVE  Who created this primary source?  When was it created?  Where does your eye go first?  REFLECT  What was happening during this time period?

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Presentation on theme: " OBSERVE  Who created this primary source?  When was it created?  Where does your eye go first?  REFLECT  What was happening during this time period?"— Presentation transcript:

1  OBSERVE  Who created this primary source?  When was it created?  Where does your eye go first?  REFLECT  What was happening during this time period?  What was the creator’s purpose in making this primary source?  What does the creator do to get his or her point across?  What was this primary source’s audience?  QUESTION  What do you see that you didn’t expect?  What powerful words and ideas are expressed?  What questions does it raise?


3  Propose how U.S. history may have evolved differently if this map was not created.  All nations have laws to protect their antiquities. Why did the German government permit the Waldseemüller Map, World 1507 to come to the Library of Congress?

4  desc.php?rec=4060

5 Today’s LEQ: What encouraged European exploration during the 1400s and 1500s?

6  Between 1400 & 1700, a new world opened up for Europe  Voyages to new lands led to colonization, wealth, power, & the diffusion of goods & ideas

7  The Three G’s:  Gold  Glory  God

8  Gold = hot item explorers were looking for but it’s really wealth they were after  Europeans also desired spices  Other natural resources would come to be sold for profit as well  timber, sugar, tobacco, ivory, etc.

9  This competition was enhanced by the idea of mercantilism – a nation’s strength depends on its wealth  More money = better military  Fixed amount of wealth

10  The Renaissance fostered humanism – explorers hoped a great discovery would bring honor to their names; kings wanted glory for their country  Printing press made this possible The Triumph of Fame, a Flemish tapestry from 1502.

11  After the Reformation, competition springs up among Christian sects  Colonization & missionary work became a race to convert native peoples to a particular brand of Christianity

12  Advances in technology made the Age of Exploration possible  Navigational technology like the compass and astrolabe allowed sailors to plot courses even when out of sight of land  The caravel was a light, fast sailing ship that was easily maneuverable and could be armed

13  1 st to encourage new explorations was Prince Henry of Portugal, known as “Prince Henry the Navigator”  Started an institute for seafaring and exploring  Combined ship technology learned from Islam with new European innovations

14  Using pages 74-75 in your textbook, map the voyages of Portugal (purple) and Spain (blue)  On the back of your map, list each explorer and explain the significance of their voyages

15  During the 1500s, a new type of economic policy called mercantilism was developed  A nation’s strength depended on its wealth

16  Wealth could be built in two ways:  Extract gold and silver from mines at home or in its colonies  Create a favorable balance of trade - sell more than you purchase from other countries ▪ Subsidies ▪ Tariffs ▪ Colonization

17  Towns and cities grew as business activity increased  New class of wealthy merchants emerged  Most people remained poor

18  During the 1500s and 1600s, new economic system known as capitalism emerged  Economic activity is operated by private individuals or organizations  Profit seeking  Wealthy merchants willing to invest in new business ventures

19  Prices rise  Growing population = scarcity of goods  Increase in European money supply  Joint-stock companies emerge  Individual business ventures are too costly  Investors pool their money together and buy shares of companies  If the company achieves a profit, shareholders receive portion of profit depending on how many shares they own; If the company fails, investors only lose the money they invested


21  Prepare a pitch to deliver to a financier whom you’re trying to convince to pay for your voyage.

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