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Integrating AVID and PBIS

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating AVID and PBIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating AVID and PBIS
Erin Jones, Tacoma PS Lori Lynass, Sound Supports

2 Getting to know who's here
Circle Activity

3 Example: I Am From Poem I am from white and black, a mother and father who were not allowed to keep me because of the skin color their union created. I am from being given to an adoption agency in Minnesota to being chosen and raised by the Adamsons in Holland. I am from working class parents, community college in the middle of nowhere, to living among the wealthy and meeting royalty. I am from music and athletics and academics, all taking me across the world in my youth. I am from motherhood and career woman, juggling many responsibilities and pressures - proud. I am from European and American, Black and white, rich and poor. I am from nowhere, and I am from everywhere.

4 What is AVID? Advancement Via Individual Determination
A schoolwide college readiness system A structured approach to rigorous curriculum Direct support structure for first-generation college students Professional development for educators

5 What is PBIS? A systems approach, establishing the social culture and behavioral supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students.

6 6

7 Why implement PBIS? Create a positive school culture:
School environment is predictable School environment is positive School environment is safe School environment is consistent

8 Using PBIS and AVID to Focused on Postsecondary Outcomes
Individualized Transition Curricula Supplemental transition, academic, and/or behavior curriculum Curricular connections to careers & educational goals & interests Using PBIS and AVID to Focused on Postsecondary Outcomes Few Some All

9 AVID & PBIS Alignment (Just a Few of the Ways)
Teaches Skills and Behaviors for Academic Success Promotes Strong Teacher & Student Relationships Offers Additional Levels of Support Creates a Positive Peer Group of Students Promotes Personal Achievement Through Hard Work Teaches Skills and Behaviors for Academic Success Promotes Strong Teacher & Student Relationships Offers Additional Levels of Support Creates a Positive School Environment Promote Self monitoring and Self Management Skills

10 Why Integration? The more we can link and integrate supports, the more success we will have. Integrated supports means integrated team and conversations so we can work smarter and not harder.

11 Continuum of Support for All Students
Math Continuum of Support for All Students Science Universal Targeted Intensive Spanish Reading NOTICE GREEN GOES IS FOR “ALL” Soc skills Soc Studies Basketball RACHEL


13 Using AVID and PBIS To Get Maximum Outcome
Jason Lee Middle School - Tacoma

14 Four Corners Activity Corner 1: I completely agree.
Corner 2: I am unsure. Corner 3: Sometimes. Corner 4: I completely disagree.

15 In my family, it is important to get places on time.
Corner 1: I completely agree. Corner 2: I am unsure. Corner 3: Sometimes. Corner 4: I completely disagree.

16 In our home there is a lot of noise.
Corner 1: I completely agree. Corner 2: I am unsure. Corner 3: Sometimes. Corner 4: I completely disagree.

17 There were lots of rules in my home.
Corner 1: I completely agree. Corner 2: I am unsure. Corner 3: Sometimes. Corner 4: I completely disagree.


19 Demographics Enrollment: 589 10% Hispanic/Latino
2.2% American Indian/Alaskan Native 4.2% Asian 33.3% Black/African American 2.5% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 44.7% White 3% Two or more Races 69% Free or Reduced Lunch 19.1% Special Education


21 Focused on being high school, college and career ready.
We are AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination Focused on being high school, college and career ready.

22 Build Your Whole Child Initiative Teams
TWCI Team (Year 1) Tier 2 Intervention Team (Year 2) Principal/Assistant Principal 8-10 Teachers Principal/Assistant Principal School Psychologist Counselors Interventionists Attendance Secretary

23 Have a Meeting Protocol
Data is presented at monthly meetings. Use a data protocol: Here’s What. So What? Now What? Data Discussion Protocol Here’s what.: Factual Statements (10 minutes) So What?: Interpretation of the data. (10 minutes) Now What? Plan of action including relevant questions. (10 minutes) Problem area’s discussed. Lesson plans developed to support students and the pillars. Continue this cycle monthly.



26 Communicate & Celebrate with students
Share data Bobcat Scholar Quarterly Assemblies Celebrating Students: Bobcat Advisory student of the month Consistently represents the Bobcat Pillars in their actions at school Attendance, Academic and Behavior recognition The students met the SRI challenge of reaching the 70% or higher goal, students will receive a non- uniform day next Friday. Non-uniform day for no Red Slips

27 Give Students Voice Survey them about their learning needs and share with staff. For professional development with staff allow students to showcase teacher and why the strategy they used worked for them. Implement Raising Student Voice and Participation (RSVP) Summits led by students to get feedback about your community and school and allow students to problem solve and make change in their schools. Allow students to be mentors to other students.

28 Identifying intervention needs for students.
Data based Develop Tiered interventions for: Academics Attendance Behavior


30 Monthly Data Tracking and Interventions

31 What Have Been The Results of PBIS and AVID Implementation at Jason Lee?

32 Questions to Consider….
Is the current implementation of PBIS and AVID in your school effective in engaging students and promoting postschool outcomes? How do we merge academic and behavioral systems w/in a transition- focused approach? Do we need to realign our schools to ensure students are college and career ready?

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