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Project 3 Design Stories. Brief were rerouted from Versailles to Saint- Cyr. 3 8220 15 32 63 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Project 3 Design Stories. Brief were rerouted from Versailles to Saint- Cyr. 3 8220 15 32 63 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 3 Design Stories

2 Brief were rerouted from Versailles to Saint- Cyr. 3 8220 15 32 63 10

3 Why were they rerouted? What caused them to be rerouted? Where were they coming from? What was their original destination? Why that collection of animals? Is the tittle a hidden meaning for anything? Did they make it to Saint- Cyr? Why were the animals being transported in the first place? Queries

4 Character Exploration ‘Dancing Monkey’ Kidnapping attempt on the animals Inside job in selling the animals illegally Deliberate attempt at saving the animals lives The rerouting was deliberate/intentional The whole thing was a set up Following orders Conspiracy theory Did it actually happen? Why were they rerouted? There could have been an obstruction in the road during the journey A deliberate obstruction could have been strategically positioned for an abduction The crew could have been told before hand that they were to reroute themselves so they would end up in a different location without arising suspicion Something could have happened at Versailles which compromised their arrival

5 Investigation Versailles and Saint-Cyr are only 3.1 miles apart from each other which is a close enough distance that it wouldn’t look suspicious if a theft were to take place. Notre Dame………? Conveyances is the legal term for transporting someone’s property from one location to another This means that the animals were either going from A to B or B to A, but which one……..? From the description, personally I think they were being transported from A to B which means that something either happened or was planned which resulted in the animals not arriving at their designated destination. Storyline 63 exhibitors means that the animals weren’t from a zoo as originally thought- they were from and exhibition or display  This could mean that the animals were being transported back home from an exhibition and something happened at the location where they were being kept such as a fire so they had to be transported to a different location. Conspiracy Theory What if the animals were stolen at point ‘A’ and to avoid suspicion, it was told that they were rerouted during the transportation timeline so that the blame for the lost animals could be placed on someone else.

6 Out of the box ideas Out of the box idea (Hidden meaning) A completely out of the box idea would be if the numerical indications and the animal species names that follow could be describing the transportation of French soldiers or troops. The names could be in reference to the different regiments within the army. And the need to reroute the soldiers could be because there was a situation in Saint-Cyr that needed the intervention of the armed forces which would make it a dispersal but was described as a reroute to make it seem that the armed forces didn’t rush into Saint-Cyr for the sake of it. Out of the box ideas What if all the numbers and descriptive names are apps from a phone and ‘Versailles’ is the name of that person’s phone? * The design of an app that gives every internet user a unique serial number which allows them to use the internet without it slowing down? The hidden meaning could be something to do with internet security……….. The numbers and apps are to do with someone’s account of something (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) and it was hacked so the person had to use a backup solution (rerouted solution) to gain back their personal information.

7 Ideas and Development *Design an app or software system that increases the security levels on an individual’s personal information. *A series of apps that make it possible for hackers to gain access. *The numbers and animals names are all people that have been rerouted or relocated to another part of the city because of a flood. -Design a way to stop flooding *Idea of designing a new flood defence

8 Storyline and Final Idea Storyline All of the animals were being transported from a display shown when there was a flood in Versailles which meant that the animals then had to be taken or rerouted to Saint-Cyr where they were kept until the flooding subsided. A number of tourists were being transported to Versailles via bus where they were going to spend their holiday. Unfortunately there was a flood and the hotel they were going to be staying at for their holidays was right in the middle of the flood so the tourist group had to be rerouted to Saint-Cyr where there was no flood and where there was accommodation for them until the flooding in Versailles subsided. Dancing Monkey………?









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