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Goal 1 (#1-9) Learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal 1 (#1-9) Learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal 1 (#1-9) Learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry.

2 Number the following in order of the Scientific Method.
___ Collect/Analyze Data ___ Hypothesis becomes a Theory ___ Conclusion/Modifications ___ Hypothesis ___ Identify Problem ___ Experiment ___ Research/Background/ Observations 5 7 6 3 1 4 2

3 Suzie Q wants to know how different colors of light effect the growth of plants. She believes that plants can survive the best in white light. She buys 5 ferns of the same species, which are all approximately the same age and height. She places one in white light and one in the closet. All of the ferns are planted in Miracle-Grow and given 20 mL of water once a day for 2 weeks. After the two weeks, Suzie observes the plants and makes measurements. Hypothesis: Variable: Control: Conclusion: Plants will survive better in white light. White Light Dark

4 Goal 2 Learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chemical and cellular basis of life.

5 Macromolecules (2.01) Carbohydrates Made of: Sugars Examples:
Test: Sugars Glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycogen, starch cellulose Benedicts solution (blue  yellow) or Iodine (brown  black)

6 Macromolecules (2.01) Nucleic Acids Made of: Examples:
Test: Nucleotide (sugar, phosphate, base) DNA or RNA None

7 Macromolecules (2.01) Lipids Made of: Examples:
Test: Fatty acids and glycerol phospholipids Newspaper or brownbag (opaque  transparent)

8 Macromolecules (2.01) Proteins Made of: Examples: Amino Acids Test:
ENZYMES Biuret Solution (blue  purple)

9 Question 1 The brown paper test for lipids is positive when food is placed on the paper and a spot forms which will allow light to pass through it. Which food would give the strongest positive test for lipids? A. potato chips B. bread C. sugar D. carrots

10 Enzymes (2.04) speed up reaction by _________________ activation energy. are _______________, have only one substrate. Are denatured by ______ and ___________________. reusable catalyst decreasing specific pH temperature

11 Examples: Amylase (saliva) Catalase (liver) Protease (stomach)

12 Question 2 Why do most enzymes not function properly after being exposed to high temperatures? A. They have been converted to tripeptides. B. Their water content has been reduced. Their bonding structure has been changed. They have combined with another enzyme.

13 Cells (2.02) Prokaryotic Cells DNA capsaid DO NOT have (lack) nucleus
NO organelles Smallest cells Simplest cells EX) BACTERIA and ARCHAE CELL MEMBRANE DNA capsaid RIBOSOMES

14 Eukaryotic Cells Have nucleus Have organelles
PLANT mitochondria nucleus ribosome Eukaryotic Cells Have nucleus Have organelles Can be unicellular or multicellular organisms vacuole Cell wall Cell membrane ribosome nucleus ANIMAL mitochondria

15 Question 3 A student examines a cell under the microscope and determines that it is a eukaryote. Which structure did the student identify in order to come to this conclusion? Vacuole Nucleus cell wall ribosome

16 ________ Make food using _______________
Organelles: Identify the organelle and if it if found in a plant or animal cell ________ Make food using _______________ Chlorophyll- green pigment that captures light ________ Use food to make _________ ________ Enzymes that breakdown materials ________ Regulates what enters and leaves cell ________ Support and protects cells ________ Contains genetic info (_________) ________ Makes protein Chloroplast Mitochondria Lysosome Cell membrane Cell wall Nucleus Ribosomes sunlight Energy (ATP) DNA

17 Plant Cell Animal Cell Nucleus Cell wall Chloroplast DNA Mitochondria Ribosomes Cell membrane LARGE vacuole Nucleus Lysosomes DNA Mitochondria Ribosomes Cell membrane Both Nucleus DNA Mitochondria Ribosomes Cell membrane

18 Question 4 While observing an Elodea plant cell through a microscope, a student noticed some small, moving green disks. These organelles were most likely which of the following? Chloroplasts leucoplasts mitochondria ribosomes

19 Cell Specialization in multicellular organisms
Neuron = communication Red Blood Cell = transport oxygen White Blood Cell= fight infection Skin cell = protection

20 Cell Homeostasis (2.03) Cell Membrane and Transport

21 Semi-permable Allows some materials (small, nonpolar) to enter and leave cell

22 Question 5 What is the function of a cell’s selectively permeable membrane? to regulate energy production in the cell to keep mitochondria from using nuclear material to maintain a constant lipid-protein ratio in the cell to control materials entering and leaving the cell

23 Diffusion Passive Osmosis Active
Movement of molecules against a concentration gradient using energy (ATP) Movement of molecules from a high to low concentration Movement of WATER from a high to low concentration

24 Question 6 A cell with 5% solute concentration is placed in a beaker with a 1% solute concentration. What will happen to the cell over time? A. The cell will gain H2O and expand. B. The cell will lose H2O and shrink. C. The cell will both gain and lose equal amounts of H2O; thus, it will remain the same size. D.The cell will undergo no exchange of H2O with its surroundings.

25 Question 7 What regulates the flow of water through a cell membrane?
the concentration of solutes the absence of a cell wall the thickness of the membrane the presence of the cell wall

26 Question 8 Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct? Both diffusion and active transport require cell energy. Neither diffusion nor active transport requires cell energy. Diffusion requires cell energy while active transport does not. Active transport requires cell energy while diffusion does not.

27 CO2 C6H12O6 CO2 H2O O2 H2O Cell Energy (2.04) light
Cellular respiration ATP Photosynthesis CO2 C6H12O6 CO2 H2O O2 H2O

28 Photosynthesis Equation:
CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + O2 Cellular Respiration Equation: C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O + ATP

29 Cellular Respiration Aerobic- Anaerobic- uses oxygen
Makes more ATP (36) NO oxygen Makes less ATP (2) AKA fermentation Lactic acid = muscle burn Alcoholic = bread, wine, cheese

30 Question 9 Cellular respiration is carried out by which of the following? all living organisms all of the time animals but not plants animals all of the time but plants only at night heterotrophs but not autotrophs

31 How obtain nutrients? Autotroph Heterotroph Make their own food
Chemosynthesis or photosynthesis Ex) plants, protists, bacteria Eat/ingest food Ex) carnivore E) omnivore Ex) herbivore Ex) decomposer

32 Goal 1 & 2 Questions 1-18

33 Question 1 The brown paper test for lipids is positive when food is placed on the paper and a spot forms which will allow light to pass through it. Which food would give the strongest positive test for lipids? A. potato chips B. bread C. sugar D. carrots

34 Question 1 The brown paper test for lipids is positive when food is placed on the paper and a spot forms which will allow light to pass through it. Which food would give the strongest positive test for lipids? A. potato chips B. bread C. sugar D. carrots

35 Question 2 Why do most enzymes not function properly after being exposed to high temperatures? A. They have been converted to tripeptides. B. Their water content has been reduced. Their bonding structure has been changed. They have combined with another enzyme.

36 Question 2 Why do most enzymes not function properly after being exposed to high temperatures? A. They have been converted to tripeptides. B. Their water content has been reduced. Their bonding structure has been changed. They have combined with another enzyme.

37 Question 3 A student examines a cell under the microscope and determines that it is a eukaryote. Which structure did the student identify in order to come to this conclusion? Vacuole Nucleus cell wall ribosome

38 Question 3 A student examines a cell under the microscope and determines that it is a eukaryote. Which structure did the student identify in order to come to this conclusion? Vacuole Nucleus cell wall ribosome

39 Question 4 While observing an Elodea plant cell through a microscope, a student noticed some small, moving green disks. These organelles were most likely which of the following? Chloroplasts leucoplasts mitochondria ribosomes

40 Question 4 While observing an Elodea plant cell through a microscope, a student noticed some small, moving green disks. These organelles were most likely which of the following? Chloroplasts leucoplasts mitochondria ribosomes

41 Question 5 What is the function of a cell’s selectively permeable membrane? to regulate energy production in the cell to keep mitochondria from using nuclear material to maintain a constant lipid-protein ratio in the cell to control materials entering and leaving the cell

42 Question 5 What is the function of a cell’s selectively permeable membrane? to regulate energy production in the cell to keep mitochondria from using nuclear material to maintain a constant lipid-protein ratio in the cell to control materials entering and leaving the cell

43 Question 6 A cell with 5% solute concentration is placed in a beaker with a 1% solute concentration. What will happen to the cell over time? A. The cell will gain H2O and expand. B. The cell will lose H2O and shrink. C. The cell will both gain and lose equal amounts of H2O; thus, it will remain the same size. D.The cell will undergo no exchange of H2O with its surroundings.

44 Question 6 A cell with 5% solute concentration is placed in a beaker with a 1% solute concentration. What will happen to the cell over time? A. The cell will gain H2O and expand. B. The cell will lose H2O and shrink. C. The cell will both gain and lose equal amounts of H2O; thus, it will remain the same size. D.The cell will undergo no exchange of H2O with its surroundings.

45 Question 7 What regulates the flow of water through a cell membrane?
the concentration of solutes the absence of a cell wall the thickness of the membrane the presence of the cell wall

46 Question 7 What regulates the flow of water through a cell membrane?
the concentration of solutes the absence of a cell wall the thickness of the membrane the presence of the cell wall

47 Question 8 Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct? Both diffusion and active transport require cell energy. Neither diffusion nor active transport requires cell energy. Diffusion requires cell energy while active transport does not. Active transport requires cell energy while diffusion does not.

48 Question 8 Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct? Both diffusion and active transport require cell energy. Neither diffusion nor active transport requires cell energy. Diffusion requires cell energy while active transport does not. Active transport requires cell energy while diffusion does not.

49 Question 9 Cellular respiration is carried out by which of the following? all living organisms all of the time animals but not plants animals all of the time but plants only at night heterotrophs but not autotrophs

50 Question 9 Cellular respiration is carried out by which of the following? all living organisms all of the time animals but not plants animals all of the time but plants only at night heterotrophs but not autotrophs ATP!!!

51 Question 10 The major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the presence or absence of which of the following? membrane-bound organelles Cytoplasm a cell membrane nucleic acids

52 Question 10 The major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the presence or absence of which of the following? membrane-bound organelles Cytoplasm a cell membrane nucleic acids

53 Question 11 Which of the following is found only in eukaryotic cells?
cell membrane Cytoplasm DNA mitochondria

54 Question 11 Which of the following is found only in eukaryotic cells?
cell membrane Cytoplasm DNA mitochondria

55 Question 12 At which organelle are proteins manufactured?
Mitochondrion Nucleus Ribosome Vacuole

56 Question 12 At which organelle are proteins manufactured?
Mitochondrion Nucleus Ribosome Vacuole Made, produced, synthesized

57 Question 13 A plant has been removed from its natural environment and placed into a body of water that contains more salt than the inside of each plant cell. This situation is most similar to which of the following events? A a sea plant put into fresh water B a freshwater plant put into sea water C a sea plant put into distilled water D a land plant put into tap water

58 Question 13 A plant has been removed from its natural environment and placed into a body of water that contains more salt than the inside of each plant cell. This situation is most similar to which of the following events? A a sea plant put into fresh water B a freshwater plant put into sea water C a sea plant put into distilled water D a land plant put into tap water

59 Question 14 While cleaning a saltwater aquarium, students placed the aquarium plants in a container of distilled water. What effect will this have on the plants? A The plant cells will separate. B The plant cells will shrink. C The plant cells will swell. D The plant cells will remain the same.

60 Question 14 While cleaning a saltwater aquarium, students placed the aquarium plants in a container of distilled water. What effect will this have on the plants? A The plant cells will separate. B The plant cells will shrink. C The plant cells will swell. D The plant cells will remain the same.

61 Question 15 What would happen to a marine protozoan if removed from its normal habitat and placed into a freshwater pool? loss of water through osmosis loss of water through active transport gain of water through osmosis gain of water through active transport

62 Question 15 What would happen to a marine protozoan if removed from its normal habitat and placed into a freshwater pool? loss of water through osmosis loss of water through active transport gain of water through osmosis gain of water through active transport

63 Question 16 In the lungs, the movement of carbon dioxide out of cells and oxygen into cells can best be explained by which of the following processes? active transport Diffusion Endocytosis osmosis

64 Question 16 In the lungs, the movement of carbon dioxide out of cells and oxygen into cells can best be explained by which of the following processes? active transport Diffusion Endocytosis osmosis

65 Two students set up the following apparatus in a lab
Two students set up the following apparatus in a lab. A pipette was filled with a mixture of yeast and apple juice and inverted in a test tube filled with warm water. The students observed bubbles being released from the end of the pipette.

66 Question 17 Which of the following most likely represents the gas being released? carbon dioxide hydrogen peroxide Oxygen nitrogen

67 Question 17 Which of the following most likely represents the gas being released? carbon dioxide hydrogen peroxide Oxygen nitrogen

68 Question 18 Which of the following processes releases the most ATP per molecule of glucose for immediate cell use? aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration Chemosynthesis photosynthesis

69 Question 18 Which of the following processes releases the most ATP per molecule of glucose for immediate cell use? aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration Chemosynthesis photosynthesis

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