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Chapter 5: Calculus~Hughes-Hallett §The Definite Integral.

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1 Chapter 5: Calculus~Hughes-Hallett §The Definite Integral

2 Area Approximation: Left-Hand Sum Width of rectangle: Δt Length of rectangle: f(t) Area = A, ΔA = f(t) Δt

3 Area Approximation: Right-Hand Sum § §, § Approximate Total Area = 406.25 §Width of rectangle: Δt §Length of rectangle: f(t) §Area = A, ΔA = f(t) Δt

4 Approximate Error §E(x)=[f(b)-f(a)]  t §  t = 1, a = 0, b = 10 §E(x) = (50 - 20)*1 §E(x) = 30 §  t =.5, E(x) = 15 §  t =.25, E(x) = 7.5

5 Exact Area Under the Curve §The Definite Integral gives the exact area under a continuous curve y = f(x) between values of x on the interval [a,b].

6 The Definite Integral §Physically - is a summing up §Geometrically - is an area under a curve §Algebraically - is the limit of the sum of the rectangles as the number increases to infinity and the widths decrease to zero:

7 The Definite Integral as an AREA §When f(x) > 0 and a < b: § the area under the graph of f(x), above § the x-axis and betweeen a and b = §When f(x) > 0 for some x and negative for others and a < b: § is the sum of the areas above § the x-axis, counted positively, and the § areas below the x-axis, counted negatively. §

8 The Definite Integral as an ALGEBRAIC SUM §When f(x) > 0 for some x and negative for others and a < b: § is the algebraic sum of the positive and “negative” areas formed by the rectangles and is, therefore, not the total area under the curve!

9 Notation for the Definite Integral §Since the terms being added up are products of the form: f(x)  x the units of measure- ment for is the product of the units for f(x) and the units for x; e.g. if f(t) is velocity measured in meters/sec and t is time measured in seconds, then has units of (meters/sec) (sec) = meters.

10 The Definite Integral as an AVERGE §The average value of a function f(x) from a to be is defined as:

11 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Part 1) §If f is continuous on the interval [a,b] and f(t) = F’(t), then: §In words: the definite integral of a rate of change gives the total change.

12 Concrete Example of the FTC: The area under the curve f(x) = 2x from x o to x 1 is the y value of F(x 1 ) - F(x 0 ), while the slope of F(x) = x 2 at x = x 1 is F’(x 1 ) = f(x 1 ) f(x) = F’(x) = 2x, F(x) = x 2 The area under f(x) from x = (0,0) to (4,8) is the value of F(x) = x 2 at x = 4, i.e. F(4) - F(0) = 16. F(x) = x 2, F’(x) =f(x) = 2x The equation of the tangent line to y = x 2 at (4,16) is y = 8x - 16 and the slope of the tangent line is 8.

13 Theorem: Properties of Limits of Integration §If a, b, and c are any numbers and f is a con- tinuous function, then: l 1. l 2. §In words: l 1. The integral from b to a is the negative of l the integral from a to b. l 2. The integral from a to c plus the integral l from c to b is the integral from a to b.

14 Theorem: Properties of Sums and Constant Multipliers of the Integrand §Let f and g be continuous functions and let a, b and c be constants: l 1. l 2. §In Words: l 1. The integral of the sum (or difference) of two func- l tions is the sum (or difference ) of their integrals. l 2. The integral of a constant times a function is that l constant times the integral of the function. l

15 Theorem: Comparison of Definite Integrals §Let f and g be continuous functions and suppose there are constants m and M so that: §We then say f is bounded above by M and bound- ed below by m and we have the following facts: l 1. l 2.

16 Stay Tuned! §More follows. §Are you curious?

17 Mathematical Definition of the Definite Integral §Suppose that f is bounded above and below on [a,b]. A lower sum for f in the interval [a,b] is a sum: §where is the greatest lower bound for f on the i-th interval. An upper sum is: where is the least upper bound for f on the i-th interval. §The definition of the Definite Integral: Suppose that f is bounded above and below on [a.b]. Let L be the least upper bound for all the lower sums for f on [a,b], and let U be the greatest lower bound for all the upper sums. If L = U, then we say that f is integrable and we define to be equal to the common value of L and U!

18 Two Theorems on Integrals: §The Mean Value Equality for Integrals: §Continuous Functions are Integrable: §If f is continuous on [a,b], then exists.

19 The General Riemann Sum §A general Riemann sum for f on the interval [a,b] is a sum of the form: §where

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