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Minimization Karnaugh Maps

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1 Minimization Karnaugh Maps

2 Minimization Logic Function minimization : Simplifying the logic function to reduce the number and size of gates. Minimization methods: 1- Using theorems T9,T9’, T10,T10’ 2- Karnaugh map

3 Algebraic simplification
Starting from a truth table, or a minterm (maxterm) list Reduce the cost of a 2-level circuit: Minimize # of first-level gates Minimize # of inputs of gates Do not consider the cost of input inverters: assuming that both true and complemented versions of all input variables are available.

4 Algebraic simplification
T10, X.Y+X.Y’=X T10’: (X+Y).(X+Y’)=X Generalization of the theorems: (Given product term).Y+(Given product term).Y’= Given product term (Given product term+Y).(Given product term+Y’)= Given product term Reduce number of gates and gate inputs

5 Prime detector

6 Algebraic simplification
Theorem T10, Reduce number of gates and gate inputs

7 Resulting circuit

8 Karnaugh Maps Karnaugh Map : a representation of the truth table by a matrix of squares (cells) , where each square corresponds to a minterm ( or a maxterm) of the logic function. For n-variable function, we need 2^n rows truth table and 2^n squares (cells). The square number is equivalent to the row number in the truth table To represent a logic function, the truth table values are copied into their corresponding cells . The arrangements of the squares help to identify the input variable redundancy ( X.Y.Z+X.Y.Z’=X.Y )

9 Two-variable Karnaugh map
Example : F = X.Y’+X.Y Simplification : F = X(Y+Y’) = X.1 = X Also proven by T(10) X X ROW X Y F 1 Y 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 Y 1 3 1 1 1

10 Two-variable Karnaugh map
Example : F = X’.Y’+X’.Y Simplification : F = X’(Y+Y’) = X’.1 = X’ Exercise : Can we simplify FX,Y= SX,Y (1,2) ? X X ROW X Y F 1 Y 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 Y 1 3 1 1

11 3-variable Karnaugh map
Can we simplify FX,Y,Z = Sx,y,z (1,3,5,7) ?

12 Three-variable Karnaugh map
Example : F=X’.Y’.Z’+X’.Y’.Z+X.Y’.Z’+X.Y’.Z Row X Y Z F F = X’.Y’.(Z’+Z)+X.Y’.(Z’+Z)=X’.Y’+X.Y’=(X’+X).Y’ = Y’ X XY 00 01 11 10 Z 2 6 4 1 1 1 3 7 5 1 Z 1 1 Y

13 4-variable Karnaugh map

14 Five-variable Karnaugh map
Five variable K-map is formed using two connected 4-variable maps: V VWX W W 000 001 011 010 100 101 111 110 YZ 4 12 8 16 20 28 24 00 1 5 13 9 17 21 29 25 01 Z 3 7 15 11 19 23 31 27 11 Y 2 6 14 10 18 22 30 26 10 X X

15 Next: Simplifying SOP

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