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Language Arts & Social Studies 2011-2012 Mrs. Allemandi Room 48.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Arts & Social Studies 2011-2012 Mrs. Allemandi Room 48."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Arts & Social Studies 2011-2012 Mrs. Allemandi Room 48

2 In this class we are not about perfection, we are about PROGRESS The student is responsible for his/her own learning. Encourage independence while supporting your child’s education. It is not your job to remember their homework (but feel free to ask them about it!) Sometimes allowing them to fail, and then to try again, is the best education.

3 Typical Day in Class Binders --- Organization / Portfolio Daily Schedule on Board Due Dates written in planner every Monday Everyday we Read/Write/Listen/Speak in a structured environment

4 I believe that for students to be successful they need to know what is expected of them and know that they are able to achieve these stated goals.

5 Language Arts Social Studies Mondays -- Grammar for Writing Tue/Thurs -- Literature Wed/Fri -- Writing Practice Social Studies -- Each Unit: *Preview/Introduction *Read text *Reading Notes in ISN *Learning Activity *Processing Assignment *Quiz or Test

6 Email: allemandi_janelle Email is best way to reach me. Email me to set up a face-to-face meeting or a phone appointment. I do update announcements and major due dates on my Calendar on my Teacherweb page: School/allemandi

7 Sick Child Alert! Please keep your child home if ill. Students will have an opportunity to make up classwork, tests, quizzes, etc. –Exception -- presentation points (5-10 pts) All handouts are in absence folders to your left--students can come pick up what they missed.

8 SAFETY!!! Please help us by: Making sure your child does not arrive at school before 8:25 on M, T, TH, F and on 9:35 on Wednesdays. Drop off student a block away Check in at the office if you come on campus during school hours. If you have a lunch for a student, drop it off in the office.

9 Safe Driving Please practice courteous and safe driving. Avoid U-turns and unnecessary stops. Watch carefully for pedestrians and bicyclists.

10 Grades PLEASE CHECK PIV (Pinnacle) for your student’s grades. Z = Missing assignment = 0 pts. X = Excused Missing work is usually the single biggest cause of a student’s poor grades. If the grade is blank -- that means the grades simply have not been entered yet.

11 Grades based on Point System Points are added up as we go and calculated quarterly for a grade A 10/15 points on one assignment is only 5 points less Pinnacle will show a “D” –But it’s only 5 points.

12 No Late Work!!! Late Work: Half-Credit (50% F) If assignment is worth more than 25 pts., then I take off 1 letter grade. No late work accepted more than 2 days late. Students who have an excused absence have the same number of school days they were absent to make up work without penalty.

13 Language Arts Reading Units Maroo of the Winter Caves Tuck Everlasting The Door in the Lake The Cay Red Scarf Girl The Breadwinner Stories from our Literature book Writing Units: Narrative Expository (Non- fiction) Persuasive Research Mini-writing assignments Quickwrites

14 Book Reports!!! Students will complete one book report project per quarter: NONFICTION, SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY, BIOGRAPHY, FREE CHOICE. –Needs to be at their level of reading. We want to instill a love of the written word in our children. You should see your student working on this at home in the last 3 weeks or so of each quarter. –They will have some class time to do the reading *Full handout posted on my teacher web page under the “Book Report” tab.


16 Social Studies Early Humans Mesopotamia Egypt Hebrews India China Greece Rome Interactive student notebook (ISN) Quizzes and Unit Tests Skits Posters Group work “Considerate” text

17 Honoring Our Ancestors Each student will create a poster honoring an ancestor. Students will need your help to “research” and gather information on their chosen ancestor. Presentation Due in Class-- Individual Dates –Check my Calendar

18 How to Help your Student 6th grade students still need parent support Tend to lack organizational skills -- we keep a binder in class; Graded for credit end of quarter. Chips are not Lunch! (Or even a good snack) Students need 9-10 hours of sleep at night Check agendas in student planner to know what is due.

19 Getting Help If your child’s grades are lower than B’s, there are things you can do: Check for understanding Check if work is being completed & turned in (Look at PIV -- Pinnacle, for grades) Quiz your child to prepare for tests Please contact me if your child is having a hard time understanding the material or doing the work

20 WE WANT TO RAISE GOOD CITIZENS Encourage respectful, polite behaviors towards all others Monitor computer and cell-phones: –Cyber-bullying is a problem for teens!

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