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Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 SSID ANOMALIES Essential 4.

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1 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 SSID ANOMALIES Essential 4

2 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 2 Welcome Introductions Ground Rules – Mute phones while listening (mute or mic button) – Do not place your phone on hold – Silence cell phones – State your name and LEA when speaking – One conversation at a time Duration

3 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Course Description TARGET AUDIENCE AND PREREQUISITES Target Audience LEA Program and Data Management Staff Responsible for Overall District Enrollment LEA System Administration Staff Prerequisites Essential 1 – Overview of CALPADS Objectives and Requirements Essential 2 – CALPADS Key Features, Key Concepts, and System Administration Essential 3 – CALPADS SSID Enrollment

4 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 4 This module covers Overview of Anomaly Processing SSID Anomaly Processes – Concurrent Enrollments (CCEs) – Exit Reason Discrepancies (ERDs) – Multiple Identifiers (MIDs) Contents

5 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 5 OVERVIEW OF ANOMALIES

6 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 6 Overview ANOMALY DEFINITIONS Concurrent Enrollments (CCEs) – An SSID has more than one “Primary” enrollment in a CA K-12 public school at the same time Exit Reason Discrepancies (ERDs) – An inconsistency exists between a student’s exit reason and subsequent enrollment status in another CA K-12 public school Multiple IDs (MIDs) – Two or more SSIDs have exactly matching or very similar demographics, pointing out the potential for one student to have multiple SSIDs SSID anomalies are irregularities in a student’s data due to an incorrect enrollment, SSID assignment, or exit code.

7 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 7 Overview Anomalies are identified and managed in different ways in CALPADS – Prevented during data entry (online & batch) – Resolved using SSID Anomaly Process (detected daily) Maintain Student Data File Upload (i.e., batch) – Must be corrected for Snapshot Certification (2% maximum of MIDs & CCEs) ANOMALY IDENTIFICATION

8 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 8 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS There are expectations for Statewide Student Identifier Assignment Student Enrollment and Exit Updates Primary Enrollments Secondary Enrollments Short-Term Student Enrollment for Specific Educational Options Schools Closed Schools Enrollment Status Combinations CALPADS anomaly processing assists LEAs in meeting data management expectations defined in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment Procedures* *

9 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 9 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont) Statewide Student Identifier Assignment An SSID is unique to a single student Local education agencies (LEAs) should not assign the same SSID to multiple students should not assign multiple SSIDs to any single student

10 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 10 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont) Student Enrollment and Exit Updates All California public schools are responsible for reporting student enrollments & exits to CALPADS to maintain current student information in the system and ensure Accounting of all students Accurate dropout and graduate counts Current information on transferring students is available to LEAs to facilitate appropriate placement and services Availability of high-quality data for local use, state reporting, and federal reporting

11 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 11 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont) Student Enrollment and Exit Updates (cont) LEAs should update CALPADS with a student’s school enrollment by the student’s first expected day of attendance, but no later than 14 calendar days after that date LEAs should update CALPADS with a student’s exit date no later than 14 calendar days after the district exits the student in their local system Exit date should be the last day the student physically attended the school to avoid CCEs

12 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 12 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont) Primary Enrollments A student should have only one active primary enrollment at any given time in CALPADS CALPADS will not accept a primary enrollment record from a local educational agency (LEA) for a student who already has an active primary enrollment in a school in the same LEA CALPADS will accept a primary enrollment record from an LEA for a student who already has an active primary enrollment in another LEA, however this overlap in enrollment records will generate a warning when submitted and a CCE Anomaly if posted

13 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 13 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont) Secondary Enrollments A student may have secondary enrollments in one or more schools in CALPADS at any given time as long as the student has a primary enrollment in CALPADS CALPADS will accept a secondary enrollment record for a student that enrolls in a school other than their school of primary enrollment

14 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 14 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont) Educational Options Schools or their LEA reports data to CALPADS on enrolled students If the student is expected to be enrolled for 30 days or less, the student shall be reported as a short-term enrollment If the Educational Options School reports the enrollment as short-term, a Concurrent Enrollment (CCE) anomaly will not be generated by CALPADS Short-Term Student Enrollment for Specific Educational Options Schools

15 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 15 Overview CLOSED SCHOOLS All students must be exited Students who attended until the school closed should be exited on the day the school closed Charter schools are responsible for exiting their students if their charter school closes* * It is the authorizing agency’s (LEA’s) responsibility to ensure that all charter schools authorized by the LEA close out their student records in CALPADS prior to or on the effective date of the school closure.

16 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 16 Overview DATA MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS (cont.) Enrollment Status Combinations A student may have more than one enrollment status in CALPADS as follows EnrollmentsCauses Validation Warning Primary + Secondary (multiple)No Primary + Short-Term (less than 30 days)No Primary + Short-Term (less than 30 days) + Secondary (multiple) No Primary + Primary at different LEAYes No Primary+ Short-Term (less than 30 days)Yes No Primary+ Specialized ServicesNo

17 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 17 THE SSID ANOMALY PROCESS

18 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 18 SSID Anomaly Process SSID Anomalies in the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) are detected nightly with a backend SSID Anomaly process DESCRIPTION The Calendar for an upcoming Snapshot Collection is used to determine the enrollment records to evaluate for anomalies – The Snapshot Report Period (defined by the From & Through dates) determines the data selected for evaluation Processing focuses on those SSIDs with an open enrollment at any time during the Report Period for the Snapshot

19 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 19 SSID Anomaly Process The status of an LEA’s anomalies is available on the SSID Anomaly Status Report. The report aggregates total anomalies and calculates the % of enrollment. ANOMALY STATUS Above threshold Below threshold To certify enrollment data, LEAs must have 2% or fewer anomalies, for MIDs & CCEs

20 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 20 SSID Anomaly Process ANOMALY STATUS (cont.) The results of the Anomaly Process are also displayed on the Home Page Note that the Anomaly Status portal has been temporarily disabled because of performance issues. It will be re-enabled in the future after the problem is resolved.

21 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 1 3 4 5 2 Anomaly Contact 21


23 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 23 Concurrent Enrollments DEFINITION A concurrent enrollment (CCE) anomaly is a type of inconsistency between a student’s enrollment records in which a student has more than one enrollment in a CA K-12 public school that is considered a “Primary” enrollment at the same time A student may have enrollments in one or more schools at any given time that are among the Allowable Enrollment Status Combinations in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment Procedures

24 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 24 Concurrent Enrollments DETECTING CCEs CCE anomalies are detected for a school by comparing the enrollment records of students enrolled in that school with enrollment records at other schools

25 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 25 Concurrent Enrollments TYPES OF CCEs Examples of the types of inconsistencies detected include Multiple enrollment records, both with an Enrollment Status Code of “Primary,” in which the enrollment periods (any of the enrollment days) overlap Multiple enrollment records, one with an Enrollment Status Code of “Primary” and one with an Enrollment Status Code of “Short Term” in which the enrollment period overlaps the “Primary” enrollment period by more than 30 days

26 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 26 Concurrent Enrollments CAUSES OF CCES A student moves from one LEA to another LEA and the first LEA does not submit an enrollment record to CALPADS exiting the student before the second LEA submits an enrollment record enrolling the student in CALPADS with a primary enrollment status An LEA selects the “wrong” student when selecting an SSID for a student transferring to the LEA, resulting in two students sharing the same SSID Overlapping enrollments between LEAs occur typically when

27 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 27 Concurrent Enrollments CCE EXAMPLES LEA 1 – has an open enrollment record in ODS LEA 2 – submits an open enrollment record for the same SSID with a School Start Date after the School Start Date of the LEA 1 enrollment record for the SSID Scenario 1: An open enrollment submitted with a School Start Date after the School Start Date of an existing open enrollment LEA 1 LEA 2

28 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 28 Concurrent Enrollments CCE EXAMPLES (cont) Scenario 2: An open enrollment submitted with the School Start Date between Start Date and Exit Date of a closed enrollment LEA 1 – has a closed enrollment record in the ODS LEA 2 – submits an open enrollment record for the same SSID with a School Start Date between the Start Date and Exit Date of the LEA 1 enrollment record for the SSID LEA 1 LEA 2

29 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 29 Concurrent Enrollments A CCE is resolved in the following ways CCE RESOLUTION (cont) * Rule is enforced 14 calendar days from the transaction posting date LEA 1 (previous enrollment) LEA 2 (current enrollment) CCE Status Exits student prior to entry into LEA 2’s school No actionResolved Obtains new SSID and deletes enrollment record from old SSID No actionResolved No actionObtains new SSID and deletes enrollment record from old SSID Resolved No actionCorrects start date to a date after the exit date from LEA 1 Resolved No action for 14 days* LEA 2 relieved of CCE but LEA 1 continues to have CCE until resolved

30 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 30 Concurrent Enrollments FATAL ERRORS THAT PREVENT CCES Validation RuleDescription Multiple Primary Enrollments within LEA A student may not have any open or closed primary enrollments where enrollment periods overlap within the LEA (Intra-LEA). Duplicate enrollment with same Start Date Student primary enrollment submission cannot have the same Student School Start Date for the same student in another LEA. Short term enrollment period must be 30 days or less Short term enrollment submitted where the enrollment period exceeds 30 days in duration. Records with Fatal Errors can not be posted to the ODS. Warnings will be loaded, but will continue to show in the Anomaly Reports until they are cleared.

31 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 31 Concurrent Enrollments WARNINGS RELATED TO CCES Validation RuleDescription Short term enrollment period must be 30 days or less Short term enrollment submitted where the enrollment period exceeds 30 days in duration. Multiple Primary Enrollments within CALPADS A student may only have one active primary enrollment at any given point in time within CALPADS (Inter-LEA). Open enrollment record submitted with a School Start Date on or after the School Start Date of an existing open enrollment.

32 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Concurrent Enrollments COMMON CAUSES OF CCES ProblemIndicatorsSolution Previous LEA did not submit an exit record for the student (under this SSID). Exit date and reason are missing even though student has left the previous school. Contact the previous LEA to confirm the student’s enrollment and request that they update their CALPADS enrollment record to reflect the student’s actual enrollment. Two or more students are sharing this SSID. Student enrolled at your school did not attend the school listed in the other enrollment record. Identify the 1st enrollment record in the SSID’s full enrollment history. The student reflected by that record owns the SSID. All other students must be given a new SSID & have their enrollment records removed from the SSID with the anomaly. The student is concurrently enrolled but not reported properly. The student’s enrollment status is a 10 even though the student is concurrently enrolled (i.e., 20, 30, or 40) A student is allowed to have multiple enrollments as long as all but one of them are non-primary. Update the non-primary enrollments to the proper enrollment status code. A list of the valid codes & descriptions can be found in the CFS Code Sets document. 32


34 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 34 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 1: ACCESS CCE ANOMALY REPORT 1

35 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 35 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 2: IDENTIFY AN ANOMALY TO RESOLVE CCE detection uses the same date range as the FALL 1 Snapshot Use Lookup to optionally filter records by school Click Reveal button to view conflicting records Click Apply Filters after changing the Filter Options

36 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 36 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 3: VIEW ANOMALY * The School Contact for your LEA will list the people assigned the Anomaly Contact role by your LEA Admin Click Resolve to display Enrollment record to edit Click School Contact* to reveal name of contact person at other LEA Click name to view student profile

37 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 37 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 4: TROUBLESHOOTING THE CCE There is no Exit Date for the first school the student attended so it appears that the student is attending both schools as of the more recent record’s Start Date (11/03/08). If the student did not attend the other school listed. Click Resolve to view the student’s full enrollment history. Determine if the student attended the previous school by checking records such as cumulative files. If you can not make this determination using local records, click the School Contact link to get contact information for the other LEA and then contact that LEA.

38 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 38 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 5: ACCESS LEA’s ENROLLMENT HISTORY Click Edit to access and modify your LEA’s enrollment record. Reminder: This screen can be reached by clicking the Resolve button shown in step 3. If your student is not the same student reflected by the first record in the history you need to get a new SSID for your student and delete your enrollment record from this SSID.

39 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 39 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 6: EDIT ENROLLMENT RECORD Example: 1-Correct Enrollment Status – from Primary to Secondary 2-Click Validate Enrollment 3-When validation is successful, click Post Enrollment

40 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 40 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 7: VIEW NEW ENROLLMENT RECORD Note the Enrollment Status is no longer Primary Click Return to CCE Anomaly.

41 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 41 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 8: MARK AS REVIEWED Check to indicate that the anomaly has been resolved Click Mark Selected As Reviewed.

42 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 42 Concurrent Enrollments STEP 9: VIEW RESOLVED CCE Note that the checkmark is now grey, indicating that the record has been marked as reviewed This Anomaly will not appear after the Anomaly Process runs again.


44 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 44 Exit Reason Discrepancies An Exit Reason Discrepancy (ERD) is a type of inconsistency between a student’s enrollment records. The inconsistency is between the student’s exit reason and subsequent enrollment status either in the exited school or in another CA K-12 public school. DEFINITION OF EXIT REASON DISCREPANCY

45 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 45 Exit Reason Discrepancies ERD WARNING TYPES Warning TypeDescription Not expected to enroll ACompleter Re-enrolled The student’s is a completer (e.g., graduate) based on their exit code, but the student has a subsequent enrollment. BDropout Re-enrolled The student’s is a dropout based on their exit code, but the student has a subsequent enrollment. Expected to enroll CPotential Dropout The student is expected to enroll at another CA public school but does not.

46 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Exit Reason Discrepancies COMMON CAUSES OF ERD TYPE A’S Real Life CauseSolution The student did not really complete high school Update the student’s exit reason to a T160 or other exit code that accurately reflects why the student left Two or more students are sharing this SSID. The student who exited is not the same student who enrolled at the other school. Look at the first enrollment record in the SSID’s entire enrollment history. Each LEA that has a different student must get a new SSID for their student and then remove their enrollment record from the SSID with the anomaly. The student is a valid completer re- enrolled. In some situations a student is allowed to continue attending high school after they complete. Ignore the anomaly. CALPADS does not currently have a way to exclude valid re- enrollments, but may in the future. 46

47 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Exit Reason Discrepancies COMMON CAUSES OF ERD TYPE B’S Real Life CauseSolution The student did not really drop out. The school may not have previously had record of where the student went after they left and therefore marked the student a dropout. The school has since identified where the student went. Update the student’s exit reason to a T160 or other exit code that accurately reflects why the student left. Two or more students are sharing this SSID. The student who exited is not the same student who enrolled at the other school. Look at the first enrollment record in the SSID’s entire enrollment history. Each LEA that has a different student must get a new SSID for their student and then remove their enrollment record from the SSID with the anomaly. 47

48 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Exit Reason Discrepancies COMMON CAUSES OF ERD TYPE C’S Real Life CauseSolution The student is a dropoutUpdate the student’s exit reason to a E140 or other dropout code that accurately reflects how the student left The student has multiple SSIDsLook up both of the SSIDs in CALPADS and compare their demographic records. The name, birthdate, gender, primary language, and birth place fields should be updated so that they match exactly. Either change your record or request that the other LEA change theirs. A MID anomaly should be detected the next day. Resolving the MID anomaly should also clear the ERD. 48

49 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 49 Exit Reason Discrepancies Exit Reason and Completion Codes Related to Completers Re-enrolling (Warning Type A) Exit ReasonDescriptionCompletion Code E125PriorComplSpecEdn/a E130Diedn/a E230CompleterExit100, 106, 108, 120, 250, 320, 330, 360 T280TransCollegen/a

50 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 50 Exit Reason Discrepancies Exit Reason Codes Related to Dropouts Re-enrolling (Warning Type B) Exit ReasonDescription E140NoKnownEnrollTruant E300ExpellNoKnownEnroll E400OtherOrUnknown E420NoShowSameSchl T270TransDropAdult T380TransInstNoHSDip T460TransHomeSchl

51 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 51 Exit Reason Discrepancies Exit Reason and Completion Codes Related to Potential Dropouts (Warning Type C) Exit Reason DescriptionCompletion Code T160TransCASchlRegularn/a T165TransCAEnrollDiscipn/a T167TransScholDistReferraln/a E230CompleterExit480 E490Summer or Intersession Exitn/a *N470NoShowOthern/a

52 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 52 Exit Reason Discrepancies Exit Reason Codes That Do Not Cause ERDs Exit ReasonDescriptionCompletion Code E230CompleterExit104 E410MedicalRsnsn/a E450PreK-6Exitn/a *N470NoShowOthern/a T180TransPrivaten/a T200TransUSn/a T240TransOutUSn/a T260TransInAdultn/a T310TransHealthFaciln/a T370TransInstHSDipln/a

53 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 53 Exit Reason Discrepancies DETECTING ERDs (cont) A currently enrolled SSID should not have any other enrollment record that is counted as a completer or dropout A completer or dropout should not have a more recent “Primary” enrollment record at any LEA An enrollment record with a transfer exit reason should have a more recent “Primary” enrollment Criteria for identifying ERDs

54 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 54 Exit Reason Discrepancies INPUT VALIDATION RULES FOR ERDs Validation RuleDescriptionError Level Reenrolling Graduate within LEA If Student Exit Reason Code is blank then Student must not be marked as graduated in a previous enrollment within the LEA Fatal Reenrolling Graduate within CALPADS If Student Exit Reason Code is blank then Student must not be marked as graduated in a previous enrollment within CALPADS Warning Records receiving Fatal Errors will not be posted to ODS. Records with Warnings can be posted; however, they will continue to show in the Anomaly Reports until they are cleared. Examples of errors relating to Anomalies


56 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 56 Exit Reason Discrepancies STEP 1: ACCESS ERD ANOMALY LIST 12 Click reveal button to view conflicting enrollment Dates determine records to evaluate for Fall 1. Note that range differs based on exit type. Range for Drops, Grads, Noshows is the same

57 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 57 Exit Reason Discrepancies STEP 2: ACCESS ERD 1-Click Reveal button to view ERD Dropout Re-Enrolled: A student’s exit reason indicates a dropout, but the student enrolls in another California public school. 2-Click Resolve to edit LEA’s enrollment record

58 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 58 Exit Reason Discrepancies STEP 3A: RESOLVING A COMPLETER RE-ENROLLED Determine whether the Exit Reason & Completion Status (if supplied) are accurate. If the student did not complete, the Exit Reason should be changed to a T160 or other code that accurately reflects why the student left. The Completion Status also needs to be removed. Click the Resolve button to view the enrollment history & update your record’s Exit Reason or Completion Status if necessary. If earliest record in the history does not match your student’s actual enrollment, your student may have the wrong SSID. If the other LEA’s record appears to be inaccurate, contact that LEA to discuss the anomaly. Click the School Contact link to get contact information for that LEA. Student left on 06/15/2008 as a high school graduate (Completion Status = 100), but then entered another school on 09/01/2008.

59 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 59 Exit Reason Discrepancies STEP 3B: RESOLVING A DROPOUT RE-ENROLLED Determine whether the Exit Reason is accurate. If the student did not drop out, the Exit Reason should be changed to a T160 or other code that accurately reflects why the student left. Click the Resolve button to view the enrollment history & update your record’s Exit Reason or Completion Status if necessary. If earliest record in the history does not match your student’s actual enrollment, your student may have the wrong SSID. If the other LEA’s record appears to be inaccurate, contact that LEA to discuss the anomaly. Click the School Contact link to get contact information for that LEA. Student was exited on 09/01/2007 as a dropout (Exit Reason = E400), but then entered another school on 10/01/2007.

60 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 60 Exit Reason Discrepancies STEP 3C: RESOLVING A POTENTIAL DROPOUT Determine whether the Exit Reason is accurate. If the student did not transfer to another CA public school, the Exit Reason needs to be updated to a code that accurately reflects why the student left. If your LEA has no record of the student transferring to another CA public school, click Resolve, then update the enrollment record with a more accurate Exit Reason (e.g., dropout or moved out of state). If earliest record in the history does not match your student’s actual enrollment, your student may have the wrong SSID. Student was exited on 07/16/2008 (Exit Reason = T160), and has no subsequent enrollment records in CALPADS. If your student did transfer to another CA public school, that school needs to enroll the student in CALPADS under the same SSID.

61 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 61 Exit Reason Discrepancies Click Edit on the record to be changed STEP 4: ACCESS ENROLLMENT RECORD

62 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 62 Exit Reason Discrepancies 1-Example: Change to Transfer 2- Click Validate 3- When validation successful, click Post Enrollment STEP 5: EDIT & POST ENROLLMENT RECORD

63 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 63 Exit Reason Discrepancies STEP 6: CONFIRM CHANGE Confirm change and Click Return to ERD Anomaly

64 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 64 Exit Reason Discrepancies 1-Check to indicate Resolved 2-Click Mark Selected as Reviewed The Anomaly has been resolved. It will not appear after the Anomaly Process runs again. STEP 7: MARK COMPLETE


66 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 66 Multiple Identifiers DEFINITION OF MULTIPLE IDENTIFIERS A MID anomaly occurs when two or more SSIDs have exactly matching or very similar demographics. The anomaly points out the potential for one student to have multiple SSIDs.

67 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 67 Multiple Identifiers DETECTING MIDS 1. Create groups of similar SSIDs (i.e., MID Group) – Identify students with the same Gender Code, Birth Date, and Primary Language Code 2. Identify SSIDs in a MID Group to examine – Identify SSIDs in a MID Group who have/had an open enrollment at any time during the Report Period for the Calendar being analyzed. The process to detect Multiple Identifier anomalies (MIDs) includes the following steps

68 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 68 Multiple Identifiers DETECTING MIDS (cont) 3. Create sets of SSIDs that match (i.e., MID Sets) – Sort enrollments of the SSIDs selected in step 2 by most recent Student School Start Date – Identify the first SSID with an active enrollment (open as of the processing date) in the sorted list. Identify this SSID as the Focus ID for the MID Set analysis. – Score the Focus ID against all other SSIDs selected from the MID Group, using the SSID Matching Logic – Create set of students with a matching score of 100 or greater (i.e., MID Set) – Continue process, identifying Focus IDs and creating MID Sets, using active and then inactive enrollments to determine Focus IDs until no more matches – Repeat process with all MID Groups

69 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 69 Multiple Identifiers The SSID Matching Logic is used to determine which SSIDs are included in a MID Set. SSIDs with a matching score of 100 are included in a MID Set (i.e., MID Anomaly Set). The end result is one or more MID Anomaly Sets within a MID Group. The following are matched DETECTING MIDS (cont.) Student Legal Name [First, Last, Suffix] Student Alias Name [First, Last] Gender Code, Birth Date [Day, Month, Year] Primary Language Code Birth State Province Code* Birth Country Code* *The latter two are optional fields that are used only when the data is available for all members of the MID Group being analyzed.

70 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 70 Multiple Identifiers Who can view a MID Anomaly Set? – Anomalies role provides functionality to review and resolve anomalies (MIDs, ERDs, and CCEs) – A MID Set is available for viewing by each LEA of an SSID with an enrollment in the Set Who can resolve a MID? – The owner of a MID Set can resolve the anomaly Who is the owner of a MID Set? – The MID Set is owned by the LEA associated with the Focus ID’s enrollment What is the Focus ID? – The focus id is the SSID with the most current enrollment that all members of the set were matched against RESOLVING MIDS

71 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 71 Multiple Identifiers What actions are available to the MID Set owner? – The MID Set owner can perform each of the following actions for its own records as well as the records of other LEAs Indicate the MID Set member is known not to be the same student as the Focus ID (i.e., Different Student). This designation will prevent the SSID from being identified as a possible anomaly with the Focus ID in the future. Combine SSIDs with the Focus ID, unless the SSID has a current enrollment in another LEA, in which case an error is generated and the LEAs must resolve the anomaly outside of the MID Resolution screen. RESOLVING MIDS (cont)

72 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 72 Multiple Identifiers What happens when two SSIDs must be combined? – CALPADS decides which SSID to “keep” and which SSID to “retire.” The earliest known SSID is selected for the student. The SSID associated with the earliest School Start Date found is kept and the others are retired. If the SSID with the earliest Start Date is not the Focus ID, the system updates the enrollment record for the Focus ID with the kept SSID. If the SSID of another LEA is retired, the LEA is notified when attempting to input retired number. RESOLVING MIDS (cont)

73 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 73 Multiple Identifiers What happens when an SSID is retired? – When an SSID is retired, it is identified in the database as “Previous SSID.” Enrollment data associated with the Previous SSID is mapped to the new SSID. This data now displays whenever the new SSID’s records are queried, with the exception of the Demographics records. The demographics of the now Previous SSID are inactivated. What happens to the retired SSID? – Once an SSID is retired by CALPADS, it will not be reassigned and cannot be used again. RESOLVING MIDS (cont.)

74 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 74 Multiple Identifiers The OTHER MID RESOLUTION interface adheres to the same requirement for combining SSIDs as the MID RESOLUTION interface Two SSIDs are entered to be combined, with the SSID in Field 1 belonging to the LEA of the user entering the SSIDs. The SSID in Field 2 can belong to either the user’s LEA or another LEA. RESOLVING OTHER MIDS When an LEA is aware of a MID that is not detected by CALPADS, the MID can be resolved outside of the Anomaly Process

75 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 75 Multiple Identifiers The SSIDs are validated to confirm that the identifiers entered belong to the correct students – The system displays each SSID’s key elements and a CALPADS matching score for the two SSIDs – The system also determines whether there is a current enrollment at another LEA associated with SSID 2 If there is a current open enrollment at another LEA, an error message will be displayed. If a current enrollment does not exist, the Combine is allowed When the “Combine SSIDs” is initiated, the system verifies that the validation has occurred and associates all data to the oldest SSID. RESOLVING OTHER MIDS (cont.)

76 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 76 Multiple Identifiers INPUT VALIDATION RULES FOR MIDS Validation RuleError LevelDescription Retired SSID -- (XXX) SSID replaced with current SSID (XXX). Update Local SIS WarningIf SSID is retired and Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in file match Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year of current SSID in ODS then replace with current SSID for student. Retired SSID -- Mismatch of SSID Demographics FatalIf SSID is retired and Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in file do not match Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year of current SSID in ODS, then do not replace SSID. Retired MIDs are identified by IVRs during data entry. Records receiving Fatal Errors will not be loaded. Warnings will be loaded. Examples include Examples of errors relating to Anomalies

77 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Multiple Identifiers COMMON CAUSES OF MIDS Real Life CauseSolution A student has been assigned two or more SSIDs Look up each SSID and review their enrollment history. Make sure that among the two SSIDs there is only one open enrollment record (a record without an exit date and reason). Select the comb (combine) option and post the selection. Look up each of the SSIDs that was combined. For the one that is still active (i.e., not retired), update the enrollment records to match the student’s actual enrollment history. Two similar but different students have been detected Select the diff (different) option and post the selection.

78 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 78 DEMONSTRATION RESOLVING MULTIPLE IDENTIFIERS (MIDs) Identified by Anomaly Process

79 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 79 Multiple Identifiers STEP 1: ACCESS MID ANOMALY REPORT Click Multiple Identifiers

80 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 80 Multiple Identifiers STEP 2: SELECT DATA (Optional) Note 100% Score Note that all MIDs for LEA display initially Select groups of MIDs and Click Apply Filter, if desired

81 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 81 MID Ownership: Options are: All - Displays all the MID Sets with a SSID that has an Enrollment in the Reporting LEA, regardless of ownership Reporting LEA – DEFAULT- Displays a MID with a Focus ID that belongs to the requesting LEA Other LEA- Displays a MID in which the Reporting LEA has an SSID, but the Focus ID belongs to an LEA other than the Reporting LEA SSID and Local ID: Defaults to Null. Enter values to display all anomalies for a particular student. Multiple Identifiers STEP 2: SELECT DATA (Optional) (cont.) Disposition: Options are: All Ready Selected Posted Cancelled Failed Focus ID Status: Options are: All Active – DEFAULT - MID with a Focus ID with an active enrollment Inactive - MID with Focus ID with an inactive enrollment

82 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 82 Multiple Identifiers STEP 3: REVEAL THE MID Click Reveal button to show other records in MID Set

83 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 83 Multiple Identifiers STEP 4: TROUBLESHOOTING THE MID If your LEA’s student did not attend this school, then this enrollment record belongs to a different student and the Diff option should be selected. Click the student name to view the student profile associated with the SSID to the left. Fields such as Birth City and parent names can be used to distinguish similar students. The other LEA’s record The None option can be selected if you have already selected Comb or Diff, but still need more time to decide if that is the right decision. Your LEA’s record Review the enrollment history records in the student profile. Conflicts between the records make it more likely that they represent two different students.

84 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 84 Multiple Identifiers STEP 5: DETERMINE ACTION AND SAVE 1-Select option 2-Click Save Selected Combine – These SSIDs belong to the same student. Combine them under one SSID. Different – Not the same student. Prevent these SSIDs from being detected as a MID in the future. None – Use if an option above was selected but more research is needed before making a final decision 3-Click Post When posted successfully, the MID is resolved and will not show after the next Anomaly Process

85 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 85 DEMONSTRATION RESOLVING MULTIPLE IDENTIFIERS (MIDs) Not Identified by Anomaly Process

86 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 86 Multiple Identifiers STEP 1: ACCESS OTHER MID RESOLUTION 2-Click Resolve MID Not on Report When an LEA is aware of a MID that is not detected by the Anomaly Process, the MID can be resolved outside of the Anomaly Process screen 1-Access MID Report

87 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 87 Multiple Identifiers STEP 2: ENTER SSIDs TO COMBINE & VALIDATE 1-Enter SSIDs. First SSID must belong to LEA user 2-Click Validate

88 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 88 xxxx xxx Multiple Identifiers STEP 3: REVIEW AND COMBINE 2-CALPADS will determine which SSID to keep Review both records to make sure these are the two SSIDs to combine under one SSID 1-Click Combine SSIDs

89 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Replacement SSID Retrieval Point to Reports Click Extracts Request replacement SSID extract here Retrieve replacement SSID extract here

90 Upcoming Changes Change Request #FunctionalityDescription 95AnomaliesAdd "Warning Type" as Selection Criteria for the ERD Report and Filtering Option for ERD Resolution UI 129AnomaliesChange Anomaly Specifications to Exclude Matriculating Completers who Re-Enroll from Generating ERDs 137AnomaliesChange Anomaly Specifications to: Exclude Certain Completers who Re-Enroll from Generating ERD’s 186AnomaliesRemove Middle Name from the MID Match Criteria (User would like to see Mid candidates even with dif middle names) 301AnomaliesRequest ability to Group or sort/filter CCE Anomalies by Other LEA(s) Involved Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02

91 91 Key Points Anomalies detection/identification does not end. Anomalies are detected nightly CCE Anomalies – Caused by incorrect exit codes/dates or students sharing an SSID ERD Anomalies – Unresolved Warning Type C anomalies will be counted as lost transfers and count toward your LEA’s dropout count MID Anomalies – Combine can not be done if a CCE will be created. Enrollment records must be cleaned up first. The majority of MID and CCE anomalies must be resolved prior to certification (2% maximum) Replacement SSIDs from MID resolution should be downloaded regularly (as often as SSID requests)

92 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 92 Important Links System Documentation (CFS, Error List, etc.) – Known Issues – Release Updates (i.e., system changes) – Update Flashes (i.e., critical CALPADS news) – Listservs (important CALPADS related announcements) –

93 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 93 CALPADS Support General Support – – – 916-325-9210

94 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 Training Feedback Please complete CALPADS Training Survey Form available online from: – CALPADS Online Training Survey Form

95 Essential 4 - SSID Anomalies Training v1.02 95 Questions

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