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SPEECH ON GANDHI. Mr A.ANNAMALAI Age : 48 Date of Birth : 31.07.1960 Educational Qualifications : B.Sc., (Chemistry) M.Sc., (Peace Making) M.A., (Economics)

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Presentation on theme: "SPEECH ON GANDHI. Mr A.ANNAMALAI Age : 48 Date of Birth : 31.07.1960 Educational Qualifications : B.Sc., (Chemistry) M.Sc., (Peace Making) M.A., (Economics)"— Presentation transcript:




4 Age : 48 Date of Birth : 31.07.1960 Educational Qualifications : B.Sc., (Chemistry) M.Sc., (Peace Making) M.A., (Economics) M.Phil., (Gandhian Thought & Peace Making) Diploma in Inter-Religious Dialogue

5 Association: Joint-Secretary, Thakkar Bapa Vidyalaya (founded by Mahatma Gandhi) Secretary, Tamilnadu Sarvodaya Mandal Member, Executive Committee, All India Sarva Seva Sangh Member, Managing Committee, Navadisha Montessori School Member, Advisory Committee, Sevalaya Presented papers in various National and International Seminars Organized many camps for youth and students - "Let us know Gandhi better" Organized and lead the 3 Cycle yatra with 35 youths all over Tamilnadu to propagate Gandhi A popular program aired thrice a week in the Pothigai channel of Doordarshan in the name 'Ulaga Uthamarin Uyariya Sindhanaigal (Great thoughts of Gandhi) for the past one and half years. I joined with Mr.T.D.Tirumalai in 1987 and continued my Ph.D. on Strategies for Employment generation. In 1990, I decided not to continue my formal studies and left the University. Designation : Director, Gandhi Study Centre

6 Activities of Gandhi Study Centre: Conducting Exam on “My Experiments with Truth” nearly 15,000 students all over Tamilnadu are participating every year Study Circles, Orientation Course for students Conducting Exhibition on Gandhi's Life and Freedom Struggle in schools and other educational institutions Youth Camps on “Let us know Gandhi Better” Wednesday Meeting - Book Review / Special Topic Correspondence Course on Gandhi's Life and Thought - Anjal Moolam Arivom Gandhiyai (Learn Gandhi through Post)

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