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Published byRolf Kelly Modified over 9 years ago
Internet Ordering TrophyNut OrderSystem Service Unit Instructions Troop by Girl Ordering 1
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS General InformationPage 3 Log InPage 5 Adding TroopsPage 6 Adding ACH DataPage 8 Adding GirlsPage 10 Adding Girl OrdersPage 12 Assigning OrdersPage 18 Reviewing Troop OrdersPage 21 ReportPage 22 Delivery TicketPage 24 Edit OrderPage 26 Adding Magazine DataPage 27 Submitting OrdersPage 28 Delivery SchedulePage 31 Payment EntryPage 34 Troop to Troop TransferPage 36 Reviewing BoothingPage 39 Service Unit & Troop ReportsPage 43 Recognition ReportPage 44 Final ReportPage 45 Quick Search & MessagesPage 46
To access - Log on to This TrophyNut Order System Welcome Screen will appear. 1. Click on the 2012-2013 Order System. NOTE: You can also access the following from this screen: Clip Art Nutrition Facts (click on the item and it will show you a picture of the can or box and nutrition values) Link to 3
To go back to, click Trophy Nut Order System (TNOS) 4
2. Then enter the User ID (your email address) and the Password that was provided by Council and press enter 5
1. Check to make sure your Service Unit Info is correct…if changes are needed, click on “Edit”… 3. Then Click “Troops” under Views to add a new troop. Adding Troops 2. Enter Product Delivery and Recognition Delivery information if your Product Sales Manager has not already. 6
7 1.Add the Troop # ( does not need leading zeros) 2.Add contact email 3.Add user id (the contact email address and the user ID -- also an email address -- do not need to match, but it should be a VALID email address) 4.Create password (which can be anything 6 characters or more) 5.Click Add Troops can enter their own contact info, you do not have to (but can if you choose). When you review your troops, make sure the number of Girls Registered has been entered (TNOS will automatically calculate Number of Girls Selling based on the number of girl orders entered) NOTE: Each troop will need a separate user ID (even if two troops have the same fall chair). If you add your Troops before you have the ACH form and Troop Agreement, you will need to edit this data (Troops, select the troop, “Edit”)and check the “Has Access” radio button. Otherwise, you can do it as you are adding your troops. Adding Troops
8 Adding ACH Data Troops will add their ACH data (account #, routing #). Click “Edit” from the home screen.
9 Troop 401 Adding ACH Data Enter the name on the account (troop #), the account number and routing number, as printed on the check. Be sure to double check your entries to ensure your account info is accurate so there are no issues processing your ACH Debit. Then click “Save”. (After you save, your account info will convert to asterisks for security)
Troops will be adding their girls and their girls’ orders. To Add a Girl click “Add” Please make sure you enter this information for accurate Reports!!! 10 Adding Girls
1.Enter the girl’s name (first and last name) If this troop/girl is participating in Online (Web) Magazine sales, please check the box 2. Recognitions are automatically calculated based on units sold; however, if the girl sent 12+ valid emails through the QSP Online Program, the patch will need to be manually entered (at the end of program, see timeline in SU guide) 3. Make sure to click “Add” at the bottom of the page (you may have to scroll down) to include this girl in your troop list 11 Adding Girls
Click “Orders” under Views from the home page to place Product Orders 12 Adding Girl Orders
13 Click “Add” to add an order (initial order for a girl, initial booth sale order, allocate additional or booth orders to a girl…) Service Units can see a breakdown by girl for all your troops, but as you see here, can also select a particular troop from the drop down (in reports you can also get a summarized view). Adding Girl Orders
14 Adding Girl Orders To enter the Initial Order, select Initial Order. Select the Troop #, then select the Girl, then enter her age group (Daisy, Brownie, etc.). Finally, enter her product order. NOTE: Gift of Caring is shown in TNOS as Care To Share. Also, if the girl’s name is not listed in the drop down menu, you can “Add” her at this time. And remember: Each troop’s order should be in full cases (see page 22) Enter the girl’s Direct Sale orders. Note: because of the way TNOS is programmed, you will need to double the number of subscriptions sold to properly calculate the 2 units per subscription. To order the Initial Booth Order, select it and enter the order. Be sure to click “Add” when done entering (may need to scroll to bottom of screen). NOTE: once all girl orders are entered and the troop has submitted their order, it cannot be changed (unless you as SUFC unsubmit it – see page 27 of this manual).
A girl’s order can also be added by selecting her from the list. 15 Adding Girl Orders
To enter a girl’s initial order, click on Order Summary. The page will expand to reveal the “Add” link (with orders entered, it will show those orders). It will take you to same screen as shown on page 12) Also on this page, you can view the Payment Summary (click on the text, and the data will be revealed); Choose Recognitions (for when you need to enter that she earns the online patch), and view what recognitions she has earned (based on Initial and any additional sales). If any changes are made, be sure to click “Update.” 16 Adding Girl Orders
Once you have clicked “Add”at the bottom of the order entry screen (page 12) you will be returned to this screen. All product allocated (assigned) to the girl (initial order, booth sales, additional sales) and magazine sales will be reflected here. Remember to click “Update” if a change has been made, even after entering her Initial Order. 17 Adding Girl Orders
Assigning Orders. Select “Orders” from the Views menu. To assign additional product to a girl (cupboard or booth), click “Add”. Note: once Council has submitted the Initial Order, no changes can be made to a girl’s initial order and this product cannot be re-allocated to another girl, used in a troop to troop transfer, or used in a cupboard exchange. Assigning Orders 18
1.Make sure Assign Booth/Cupboard Orders is checked 2.Choose Additional or Booth. (Additional means the girl made the sale and is financially responsible for the product. Booth means that only the troop is financially responsible.) 3.Choose the girl that you are applying the product to and then enter the items to apply. Note: you cannot allocate (assign) more than the available units of each variety. Once allocated, product cannot be “unallocated” and assigned to another girl, used for troop to troop transfers, or exchanges at a cupboard. 19 Assigning Orders
Assigning Orders. You will then see this screen which will show all orders including assigned orders as well as any units still not applied (allocated). 20 Assigning Orders
As each troop’s Initial Order will need to be ordered in FULL CASES (a combination of the girls’ orders plus any additional product ordered), there are two ways you/the troop can determine how many more of each variety to order to make it a full case. We refer to this as “rounding up” (but, in some instances, it may be “rounding down ” to the nearest full case, the additional items can then be picked up at a cupboard). The first option is by reviewing a report – select “Reports” from the menu at left. The second option is displaying the “Delivery Tickets,” also at the menu at left. First, viewing the Report… 21 Reviewing Troop Orders
Select the “Products Ordered By Service Unit” report. 22 Reviewing Troop Orders
1.Select “Service Units & Troops” to get a “by troop” breakdown 2.Select “Combined” to get all product ordered by troop 3.Click “Run Report” You will then see a list of your troops and their orders, by variety. 23 Reviewing Troop Orders
Or, by selecting “Delivery Tickets” from the menu at the left, you will see this screen. Select “By Troop” to get a delivery ticket for each troop. Come here also if you want to print delivery tickets for when troops pick up product from you (if applicable). 24 Reviewing Troop Orders
By default, all of your troops will display (one “page” per troop). Or you can select specific troops by using the drop down. This report will show you the cases ordered and how many “extra” units have been ordered. “Extra” units shows ONLY if there are cans in excess of a full case. In this instance, the troop has 2 full cases of Butter Toffee Peanuts, plus 2 additional cans. This troop will either want to add 10 more cans of BTP to their order OR remove the 2 cans from their order and pick them up later at the cupboard. 25 Reviewing Troop Orders
If you need to edit an existing order click on the “Order ID” # (Note: once the Initial Order has been submitted it cannot be edited – see page 27 of this manual for more info. Other types of orders also cannot be edited once saved) Cupboard Orders Any orders that a troop picks up from a cupboard will be listed here. In order for the recognitions to be chosen automatically for the girls, these products including any initial booth orders will have to be allocated (applied) to the girls within a troop. Cupboard orders are NOT entered by the troop, but by the cupboard staff at the time of pick up. 26 Reviewing Troop Orders
27 Adding Magazine Data Direct Sale (paper) magazine orders should be entered at the same time as a troop enters a girl’s Initial Nut Order (see pages 12-17 of this manual, as well as your SU Guide for deadlines). (However, if they have not, you can come back to the girl’s initial order and add the data provided you have not clicked “Submit Magazines” or that Service Units have been made “read only”). Online (Web) magazine orders will be entered at the conclusion of the Fall Program, as per the deadline shown in the Troop Guide’s timeline. For both, select “Orders” from the Views menu, then select the girl whose order you need to enter. Select her Initial Order Order ID# (allocated/assigned product all begins with a C, Initial Order does not). Enter the number of magazines subscriptions sold and dollar amount of each. Note: because of the way TNOS is programmed, you will need to double the number of subscriptions sold to properly calculate the 2 units per subscription. Be sure to click “Update” to save your entry.
There are two buttons at the top for Submitting Magazine and Product Orders. Do not use these buttons until you are sure ALL Troops are finished entering their orders. Once these buttons are pressed, the troops and the service units will no longer be able to enter orders ( they can still assign/allocate product, though). If for some reason this has been done prematurely, the council can change the status of the service unit and/or a troop. If a troop has pressed these prematurely, you as a Service Unit are able to unsubmit products and/or magazines by editing the Troop Information from their “dashboard” (from most pages, click “Troops” from the Views menu). Submitting Orders 28
Click on “Edit.” 29 Submitting Orders
Click “Unsubmit” next to either “Products have been submitted” or “Magazines have been submitted” (as applicable) to unsubmit. 30 Submitting Orders
31 Depending on how deliveries are handled in your Region (and Service Unit), your PSM may have already entered the delivery location information for you, leaving you to set up a schedule of when troops will pick up from you. If applicable, to set up the schedule, select the green clock icon. Delivery Schedule Note: If your delivery location isn’t listed and it is not to be entered by your PSM, click “Add Delivery Site” to enter the location information in the fields and click “Add” to save the entry
32 You can set up delivery times in two ways… One, enter each start time individually under Add Delivery Time (and you CAN put the same time in twice – or more - if you have more than one troop per slot). Or, you can add multiple times at once, in 15 minute increments, by putting in a start time, end time and interval, then click “Add”. (Clicking more than once will add the range more than once… helpful if you do multiple troops at a time) Click “Close” when done. Delivery Schedule
33 You can select the location and time for your troops by selecting “Troops” from the Views, selecting the troop you wish to schedule from the drop down, clicking “Edit” and then selecting your location and then a time (inset). (If you let troops self-select, they see only your SU’s location.) Click “Update” when done. Delivery Schedule Note: while there is no report to give you a summary of when troops are picking up when, you can print “Delivery Tickets” (see pages 24-25 of this manual) which include the time for each troop.
Payment Entry 2. Click here to add new payment 1.Click on “Payments” under Views from the SU “home” page On this screen, too, you will see any girl payments as well as any council payments made. Also, if a girls name is in bold, she still owes the troop money. Put your cursor over her name to find out how much. 34
Payment Entry Record payments made by the girl to the troop (only council will record payments from the troop to the council). Choose Girl Payment from the drop down box (it is the default setting) and then choose the girl. Add the necessary payment information including the amount paid. 35
36 Troop to Troop Transfers From your “Home” screen, select Orders from the View menu. Then, to record a Troop to Troop transfer (unallocated or unapplied product only), select from the “Overview of Units Not Applied” section the troop who transferring product TO another troop.
37 Troop to Troop Transfers From the Transfer Unassigned Units Orders (you may need to scroll down), click “Add” to add the transaction
38 Troop to Troop Transfers 1. Select the destination SU (which will be your own SU), 2. Select the destination Troop 3. Enter the product being transferred (cannot exceed the available units) 4. Click the Transfer button Note: you will receive the alert message at right – once you finalize the transfer it cannot be undone, so be sure to check and double check your entries before clicking Transfer
Reviewing Boothing Various reports are available to view, print, or download in to Excel for both Service Units and Troops (troops will only see Troop reports). Two in particular are the Booth by Location and, in the troop reports Booths by Troop 39
You can run the report for all booth locations or you can use the drop down and select a specific location. You will not be able to see troops outside your SU. In Round 1 of boothing, if you see that one your troops is at a location outside of your SU, you can remove them from that booth (see page 35 of this manual). 40 Reviewing Boothing
Using the Booths by Troop report, you can run the report for all troops in your SU, or you can use the drop down and select a specific troop (this is the result with Service Unit selected). You will not be able to see troops outside your SU. In Round 1 of boothing, if you see that one your troops is at a location outside of your SU, you can remove them from that booth (see page 35 of this manual). 41 Reviewing Boothing
From your SU home page, select “Troops” from the Views menu, then select the troop you need to remove from a booth site. You will see on the troop’s home page (dashboard) which booth sites they have signed up for (you may need to scroll right). You will see a “Remove” link, this will remove the troop from the time slot and free it for other troops. 42 Reviewing Boothing
43 There are several reports beyond those already mentioned; let’s look at two of them: “Recognitions Earned by Service Unit” and, for those who love data, the “Final Report” … SU & Troop Reports
44 To generate the recognitions report, simply click Run Report. This shows you how many of each reward item you should receive for your Service Unit (Movie tickets are not calculated by the system; council will determine if a troop’s PGA meets the requirement). SU & Troop Reports
You may also select to view a certain Troop from the drop down list provided at the top. This report will also show you Service Unit/Troop statistics. The Final Report for Service Units will provide the number of units sold, percent/item, retail cost, gross sales and total troop proceeds. 45 SU & Troop Reports
Use this option to search for a Girl’s Information, Troop Information or Order Details Quick Search & Messages The Messaging feature allows you to send messages to Troops/Girls internally, the Troop leader will be notified of a new message upon log-in 46
Using the Quick Search option, you may search for either a Troop, Girl or Order by Number, Contact Name, Girl Name or Order Number 47 Quick Search & Messages
To compose a message, first click the Compose button. A record of messages sent/received will be added above so you can keep track of what and when you sent a message. Any unread messages will be in bold until opened. 48 Quick Search & Messages
To compose a message, select from the drop down menu whether you would like this message to go to Council and/or Troops (which troops or All troops), enter your subject and message, and send! Note: This message will also be delivered to the email address under the Service Unit or Troop information 49 Quick Search & Messages
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