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Russell: Ready, Steady, Go! Everything about moving thousands of linear feet of boxes, books, videos, films, artifacts, people, and stuff but were afraid.

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Presentation on theme: "Russell: Ready, Steady, Go! Everything about moving thousands of linear feet of boxes, books, videos, films, artifacts, people, and stuff but were afraid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russell: Ready, Steady, Go! Everything about moving thousands of linear feet of boxes, books, videos, films, artifacts, people, and stuff but were afraid to ask… in @7 minutes or less

2 Preparing collections to move: – Identify 11,601 document cases 3210 record center cartons 500 specialty & oversize boxes Hundreds of loose & oversize items @5,500 boxes off-site Questions What is it? Physical Condition? Where does it belong? Should we keep it? Ready, Steady, Go!

3 Preparing collections to move: – Inventory & Catalog Create catalog records for each collection Confirm accurate container inventories for each collection Create item descriptions for loose and oversize material It Takes a Village! A move of this scale has required a tremendous effort from our student assistants, the cataloging department, Will and his team in the gifts unit and more!

4 Ready, Steady, Go! Preparing collections to move: PACK EVERTHING THAT ISN’T NAILED DOWN

5 Ready, Steady, Go! Preparing collections to move: 1248FKG BARCODE EVERYTHING THAT ISN’T NAILED DOWN

6 Ready, Steady, Go! Developing New Russell Exhibit Galleries – Conceptualize the look, themes for 9 new exhibit spaces

7 Ready, Steady, Go! Developing New Russell Exhibit Galleries – Conduct research and develop exhibit scripts – Select objects for display – Edit text & winnow objects

8 Ready, Steady, Go! Developing New Russell Exhibit Galleries – Produce interactive kiosks and interpretive videos – Design & fabricate graphics for feature gallery & other spaces The amazing graphic designer, Javad!

9 Ready, Steady, Go! Developing New Russell Exhibit Galleries – Install and supervise installation of exhibits – Start developing upcoming exhibits

10 Ready, Steady, Go! Imagining Public Services – Major shift in the way we access our collections for patrons and for us. – Technology and greater cooperation with other staff will mediate access to most of our collections Challenges and opportunities – New patron management system (AEON): Allow advance requests of materials Track use of collections for security and for research Cooperative use of collections Automate reproduction and permissions transactions

11 Left, Gone, Went… (Life after the move) Even after we’ve left, we’re still here… Some materials will live in what is now the Hargrett rare book vault After the main move, Russell will still have to move materials from 3 off site locations Where were we? What now? What next? Resume & expand programming Continue building & processing collections Reflect on past, present, future Make new plans… Breathe…

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