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IMA Thematic Year on Mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules

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Presentation on theme: "IMA Thematic Year on Mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMA Thematic Year on Mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules
Thanks to Local Organizers: Mitch Luskin, Maria Calderer, Dick James Effective Theories for Materials and Macromolecules

2 Sloppy Models: Universality in Data Fitting
Kevin S. Brown, JPS, Rick Cerione, Chris Myers, Kelvin Lee, Josh Waterfall, Fergal Casey, Ryan Gutenkunst, Søren Frederiksen, Karsten Jacobsen, Colin Hill, Guillermo Calero +NGF Cell Dynamics Error Bars for Interatomic Potentials Fitting Exponentials, Polynomials

3 Fitting Decaying Exponentials
Ensemble: Extrapolation Ensemble: Interpolation Fit Classic Ill-Posed Inverse Problem Given Geiger counter measurements from a radioactive pile, can we recover the identity of the elements and/or predict future radioactivity? Good fits with bad decay rates! P, S, I 35 32 125 6 Parameter Fit

4 Biologists study which proteins talk to which. Modeling?
PC12 Differentiation +NGF +EGF EGFR NGFR Ras Sos ERK1/2 MEK1/2 Raf-1 Pumps up signal (Mek) Tunes down signal (Raf-1) ERK* Time 10’ ERK* Time 10’ Biologists study which proteins talk to which. Modeling?

5 48 Parameter Fit

6 ‘Sloppy Model’ Errors for Atoms
Bayesian Ensemble Approach to Error Estimation of Interatomic Potentials Søren Frederiksen, Karsten W. Jacobsen, Kevin Brown, JPS Interatomic Potentials V(r1,r2,…) Fast to compute Limit me/M → 0 justified Guess functional form Pair potential  V(ri-rj) poor Bond angle dependence Coordination dependence Fit to experiment (old) Fit to forces from electronic structure calculations (new) Quantum Electronic Structure (Si) 90 atoms (Mo) (Arias) Atomistic potential 820,000 Mo atoms (Jacobsen, Schiøtz) 17 Parameter Fit

7 Why the Name Sloppy Model?
Huge Fluctuations around Best Fit Tyson Brown Kholodenko Stiff Sloppy eigen parameters bare parameters Best Fit Eigenvalues Span Huge Range Each eigenvalue ~three times next Ill-conditioned Stiff 1cm Sloppy~meters,km Local Collinearity of Parameters Many alternative fits just as good Huge ranges of allowed parameters Eigenvalue Hessian ∂2C/∂q2 at Best Fit Sloppy Directions  Small Eigenvalues

8 Sloppy Model Eigenvalues
Many fitting problems are sloppy Anharmonic Perfect (Fake) Data H Molybdenum Interatomic Potential Cell Dynamics Lessons: Sloppy Due to Insufficient Data? No: Perfect Data Sloppy Too Survives Anharmonicity? Yes: Principle Component Analysis Signal Transduction Polynomial Fitting

9 Don’t trust predictions that vary
Ensemble of Models We want to consider not just minimum cost fits, but all parameter sets consistent with the available data. New level of abstraction: statistical mechanics in model space. Don’t trust predictions that vary Generate an ensemble of states with Boltzmann weights exp(-C/T) and compute for an observable: bare eigen O is chemical concentration, or rate constant …

10 48 Parameter “Fit” to Data
Cost is Energy Ensemble of Fits Gives Error Bars eigen +EGF ERK* Time 10’ ERK* Time 10’ +NGF bare Error Bars from Data Uncertainty

11 Does the Erk Model Predict Experiments?
Model Prediction Brown’s Experiment Model predicts that the left branch isn’t important Predictive Despite Sloppy Fluctuations!

12 Which Rate Constants are in the Stiffest Eigenvector?
* stiffest Oncogenes Ras Eigenvector components along the bare parameters reveal which ones are most important for a given eigenvector. Raf1 * 2nd stiffest

13 Interatomic Potential Error Bars
Ensemble of Acceptable Fits to Data Not transferable Unknown errors 3% elastic constant 10% forces 100% fcc-bcc, dislocation core Best fit is sloppy: ensemble of fits that aren’t much worse than best fit. Ensemble in Model Space! T0 set by equipartition energy = best cost T0 Error Bars from quality of best fit Green = DFT, Red = Fits

14 Sloppy Molybdenum: Does it Work?
Comparing Predicted and Actual Errors Sloppy model error si gives total error if ratio r = errori/si distributed as a Gaussian: cumulative distribution P(r)=Erf(r/√2) Three potentials Force errors Elastic moduli Surfaces Structural Dislocation core 7% < si < 200% Note: tails… MEAM errors underestimated by ~ factor of 2 “Sloppy model” systematic error most of total ~2 << 200%/7%

15 Fitting Polynomials: Hilbert
What is Sloppiness? Polynomial fit: L2 norm Hessian = 1/(i+j+1) = Hilbert matrix (Classic ill-conditioned matrix) Monomial coefficients qn sloppy. Orthonormal shifted Legendre Coefficients an not sloppy Sloppiness as Perverse, Skewed Choice of Preferred Basis (Human or Biological)

16 Exploring Parameter Space
Rugged? More like Grand Canyon (Josh) Glasses: Rugged Landscape Metastable Local Valleys Transition State Passes Optimization Hell: Golf Course Sloppy Models Minima: 5 stiff, N-5 sloppy Search: Flat planes with cliffs

17 Ensemble Fluctuations Along Eigendirections
Work In Progress stiff sloppy loge fluctuations along eigendirection 3x previous Monte Carlo Fluctuations Suppressed in Soft Directions: Anharmonicity or Convergence?

18 Stochastic versus Sensitivity
Error Bars Stochastic versus Sensitivity Sensitivity Analysis = Harmonic Approximation for Errors Yields Much Larger Prediction Fluctuations Anharmonicity Constrains Soft Modes Mimic w/ modest prior (fluctuations < 106, one s) Sensitivity w/Prior Fluctuations Now Close to Monte Carlo Work In Progress

19 Sloppy Model Universality?
Why are all these problems so similar? Random Matrix GOE Ensemble: many different NxN random symmetric matrices have level repulsion, universal ~Wigner-Dyson spacings as N→ Product ensemble: equally spaced logs! stronger level repulsion Fitting exponentials: very strong level repulsion! New random matrix ensemble? Strong Level Repulsion Work In Progress Fitting exponentials: stiffest minus second

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