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Philippians 4:8 Think On These Things. Philippians 4 Paul’s closing admonitions Stand fast (verse 1) Be of the same mind (verses 2-3) Rejoice in the Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "Philippians 4:8 Think On These Things. Philippians 4 Paul’s closing admonitions Stand fast (verse 1) Be of the same mind (verses 2-3) Rejoice in the Lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philippians 4:8 Think On These Things

2 Philippians 4 Paul’s closing admonitions Stand fast (verse 1) Be of the same mind (verses 2-3) Rejoice in the Lord (verse 4-7) Things to think and do (verses 8-9) Fellowship with Paul (verses 10-19) Benediction and parting salutations (verses 20-23)

3 What Were You Thinking? Action follows thinking; conduct is shaped by thinking (Prov. 4:23; Mk. 7:21) Our thoughts need to be acceptable to God (Psa. 19:14); captive to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5) We all have our mind set on something … what is your mind set on?

4 What Were You Thinking? ( Philippians 4:8 ) KJVNKJVASVNASVNIVESV True HonestNobleHonorable NobleHonorable Just Right Just Pure Lovely Good report Good repute AdmirableCommend- able Virtue ExcellenceExcellentExcellence PraisePraise- worthy Praise Praise- worthy Worthy of praise

5 Whatsoever Things Are True “True” (Gr. aleethees) = according to truth; not a lie, not false, not deceit (Rom. 3:4; Phil. 1:27; 1 Jn. 2:27) We must think on words, actions, and thoughts that correspond to the truth of God’s word (Jn. 14:6; 17:17); true to self, others, and to God

6 Whatsoever Things Are Honorable “Honorable” (Gr. semnos) = grave, serious, dignified, venerable, respect, reverence, noble (1 Tim. 2:2; 3:4, 8, 11; Tit. 2:2, 7) We must think on things that match the serious nature of Christian conduct (Phil. 1:27)

7 Whatsoever Things Are Just “Just” (Gr. dikaios) = deal rightly with others, fair, equitable conduct We must think about how to rightly and fairly treat others (Col. 4:1)

8 Whatsoever Things Are Pure “Pure” (Gr. hognos) = chaste, morally clean unstained by evil (2 Cor. 11:2; 1 Jn. 3:3) We must think about what is morally clean; keep ourselves pure in thought and deed (1 Thess. 5:22); no uncleanness (Eph. 5:3)

9 Whatsoever Things Are Lovely “Lovely” (Gr. prosphilees ) = pleasing, agreeable, amiable, attractive, endearing; not physical beauty, but an attractive character (found only here in the NT) We must think about the words and actions that will make me attractive to others (the LXX uses this word in Esther 5:2)

10 Whatsoever Things Are Of Good Report “Good report” (Gr. eupheemos) = fair- speaking, speaking well of; commendable, admirable; not evil-speaking or defamation (used only here in the NT); see 2 Cor. 6:8 We must think about how to speak well of others

11 If Any Virtue “Virtue” (Gr. arete) = moral excellence; noble character; goodness We must think about how to have excellent character (1 Pet. 2:9; 2 Pet. 1:3, 5)

12 If Any Praise “Praise” (Gr. epainos) = honor, praise-worthy We must think about what it takes to be honored and praised by God (Rom. 2:29; Phil. 1:11; 1 Pet. 1:7)

13 Think On These Things Paul’s words here are an imperative (command) “Think” refers to careful reflection and consideration, not just a passing thought (lit. “keep on thinking about these things”) We are responsible for our thoughts; we are supposed to hold them to high and holy virtues laid down in this verse

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