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1 MENTAL RETARDATION – DEF. Significant subaverage intellectual functioning + Significant limitation in at least two of the following skill areas –Communication,

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Presentation on theme: "1 MENTAL RETARDATION – DEF. Significant subaverage intellectual functioning + Significant limitation in at least two of the following skill areas –Communication,"— Presentation transcript:


2 1 MENTAL RETARDATION – DEF. Significant subaverage intellectual functioning + Significant limitation in at least two of the following skill areas –Communication, Self care, Home living, social /interperssonel skills, use of community resources, self direction, functional acedemic skills, work, leisure, safety With onset before the age of 18 years

3 2 DEGREE OF MR (WHO & DSM-IV) IQ Borderline71-85 Mild51-70 Moderate36-50 Severe35-21 Profound<20

4 3 OCCURRENCE About 2 % of the population

5 4 –Biological Factors Chromosomal DisordersChromosomal Disorders –Down Syndrome –Fragile-X Syndrome Genetic DisordersGenetic Disorders –Phenylketonuria (PKU) Infectious DiseaseInfectious Disease –Rubella –Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) –Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) –Syphilis, Genital Herpes –Encephalitis, Meningitis Mental Retardation – Etiological Considerations

6 5 –Biological Factors ToxinsToxins –Fetal Alcohol Syndrome –Lead Poising Other Biological AbnormalitiesOther Biological Abnormalities –Rh Incompatibility –Premature Birth –Anoxia –Malnutrition –Epilepsy Mental Retardation – Etiological Considerations

7 6 Characteristics of Mental Retardation Difficulty in: –Focusing attention –Remembering information –Regulating one’s own behavior –Mastering academic tasks –Making friends

8 7 Characteristics of Mental Retardation (continued) Difficulty in: –Performing life skills Appears unmotivated Below average intelligence

9 8 –Primary Prevention AmniocentesisAmniocentesis –Secondary Prevention –Tertiary Prevention NormalizationNormalization –Main Streaming –Deinstitutionalization Mental Retardation: Treatment: Prevention

10 9 Problems MR/DD More Commonly Seen –Physical abuse –Sexual Abuse –Neglect –Emotional Abuse

11 10 Problems MR/DD Depression Withdrawal Fantasy crushes, imaginary conversations Appearing to “invite” victimization

12 11 Problems MR/DD Medical seizures other undiagnosed medical illnesses


14 13 –Children with mild disabilities were instructed in the general education classroom – Children with severe disabilities did not attend school at all How and Why Special Education

15 14 Influences on Special Education Practices Civil Rights Laws Court Cases Education Laws Parent & Professional Advocacy Groups Classroom Research

16 15 Effect of Inappropriate Placement of Students in Special Education If students are mislabeled, they will not receive the appropriate supports and services to be successful Less likely to be educated More likely to be suspended/expelled More likely to drop out

17 16 M 3 Equals Misidentification Misassessment Misplacement

18 17 What Can Be Done General education classroom Family involvement Referrals Evaluations Services Monitor

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