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Review to Begin Latin 2 CP. Nouns and Declensions A noun is a:

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1 Review to Begin Latin 2 CP

2 Nouns and Declensions A noun is a:

3 “Use” and Number 1 st Pattern (Feminine) 2 nd Pattern (Masculine) 2 nd Pattern (Neuter) 3 rd Pattern (M & F) [3 rd adj. endings in parentheses] 3 rd Pattern (Neuter) [3rd adj. endings in parentheses] Nominative Singular-- [-ius]-er-varies Genitive Singular----- Dative Singular----- Accusative Singular----= Ablative Singular---- (- ) Vocative Singular-- [-ī]-er-== Nominative Plural ----- (- ) Genitive Plural ---- (- ) Dative Plural --- -- Accusative Plural --- -- (- ) Ablative Plural --- -- Vocative Plural --- -- (- )

4 Rule: Since adjectives describe nouns, they agree with nouns in these three respects 

5 LATIN CASE FUNCTION(S) of CASETRANSLATI ON Nominative 1. subject 2. predicate nominative(none) Genitive1. shows possession, 2. whenever “of”, 3. With adjectives of filling ’s, s’, “of” Dative1. indirect object (with verbs of giving, showing, telling, trusting) (to/for) Accusative 1. direct object 2. object of motion towards 3. exclamation (none) Ablative1. accompaniment 2. means/instrument 3. manner 4. place where 5. object of motion away from 6. time when 7. time within which 8. agent (ab/ā) 9. cause 10. price/cost WFBIOU = with, from, by/because of, in, on, out of, under VocativeDirect AddressHey! O!

6 Underline the nouns in the following sentences and above each noun write “Nom” if it is the subject of the sentence, “Acc” if it is the direct object, “Dat.” if it is the indirect object, “Gen” if it shows possession, “ABL” if it is an object of a with/from/by/in prepositional phrase, “Acc” if it the object of an idea of motion towards, “Voc” if the noun is being addressed directly, and lastly “Nom” if the noun is used as a complement with a linking verb 1. Percy slew the minotaur with his sword. 2. Percy is a demigod or a half-blood. 3. Percy is the son of the god, Poseidon.

7 Underline the nouns in the following sentences and above each noun write “Nom” if it is the subject of the sentence, “Acc” if it is the direct object, “Dat.” if it is the indirect object, “Gen” if it shows possession, “ABL” if it is an object of a with/from/by/in prepositional phrase, “Acc” if it the object of an idea of motion towards, “Voc” if the noun is being addressed directly, and lastly “Nom” if the noun is used as a complement with a linking verb 4. Percy lives on Long Island, then moved from his home to Camp Half-Blood. 5. A centaur gave a special pen to Percy, and this pen could turn into a sword. 6. “O Annabeth, how can I ever thank you and Jasper for saving my life?” 7. Annabeth’s mother, Athena, gave her daughter the power of wisdom.

8 Define the following noun uses. Remember some noun uses play off on the verb. 1a. Subject 1b. Complement 2. Possessor 3. Indirect Object 4. Direct Object 5. Object in a Prepositional Phrase (with, from, by, in) 6. Direct Address:

9 LATIN CASEFUNCTION(S) of CASETRANSLATION Nominative1. subject 2. complement(none) Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative Vocative In the chart below give the function(s) for each Latin case. Also give the basic translation

10 Explain what a case is: A declension is a system of noun case endings. In Latin there are 5 different declensions. So, a Latin noun belongs to one of the 5 declensions, and to that one only. Identify the declension of the following words. hasta, hastae_______ murus, -ī_______ ager, agr ī _______ cibus, cibi_______senex, senis_______vīna, vīnae_______ aqua, aquae_______ domina, dominae_______ annus, annī_______ liber, librī_______ hortus, horti_______lux, lucis_______ pater, patris_______mater, matris_______narrator, -is_______ oculus, -ī_______magister, magistrī_______ gladius, -ī_______

11 Case/Number1 st Declension (feminine mostly) 2 nd Declension (masculine mostly) 3 rd Declension Nouns (fem & masc) 3 rd Declension Adjectives (fem & masc) Nom/Voc Singular - Nom: Voc: -- Genitive Singular ---- Dative Singular ---- Accusative Singular ---- Ablative Singular ---- Nom/Voc Plural ---- Genitive Plural ---- Dative Plural ---- Accusative Plural ---- Ablative Plural ----

12 The 1 st Declension How can you recognize a 1 st Decl. Noun? What gender are most 1 st declension nouns?

13 CASESINGULAR ENDINGS PLURAL ENDINGS Here are some 1 st declension nouns! aqua, aquae F.- water auriga, aurigae M. - charioteer femina, feminae F.– woman, wife insula, insulae F. – island puella, puellae F. – girl scriba, scribae M. - scribe silva, silvae F. – forest, woods terra, terrae F. – earth, land via, viae F. – road, way, street vita, vitae F.- life Nominative-- Genitive-- Dative-- Accusative-- Ablative-- Vocative-- The 1 st Declension

14 Decline hasta, hastae F “spear” in all cases singular & plural & translate into English. CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. hastspear Genitive Singular hastspear Dative Singular hastspear Accusative Sing. hastspear Ablative Singular hastspear Vocative Singular hastspear Nominative Plural hastspears Genitive Plural hastspears Dative Plural hastspears Accusative Plural hastspears Ablative Plural hastspears Vocative Plural hastspears

15 The 2 nd Declension How can you recognize a 2 nd Decl. noun? Masculine Here are some 2 nd declension nouns! Neuter CASESINGULA R ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS SINGULA R ENDINGS PL. ENDING S Nominative -- puer, puer ī M.- boy; (pl.) children - Genitive-- hortus, hort ī M. - garden - Dative-- lupus, lup ī M. - wolf - Accusative -- ager, agr ī M. - field - Ablative-- saxum, sax ī N. – rock - Vocative-- macellum, macell ī N. – market -

16 Decline ursus magnus, ursī magnī M “the big bear” in all cases & translate into English. CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. ursus magnus the big bear Genitive Singular urs ī magn ī the big bear Dative Singular urs magnthe big bear Accusative Sing. urs magnthe big bear Ablative Singular urs magnthe big bear Vocative Singular urs magnthe big bear Nominative Plural urs magnthe big bears Genitive Plural urs magnthe big bears Dative Plural urs magnthe big bears Accusative Plural urs magnthe big bears Ablative Plural urs magnthe big bears Vocative Plural urs magnthe big bears

17 The 3 rd Declension (Nouns ) How can you recognize a 3 rd Decl. noun? Masculine & Feminine Here are some 3 rd declension nouns! Neuter CASE SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS Nominative -- pater, patris M.- father - Genitive-- mater, matris F.- mother - Dative-- sidus, sideris N. - star - Accusative-- flos, floris M. - flower - Ablative-- nox, noctis F. – night - Vocative-- lumen, luminis N. – light -

18 One good thing about the 3 rd declension is that masculine and feminine nouns follow the same pattern. Decline flumen magnum, fluminis magnī N “the big river” in all cases in the chart & translate into English. CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. flumen magnum the big river Genitive Singular fluminis magn ī the big river Dative Singular flumin magn the big river Accusative Sing. magnthe big river Ablative Singular flumin magnthe big river Vocative Singular magnthe big river Nominative Plural flumin magnthe big river Genitive Plural flumin magnthe big river Dative Plural flumin magnthe big river Accusative Plural flumin magnthe big river Ablative Plural flumin magnthe big river Vocative Plural flumin magnthe big river

19 How can you recognize a 3 rd Decl. adjective? 1 termination (1 for M, F, and Neuter): par, paris 2 termination (most common: 1 for M/F, and 1 for Neuter): fortis, forte 3 termination (1 separate nominative for each gender): celer, celeris, celere Termination means how many individual forms in the nominative: The 3 rd Declension Adjectives

20 Masculine & Feminine Here are some 3 rd declension adjectives! Neuter CASE SINGULAR ENDINGS Plural ENDINGS SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS Nominative -- felix, felicis = happy, lucky celer, celeris, celere = fast, swift ingens, ingentis = huge immortalis, immortale = immortal par, paris = equal loquax, loquacis = talkative silens, silentis = silent vetus, veteris = old iuvenis, iuvene = young - Genitive --- Dative --- Accusative --- Ablative --- Vocative --- The 3 rd Declension Adjectives

21 Decline equa celeris, equae celeris F “the fast mare” in all cases in the chart & translate into English. CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. equa celeris the fast mare Genitive Singularequae celeris the fast mare Dative Singular equ celer the fast mare Accusative Sing. equ celer the fast mare Ablative Singular equ celer the fast mare Vocative Singular equ celer the fast mare Nominative Plural equ celer the fast mares Genitive Plural equ celer the fast mares Dative Plural equ celer the fast mares Accusative Plural equ celer the fast mares Ablative Plural equ celer the fast mares Vocative Plural equ celer the fast mares

22 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced LATIN CASES  FUNCTION(S) / USES of the CASES Translations to be added NOMINATIVE GENITIVE DATIVE ACCUSATIVE ABLATIVE VOCATIVE 1. Give the functions (uses) of each case and special translations where applicable.

23 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced LATIN CASES  FUNCTION(S) / USES of the CASES Translations to be added NOMINATIVE 1. Subject of the verb, 2. Complement with a linking verb --- GENITIVE1.Possession, 2. whenever: “of” of, ’s, s’ DATIVE1.Indirect Object 2.Dative after a compound verb (to/for) ACCUSATIVE 1. Direct Object of the Verb 2. Object of Motion Towards ---- ABLATIVE 1. Accompaniment (with), 2. Object of Motion Away From (from) 3. Means or Manner (by, with) 4. Place Where (in, under) 5. Whenever you have WFBI With, From, By, In VOCATIVEDirect Address----- [Hey, yo! O!] 1. Give the functions (uses) of each case and special translations where applicable.

24 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced LATIN CASES  ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bug as an example (singular) ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bugs as an example (PLURAL) NOMINATIVE GENITIVE DATIVE ACCUSATIVE ABLATIVE VOCATIVE 2. Give a translation of the English word “bug”

25 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced LATIN CASES  ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bug as an example (singular) ENGLISH TRANSLATION, with bugs as an example (PLURAL) NOMINATIVE (the/a) bug(the) bugs GENITIVEof (the/a) bug, (the/a) bug’s of (the) bugs, (the) bugs’ DATIVE[to/for] (the/a) bug[to/for] (the) bugs ACCUSATIVE (the/a) bug(the) bugs ABLATIVEWFBI (the/a) bugWFBI (the) bugs VOCATIVE[Hey, yo! O!] bug (!)[Hey, yo! O!] bugs (!) 2. Give a translation of the English word “bug”

26 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 2. Give the endings for 1 st and 2 nd Declension adjectives (which are identical to most noun endings of these declensional patterns): Case / #Masc.Fem.NeuterExamples of 1 st -2 nd declension adjectives…give the meanings Nom S-us (er, ius)-a-umclārus, -a, -um = Gen Scommōtus, -a, -um = Dat Slaetus, -a, -um = Acc SGraecus, -a, -um = Abl Smortuus, -a, -um = Voc Snovus, -a, -um = Nom Plperīculōsus, -a, -um = Gen Plpulcher, -chra, -chrum = Dat Pltantus, -a, -um = Acc Plbonus, -a, -um = Abl Plsōlus, -a, -um = Voc Plmalus, -a, -um =

27 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 2. Give the endings for 1 st and 2 nd Declension adjectives (which are identical to most noun endings of these declensional patterns): Case / #Masc.Fem.NeuterExamples of 1 st -2 nd declension adjectives…give the meanings Nom S-us (er, ius)-a-umclārus, -a, -um = bright, clear, famous Gen S-ī-ae- īcommōtus, -a, -um = moved Dat S- ō-ae- ōlaetus, -a, -um = happy Acc S-um-am-umGraecus, -a, -um = Greek Abl S- ō-ā- ōmortuus, -a, -um = dead Voc S-e (er, ī)- a-umnovus, -a, -um = new Nom Pl- ī-ae-aperīculōsus, -a, -um = dangerous Gen Pl- ōrum- ārum- ōrumpulcher, -chra, -chrum = beautiful Dat Pl- īs tantus, -a, -um = so great Acc Pl- ōs- ās-abonus, -a, -um = good Abl Pl- īs sōlus, -a, -um = alone, only Voc Pl- ī-ae-amalus, -a, -um = bad

28 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 4. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings SINGULARPLURAL No m GenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. varies (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER varies

29 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 4. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings SINGULARPLURAL No m GenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. varies -is-ī-em-e = Nom S -ēs-um- ibus -ēs- ibus -ēs (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER varies -is-ī = Nom S -e = Nom S -a-um- ibus -a- ibus -a

30 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 5. Decline the adjective fractus, a, um “broken” in agreement with the noun pēs, pedis M. “foot” & translate: CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing pēs fractus (a/the) broken foot Genitive Sing pedis fractī of (a/the) broken foot, the broken foot’s Dative Singular Accusative Sing Ablative Sing Vocative Sing Nominative Plural Genitive Plural Dative Plural Accusative Plural Ablative Plural Vocative Plural

31 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 5. Decline the adjective fractus, a, um “broken” in agreement with the noun pēs, pedis M. “foot” & translate: CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing pēs fractus (a/the) broken foot Genitive Sing pedis fractī of (a/the) broken foot, the broken foot’s Dative Singular pedī fractō [to/for] (a/the) broken foot Accusative Sing pedem fractum (a/the) broken foot Ablative Sing pede fractō with, from, by, in (a/the) broken foot Vocative Sing pēs fracte [O!/Hey!] broken foot Nominative Plural pedēs fractī (the) broken feet Genitive Plural pedum fractōrum of (the) broken feet, the broken feet’s Dative Plural pedibus fractibus [to/for] (the) broken feet Accusative Plural pedēs fractōs (the) broken feet Ablative Plural pedibus fractibus with, from, by, in (the) broken feet Vocative Plural pedēs fractī [O!/Hey!] broken feet

32 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 6. All regular verbs do use the same endings. Different types of verbs are organized into patterns called conjugations, but they only vary in the vowel before the endings. Compare the different types and their patterns: 1 st Conjugation 2 nd Conjugation 3 rd Conjugation 3 rd -iō Conj. 4 th Conjugation INFINITIVE -āre-ēre-ere -īre 1 st Person S. 2 nd Person S. 3 rd Person S. 1 st Person Pl. 2 nd Person Pl. 3 rd Person Pl. IMPERATIVE S. -ā IMPERATIVE Pl. -āte

33 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 6. All regular verbs do use the same endings. Different types of verbs are organized into patterns called conjugations, but they only vary in the vowel before the endings. Compare the different types and their patterns: 1 st Conjugation 2 nd Conjugation 3 rd Conjugation 3 rd -iō Conj. 4 th Conjugation INFINITIVE -āre-ēre-ere -īre 1 st Person S. -ō-eō-ō-iō 2 nd Person S. -ās-ēs-is -īs 3 rd Person S. -at-et-it 1 st Person Pl. -āmus-ēmus-imus -īmus 2 nd Person Pl. -ātis-ētis-itis -ītis 3 rd Person Pl. -ant-ent-unt-iunt IMPERATIVE S. -ā-ē-e -ī IMPERATIVE Pl. -āte-ēte-ite -īte

34 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Person/Number LATIN FORMS of sum, esse 1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 1 st Person Singular 2 nd Person Sing 3 rd Person Singular 1 st Person Plural 2 nd Person Plural 3 rd Person Plural INFINITIVE Imperative Sing es / estobe (!) Imperative Plural este / estotebe (!) 7. Conjugate the verb “to be” in the present tense and offer an English translation for each form:

35 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Person/Number LATIN FORMS of sum, esse 1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 1 st Person Singular sumI am 2 nd Person Sing esyou are 3 rd Person Singular esthe/she/it is 1 st Person Plural sumuswe are 2 nd Person Plural estisy’all are 3 rd Person Plural suntthey are INFINITIVE esseto be Imperative Sing es / estobe (!) Imperative Plural este / estotebe (!) 7. Conjugate the verb “to be” in the present tense and offer an English translation for each form:

36 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced SINGULARPLURAL NomGenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER 8. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension i-stem nouns: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings. Note that in the ablative singular, the ending –ī is for all 3 rd declension adjectives (and neuter i-stem nouns only)

37 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced SINGULARPLURAL NomGenDatAccAblVocNomGenDatAccAblVoc (1) 3 rd Declension Masc. & Fem. varies -is-ī-em-e / -ī = Nom Sing -ēs-ium-ibus-ēs-ibus-ēs (2) 3 rd Declension NEUTER varies -is-ī = Nom S -e / -ī = Nom Sing -ia-ium-ibus-ia-ibus-ia 8. Give the endings for the 3 rd declension i-stem nouns: (1) Masculine & Feminine + (2) Neuter endings. Note that in the ablative singular, the ending –ī is for all 3 rd declension adjectives (and neuter i-stem nouns only)

38 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing Genitive Sing Dative Singular libr ō gracil ī [to/for] (a/the) slender book Accusative Sing Ablative Sing Vocative Sing 9. Decline & translate the 3 rd declension adjective gracilis, gracile “slender” to agree with the noun liber, librī M. “book”:

39 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMS1 ENGLISH Translation Nominative Sing liber gracilis (a/the) slender book Genitive Sing libr ī gracilis of (a/the) slender book, the slender book’s Dative Singular libr ō gracil ī [to/for] (a/the) slender book Accusative Singlibrum gracilem (a/the) slender book Ablative Sing libr ō gracil ī with, from, by, in (a/the) slender book Vocative Singliber gracilis [O!/Hey!] slender book 9. Decline & translate the 3 rd declension adjective gracilis, gracile “slender” to agree with the noun liber, librī M. “book”:

40 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Nominative Plural libr ī gracil ē s (the) slender books Genitive Plural Dative Plural Accusative Plural Ablative Plural Vocative Plural

41 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Nominative Plural libr ī gracil ē s (the) slender books Genitive Plural libr ōrum gracilium of (the) slender books, the slender books’ Dative Plural libr ī s gracilibus [to/for] (the) slender books Accusative Plural libr ōs gracil ē s (the) slender books Ablative Plural libr ī s gracilibus with, from, by, in (the) slender books Vocative Plurallibr ī gracil ē s [O!/Hey!] slender books

42 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Person/NumberLATIN FORMS of pos sum, posse 1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 1 st Person Singular 2 nd Person Singular 3 rd Person Singular 1 st Person Plural 2 nd Person Plural 3 rd Person Plural INFINITIVE posseto be able 10. Conjugate the verb “to be able” in the present tense and offer an English translation for each form:

43 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Person/NumberLATIN FORMS of pos sum, posse 1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 1 st Person Singular possumI am able 2 nd Person Singular potesyou are able 3 rd Person Singular potest he/she/it is able, it is possible 1 st Person Plural possumuswe are able 2 nd Person Plural potestisy’all are able 3 rd Person Plural possuntthey are able INFINITIVE posseto be able 10. Conjugate the verb “to be able” in the present tense and offer an English translation for each form:

44 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Person/Number LATINEnglish translation(s) 1 st Person Sing 2 nd Person Sing 3 rd Person Sing 1 st Person Plural 2 nd Person Plural 3 rd Person Plural INFINITIVE velleTo wish, to be willing 11. Give the Latin present of volō, velle, voluī + an English translation

45 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced Person/Number LATINEnglish translation(s) 1 st Person Sing vol ō I wish, am willing, want 2 nd Person Sing vīsvīs you wish, are willing, want 3 rd Person Sing vulthe/she/it wishes, is willing, want 1 st Person Plural volumuswe wish, are willing, want 2 nd Person Plural vultisyou wish, are willing, want 3 rd Person Plural voluntthey wish, are willing, want INFINITIVE velleTo wish, to be willing 11. Give the Latin present of volō, velle, voluī + an English translation

46 Person/Number LATINEnglish translation(s) 1 st Person Sing 2 nd Person Sing 3 rd Person Sing 1 st Person Plural 2 nd Person Plural 3 rd Person Plural INFINITIVE Imperative Sing. Imperative Plur. n ō l īte (+ infinitive of a verb) Don’t (verb)! 12. Give the Latin present of nōlō, nōlle, nōluī + an English translation

47 Person/Number LATINEnglish translation(s) 1 st Person Sing nōlōnōlō I do not want/wish, am unwilling, refuse 2 nd Person Sing n ō n v ī s you do not want/wish, are unwilling, refuse 3 rd Person Sing n ō n vult he/she/it does not want/wish, is unwilling, refuse 1 st Person Plural n ō lumus we do not want/wish, are unwilling, refuse 2 nd Person Plural n ō n vultis you do not want/wish, are unwilling, refuse 3 rd Person Plural n ō lunt they do not want/wish, are unwilling, refuse INFINITIVE n ō lle to not want, to refuse, to be unwilling Imperative Sing. n ō l ī (+ infinitive of a verb) Don’t (verb)! Imperative Plur. n ō l īte (+ infinitive of a verb) Don’t (verb)! 12. Give the Latin present of nōlō, nōlle, nōluī + an English translation

48 dīc =dūc =fac =fer = 13. Give a translation for these irregular singular imperatives in Latin: dīcite =dūcite =facite =ferte =

49 dīc = say (!), tell (!)dūc = lead (!)fac = do (!), make (!)fer = bring(!); report (!) 13. Give a translation for these irregular singular imperatives in Latin: dīcite = say (!), tell (!)dūcite = lead (!)facite = do (!), make (!)ferte = bring(!); report (!)

50 Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative 14. Give the Latin forms of (1) hic, haec, hoc :

51 Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative hic haec hoc hīhī haehaec Genitive huius h ōrum h ā rumh ōrum Dative huic hīshīshīshīshīshīs Accusative hunc hanc hoc hōshōshāshās haec Ablative hōchōc hāchāc hōchōchīshīshīshīshīshīs 14. Give the Latin forms of (1) hic, haec, hoc :

52 Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative is ea id Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative 14. Give the Latin forms of (2) is, ea, id

53 Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative is ea id eīeī eaeea Genitive eius e ō rume ā rume ō rum Dative eīeī eīeī eīeī e īs Accusative eum eam id e ōs e ās ea Ablative eōeō eāeā eōeō e īs 14. Give the Latin forms of (2) is, ea, id

54 14. Give the Latin forms of (3) ille, illa, illud Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative illeilla illud Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

55 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 14. Give the Latin forms of (3) ille, illa, illud Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative illeilla illud ill ī illaeilla Genitive ill ī us ill ō rumill ā rumill ō rum Dative ill ī ill īs Accusative illumillam illud ill ōs ill ās illa Ablative ill ō ill ā ill ō ill īs

56 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 14. Give the Latin forms of (4) ipse, ipsa, ipsum Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative ipseipsaipsum Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

57 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced 14. Give the Latin forms of (4) ipse, ipsa, ipsum Masculine singular Feminine singular Neuter singular Masculine plural Feminine plural Neuter plural Nominative ipseipsaipsum ips ī ipsaeipsa Genitive ips ī us ips ō rumips ā rumips ō rum Dative ips ī ips īs Accusative ipsumipsamipsum ips ōs ips ās ipsa Ablative ips ō ips ā ips ō ips īs

58 Review to Begin Latin 2 Advanced CASE/# 1 st Declension2 nd Decl. Masc.2 nd Decl. Neut.3 rd Decl. M./F.3 rd Decl. Neut. Nominative S. ***us/-ius/-er Genitive S. Dative S. Accusative S. Ablative S. ( ) Vocative S. ***-e/-ī/ -er 1. Noun Ending Chart: Fill it in and “learn it by heart” (put 3 rd decl. i-stem endings in parentheses)

59 CASE/# 1 st Declension2 nd Decl. Masc.2 nd Decl. Neut.3 rd Decl. M./F.3 rd Decl. Neut. Nominative S. ***us/-ius/-er Genitive S. Dative S. Accusative S. Ablative S. ( ) Vocative S. ***-e/-ī/ -er 1. Noun Ending Chart: Fill it in and “learn it by heart” (put 3 rd decl. i-stem endings in parentheses)

60 CASE/ # 1 st Declensi on 2 nd Decl. Masc. 2 nd Decl. Neut. 3 rd Decl. M./F. 3 rd Decl. Neut. Nominative Pl. ( ) Genitive Pl. ( ) Dative Pl. Accusative Pl. ( ) Ablative Pl. Vocative Pl. ( )

61 CASE/ # 1 st Declensi on 2 nd Decl. Masc. 2 nd Decl. Neut. 3 rd Decl. M./F. 3 rd Decl. Neut. Nominative Pl. ( ) Genitive Pl. ( ) Dative Pl. Accusative Pl. ( ) Ablative Pl. Vocative Pl. ( )

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