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Industrialization and Urbanization in Canada in the late 1800s.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization and Urbanization in Canada in the late 1800s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization and Urbanization in Canada in the late 1800s

2 Industrialization Industrialization = industry = factories 2 phases of industrialization in Canada: – Phase 1  1860-1900 – Phase 2  1901-1929 1870-1901: – The National Policy helps Canadian factories do well  protects them against U.S. competition

3 Industrialization Artisans  make things one at a time Before the mid 1800s Factories  makes lots of things very fast MASS PRODUCTION After the mid 1800s

4 Industrialization Industries / factories started using STEAM ENGINES Steam engines made machines work FAST LOTS of products can be made in one day Steam engines needed lots of coal to power them

5 Artisans  no machines Before the first stage of industrialization


7 From Artisans to Industrialization

8 Industrialization How did industrialization happen? Ingredients: 1.Cheap labour (workers)  immigrants / french Canadians were people who worked for little money 2.Capital($$$)  money to invest in companies 3.Raw materials (wood, leather, etc.) 4.Transportation  Railways / boats 5.Energy  Coal / steam engines 6.A place to sell the products

9 Industrialization Who profited from industrialization? In Québec: Montréal big city with a large population  « cheap labour » Railways that connect with the rest of Canada, A port to ship products by boat Rich people that can invest money in industries (usually English people) The province of Ontario (Toronto) also benefits a lot

10 Montreal  access to ports and railways





15 Factories  Using machines powered by steam engines

16 Stitching collars on mens’ shirts (Montreal)

17 Large factory in Montreal

18 Machines powered by steam engines


20 Investing money: Montreal Stock Exchange & Banks



23 Industrialization Recap Technology used in factories = STEAM ENGINES worked using coal Investments = Rich English men Transportation = Railway and boats Locations for factories = BIG CITIES LIKE MONTREAL What kinds of factories? Leather, clothing, textiles, furniture, metalworks, steel Sell to who? Canadians all over Canada Workers = IMMIGRANTS & FRENCH CANADIANS = “CHEAP LABOUR”

24 YearPeople working in industry Total population of Quebec Percentage of workers in industry 183115,600890,0001.8% 186125,3001,112,0002.3% 187139,0001,192,0003.3% 188153,7001,359,0004.0% 189173,6001,489,0004.9% 1901129,0001,649,0007.8%






30 Urbanization Urbanization = Urban = Cities = People moving to cities Cities getting bigger Industrialization = more jobs in cities = more workers needed No work in rural areas (farms)  people move to cities to work in factories Industrialization made people move to cities faster

31 Urbanization Living in cities  difficult life for most people in late 1800s Living conditions in cities were bad (1870s- 1901) Poor hygienic conditions City services are not great  garbage collection, sewer system, outdoor toilets.

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