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Research Technology Facilitator Program Researchers as centers of resource networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Technology Facilitator Program Researchers as centers of resource networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Technology Facilitator Program Researchers as centers of resource networks

2 Objective of the RTF Connect researchers to more resources without putting that task on the researcher Put researchers at the center of a vast web of resources Team up with local IT support

3 Services for Researchers Identify information and technology needs and resources Connect to information and technology resources Discuss research and potential role of IT Aggregate needs to identify new services needed

4 What is an RTF? Communication and leadership University policies, procedures and organization Information management and technical foundations

5 Communication and Leadership Elicitation techniques Leadership and teamwork Social networking Analytical expertise Translate between tech and non-tech Negotiation techniques

6 University Grant proposal basics University finance University organization Campus- and University-based services University policy, state law regarding IT Research compliance regulation basics

7 Information Management Technology Foundations HPC and networking Data discovery, access, usage, curation Simulation, statistics, visualization Principles of copyright, author rights Metadata, text mining, text markup National & regional CI resources

8 Current RTFs Volunteers 7 IT pros –2 central IT –5 decentralized IT

9 Activities Leadership workshop in Summer 2010 Building networks Grant proposal basics Data, data, data –Data storage inventory –Data curation profiles –Data stewardship prepartion

10 Contact To contact a Research Technology facilitator More information

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