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The FIVE Themes of Geography Region Movement Human-Environmental Interaction Location Place.

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Presentation on theme: "The FIVE Themes of Geography Region Movement Human-Environmental Interaction Location Place."— Presentation transcript:

1 The FIVE Themes of Geography Region Movement Human-Environmental Interaction Location Place

2 Location Absolute Location -a specific location -global location (latitude/longitude) -local location (street address) Paris, France 48° N Latitude 2° E Longitude 123 Fake St. Anytown, IL

3 Location Relative Location -a very general location -described by landmarks, time, direction, or distance -may associate one place with another “ just past the Taco Bell on the right” “ I live right around the corner”

4 Place - a description of what the place is like, NOT where it’s located

5 Place Physical Characteristics - things that occur naturally, such as mountains, rivers, type of soil, wildlife, climate, etc.

6 Place Human Characteristics -things that have changed due to people, such as roads and buildings - how people live and their traditions, such as clothing and food

7 Human-Environmental Interaction - the relationship between people and their environment and how they affect each other 1.How Humans ADAPT to the environment 2.How Humans MODIFY the environment 3. How Humans DEPEND on the environment

8 Human-Environmental Interaction ADAPT to Environment -how people have been changed by environment - wearing clothing suitable for cold, hot, rainy, etc.

9 Human-Environmental Interaction MODIFY the Environment -how environment has been changed by people to suit themselves - watering your lawn or heating and cooling buildings

10 Human-Environmental Interaction DEPEND on Environment -how people need the environment to live - needing rivers for water and transportation or cutting down a tree for firewood

11 Movement …of People  Migrate, Immigrate, Emigrate …of Goods  Imports & Exports …of Ideas  Communication, Transportation

12 Movement … of People Migrate -moving from one area in country/state to another area in same country/state - moving seasonally from one area to another Immigrate - to enter and settle in a country or area to which one is not a native Emigrate - to leave one country or area to settle in another

13 Region - areas that can be grouped together by set of things special to that region 1.Formal Regions 2.Functional Regions 3. Vernacular Regions

14 Region Formal Regions - areas defined by government boundaries, physical characteristics and are strictly maintained - countries or continents

15 Region Functional Regions - areas defined by a function or that serve a particular purpose - school district or newspaper delivery area

16 Region Vernacular Regions - areas that are loosely defined and grouped together in general terms - The South, Midwest, Middle East

17 The FIVE Themes of Geography 1.Location – Absolute & Relative 2.Place – Physical & Human Characteristics 3.Human-Environmental Interaction – Adapt, Modify, Depend 4.Movement – People, Goods, Ideas 5. Region – Formal, Functional, Vernacular

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