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Review for Final Exam. Contents 5 questions (20 points each) + 1 bonus question (20 points) – Basic concepts in Chapters 1-4 – Chapters 5-9 – Bonus: Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Final Exam. Contents 5 questions (20 points each) + 1 bonus question (20 points) – Basic concepts in Chapters 1-4 – Chapters 5-9 – Bonus: Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Final Exam

2 Contents 5 questions (20 points each) + 1 bonus question (20 points) – Basic concepts in Chapters 1-4 – Chapters 5-9 – Bonus: Chapter 5 Question types – Write down the output of the code – Write the code – Debug errors in the code Review – Lecture slides – Exercises (1)~(19) in class (on the course Web page) – Review problems for final exam (on the course Web page) 2

3 Time & Place & Event Time: 5:45pm - 7:30 pm, May 7 (Tuesday) Place: Science 3.212 Closed-book exam – You can take a piece of cheating paper with A4 size – Write down whatever that you think is important (on both sides) with any font size 3

4 Chapter 2: Basic Elements of C++ Special symbols, keywords, rules of identifiers Basic data types – int, float, double, char, string Operators – Arithmetic operators and their precedence +, -, *, /, %, +=, -=, *=, /= – Increment/decrement operator ++, -- Declaration of variables – int first=13, second=10; – char ch=' '; Input/Output statement – cin and cout 4

5 Chapter 3: Input/Output Declaration of input/output stream Usage of cin and cout (as well as other istream/ostream variables) 5

6 Chapter 4: Control Structures I (Selection) Relational operators and precedence – Comparison operators, >=, ==, != String comparison – Logical operators &&, | | Evaluation of logical expression 6

7 Chapter 4: Control Structures I (Selection, cont'd) Syntax and usage of the selection structure – One-way selection: if () { } Compound statements – Two-way selection: if () { } else { } 7

8 Chapter 5: Control Structures II (Repetition) Repetition structure – Syntax and usage of the "for" loop – The nested for loop 8

9 Chapters 6 & 7: User-Defined Functions Two types of user-defined functions – Value-returning functions and void functions – Differences Syntax of function heading Function prototype – Function heading without the body of the function – 9

10 Chapters 6 & 7: User-Defined Functions (cont'd) Function call – Use function name together with the actual parameter list Two types of formal parameters – Value parameters – Reference parameters – Differences Scope of an identifier – Local identifier – Global identifier 10

11 Chapters 6 & 7: User-Defined Functions (cont'd) Function overloading – several functions with the same name but different parameter lists Default parameters in function prototype – Places of default values – Default values cannot be assigned to reference parameters – See legal and illegal examples in lecture slides 11

12 Chapter 8: User-Defined Simple Data Types, Namespaces, and the string Type Syntax of declaring an enumeration data type Syntax of declaring a namespace String data type – Syntax of declaring and initializing a string variable string name = "William Jacob"; – Syntax of accessing characters in the string using array subscript operator [] name[0] 12

13 Chapter 8: User-Defined Simple Data Types, Namespaces, and the string Type (cont'd) Basic operations/methods of string data type – str = name + " Day"; – name.length() 13

14 Chapter 9: Arrays and Strings* Declaration and initialization of arrays – Syntax and usage – Accessing array components array subscripting operator [ ] – How to use for loops to access array elements for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) Initialization: list[i] = 0.0; read data: cin >> list[i]; Print data: cout << list[i]; Search a key item from the array find the sum, average, largest See lecture slides 14 int num[5];

15 Chapter 9: Arrays and Strings* (cont'd) Array initialization during the declaration – double sales[] = {12.25, 32.50, 16.90, 23, 45.68}; – int list[10] = {0}; – int list[10] = {8, 5, 12}; – int list[] = {5, 6, 3}; – int list[25]= {4, 7}; – See lecture slides Restrictions of array – Does not allow aggregate operations – Must use for loop to copy from one array to another 15

16 Chapter 9: Arrays and Strings* (cont'd) C-String (character array) – C-strings are null-terminated ('\0') character arrays – Declaration and initialization char name[16] = "John"; char name[] = "John"; – Access the character in the C-String name[0] ~ name[3] '\0' is not counted at the length of the C-String Parallel arrays – Two (or more) arrays holding related information in the corresponding components 2-dimensional arrays 16

17 Good Luck! Q/A

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