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Chapter 22: The Industrial Revolution Section 1: Origins of the Industrial Revolution.

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1 Chapter 22: The Industrial Revolution Section 1: Origins of the Industrial Revolution

2 The Agricultural Revolution Improvements that increased production and made farm labor easier

3 Enclosure movement: process by which common lands were fenced off into individual holdings

4 Jethro Tull English landowner who invented a seed drill that made it possible to plant seeds in straight rows

5 Charles “Turnip” Townshend Crop Rotation : helped farmers produce more crops using the same amount of land

6 Results of Agricultural Revolution Only wealthy farmers could afford the new improvements in agriculture Farm workers were now replaced by machines

7 Industrial Revolution Era of rapid industrial development Began in Great Britain

8 Factors of Production Great Britain had land, capital, and labor conditions

9 The Textile Industry Textile: a cloth, esp. one manufactured by weaving or knitting Mechanization: automatic machinery used to increase production

10 Eli Whitney American inventor of the Cotton Gin

11 Bessemer Process A cheaper and more efficient method of making steel

12 Transportation George Stephenson – perfected a steam locomotive that ran on rails Robert Fulton – American engineer who was the first to build a profitable steamboat (the Clermont)

13 The Communications Revolution Samuel Morse: the American who invented the telegraph and a system for encoding the alphabet (Morse Code)

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