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Introducing Care Opinion online feedback for adult social care

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Care Opinion online feedback for adult social care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Care Opinion online feedback for adult social care

2 What I will cover Introduce Care Opinion Moderation process Key issues


4 Using transparency to drive change on Care Opinion Organisatio ns displayed here can include trusts, CCGs, HW and CQC Shows a change has been made



7 Patient Opinion and Care Opinion an infrastructure for conversations across health economies

8 Acknowledging the differences between health and social care Health careSocial care 100s of big providers1,000s of small providers Public ownershipPrivate ownership Tax fundedFee funded Large workforce per locationSmall workforce per location Mainly short term careMainly long term care

9 Care Opinion moderation: 1 Story PO moderation Reject Provider Not publishPublish Safeguarding



12 Care Opinion Perspectives Revolutionise adult social care Put local government at the centre of our business plan Work with service users, relatives, carers and providers Work with early adopter local authorities

13 Care Opinion USP Establish the Power to Publish by enabling service users, relatives and carers to publish their stories Promote integration Through uniting health and social care feedback Establish accountability via fast, effective, service user-centered moderation Improve localism by connecting to Healthwatch, local health and wellbeing boards, safeguarding boards housing and complaints departments.

14 Number of people using a service IndifferentConcerned Passionate Lowstrength of feeling High Known/Complaints Thoughtfully passionate people (who it now costs little to identify) © Patient Opinion The ‘thoughtfully passionate’ © are key to improving services but until now have been hard to identify. These patients and carers want to help improve Services. Platforms like PO and CO dramatically reduce the cost of finding them

15 Key issues Francis, Keogh and now Berwick reports into the state of the NHS Caring for our future: reforming care and support July 2012 How Care Opinion will link to existing transformation on personalisation Safeguarding

16 A good match: CO and HW HWs are able to see, report on, respond to feedback on Adult Social Care in their area. Use CO to drive engagement and get views on services, themes and relevant providers. Have their own page on the site to gain feedback about events and campaigns and have a public voice Demonstrate fulfilment of key obligations to other bodies HW England, local authorities etc


18 Care Opinion Products Communication plan Marketing materials

19 Story FT staff ResponseComment covers both responses Service User Comment CCGs Patient Organisations CQC Local Authorities, HealthWatch National government, and MPs Automatic notification Comment from patient Integrating conversations on Patient Opinion and Care Opinion Hospital improvement Care home staff Response Care home improvement Health services Social care

20 What we’re going to do Manage the transition from development to implementation Establish a business plan with local authorities and HWs at the centre Work with early adopter local authorities to test the service and make sure it is the best it can possibly be Realise the key metric to change and improve outcomes for everyone involved in Adult Social Care

21 Follow us now @careopinion

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