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Prep for the CCSSO/SCEE National Summit on Educator Effectiveness March 26, 2013 Continuous Improvement of Support and Evaluation Systems: Preparing a.

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Presentation on theme: "Prep for the CCSSO/SCEE National Summit on Educator Effectiveness March 26, 2013 Continuous Improvement of Support and Evaluation Systems: Preparing a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prep for the CCSSO/SCEE National Summit on Educator Effectiveness March 26, 2013 Continuous Improvement of Support and Evaluation Systems: Preparing a Problem of Practice

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3 Welcome!  We’ll have everyone unmuted (if it doesn’t work, raise your hand or use the chat)  Use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question  You may chat privately with individuals  If you have problems, send Naz Rajput a message via the chat function or an email at  We’re excited about the Summit! 3

4 Overview of the Summit  Wed., April 10  General Session: Welcome & Vision 2020  State Team Time: Your Vision  Lunch  Breakouts (THIS strand meets)  Thurs., April 11  General Session Activities  Lunch  Breakouts (THIS strand meets) 4

5 Overview of the Summit  Friday, April 12  State Team Time  General Session  Box Lunch 5

6 Breakout Strands  Non-Tested Grades and Subjects  Continuous Improvement of Educator Support and Evaluation Systems  Integrating Common Core Expectations into Educator Support and Evaluation Systems  Moving the Educator Preparation Task Force Work Forward  Leadership for Leveraging Learning and Teaching 6

7 Continuous Improvement  Focus on inquiry and growth (formative)  Address the system  Culture  Politics  Infrastructure and processes  Foster cross-state networking and support 7

8 Why work on problems of practice at the Summit?  Address content through authentic work  States gain new perspectives on problems where you are stuck; connect your work to your theory of action  Learn what is happening in other states  Create a learning community  Identify themes and common issues for further SCEE work 8

9 Defining a Problem of Practice  Resource on the Summit 2013 page of the SCEE site: 9

10 Defining a Problem of Practice  Think of a problem that has not yet been resolved, is high leverage, and is something you care about  Make connections to your theory of action  Be specific  Use evidence  Include your role in the work  End with a question or statement 10

11 Sample Topics for PoPs  Mid-Course Corrections  Validity/Reliability  Engmnt & Communication  Training  Connections btwn Eval & Ongoing Prof’l Learning  Connecting to Common Core Implementation  Transitioning to New Assessments  Human Capital Information Systems  Preparing for USED’s Ongoing Review of Waiver Progress  Workload  How We are Learning from the Field  Supporting LEAs in Developing Local Policies and Practices  Planning for Implementation to Scale  Evaluating the System 11

12 Common Difficulties with PoPs  PoP is too big or vague or tangential  Too much is packed into the PoP  It’s more about compliance than leadership  Too much or too little context  It’s a problem you have already solved; it’s a problem you are not yet ready to address; the problem is too easy  You aren’t anywhere to be found  You don’t have evidence it’s a problem 12

13 Tuning Your PoP  We have a volunteer! James Havelka, Nebraska 13

14 Tuning Your PoP  Presenter describes a potential problem  Group asks clarifying questions  Group only  Warm feedback—What makes the PoP likely to work well for the presenter and the group  Cool feedback—Concerns or questions  Stretches—Other things presenter may not have thought about to include  Responses, joint tuning, reflections Based on City, Elmore, Fiarman, and Teitel (2009) and West Wind Education Policy 2008)

15 Tuning Your PoP  What factors make this a difficult problem?  What other information does the group need to know?  What is the evidence behind what you say?  What do you think the cause is?  What are your assumptions?  Who will act on the problem? 15

16 Questions? Comments? 16

17 Next Steps  Draft your PoP  Email your draft to  Bring to the Summit  PoP  Theory of Action  Supporting data or artifacts?  Questions to and

18 Thank you 18

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