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Dr. ANAND SRINIVASAN.  Collection of muscle fibers supported by connective tissue  Made of actin & myosin  Mesodermal origin  Special terms:  Plasma.

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2  Collection of muscle fibers supported by connective tissue  Made of actin & myosin  Mesodermal origin  Special terms:  Plasma membrane  sarcolemma  Cytoplasm  sarcoplasm  Smooth endoplasmic reticulum  sarcoplasmic reticulum  Mitochondria  sarcosomes

3 MUSCLE SkeletalCardiacSmooth

4  Three connective tissue layers :  Epimysium  Perimysium  Endomysium

5  Each muscle fiber is an elongated unbranched cylindrical cell.  Has many flat nuclei located beneath sarcolemma.  Has alternative dark A and light I bands with Z line intersecting I band.  Each muscle fiber made of myofibrils.




9  Non striated, elongated and spindle shaped  Found in the walls of hollow viscera e.g. GIT, blood vessels, uterine tube etc.,

10  Presence of cross striations & branching pattern  Nuclei in the center.  Presence of “intercalated discs”


12  Myasthenia Gravis  Reduction in the number of Acetyl Choline receptors.  Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy  Mutation of “Dystrophin” protein located in the sarcolemma

13  Chapter 6 – Microanatomy Workbook, RAKMHSU

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