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Muscular System Courtney Kiestler And Devin Bowles.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular System Courtney Kiestler And Devin Bowles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular System Courtney Kiestler And Devin Bowles

2 Major Organs There are three types of basic muscles: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth, The skeletal muscles help move bones. The cardiac muscles help your heart pump blood. The last muscle is the smooth muscle, which are found in your intestines, bladder, blood vessels and other internal organs. The heart is also a main organ that pumps the blood through your body. These are some main muscles in your body.

3 Functions and processes Muscles help you move. Over a period of time, muscles can become larger or smaller depending on whether or not they are used. For instance, if you laid around an watch TV all day, your muscles are not used that much. They need energy to contract and relax. When one muscle moves on contracts, the other muscle relaxes. This shows triceps and biceps relaxing and contracting.

4 How does it relate to other systems? Without muscles, you wouldn't be able to move. Since they help bones move, you would be stiff if you didn’t have muscles. They help the skeletal system.It shares organs, like the heart, with the circulatory system. The heart

5 Vocabulary Muscle- organ that can contract, relax, and provide the force to move bones and body parts. Involuntary muscle- muscle such as the heart, that cannot be consciously controlled. Voluntary muscle- muscle, such as the leg or arm muscle, that can be consciously controlled.

6 Vocabulary Skeletal muscle- all the bone sin the body, forms an internal, living framework that provides shape and support, protects internal organs, moves bones, forms blood cells, and stores calcium. Tendon- thick band of tissue that attaches bones to muscles. Cardiac Muscle- striated, involuntary muscle found only in the heart.

7 Vocabulary Smooth muscle- involuntary, nonstriated muscle that controls movement of internal organs.

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