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The Triad Summarizer as a Critical Thinking Reading Strategy Catalina High School January 4, 2012.

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1 The Triad Summarizer as a Critical Thinking Reading Strategy Catalina High School January 4, 2012

2 Table Talk At your table discuss: 1. What do you notice about how your students’ tackle reading? 2. What is the biggest challenge children face in terms of reading grade level texts?

3 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress 31 Percent of Arizona 8 th grade readers below Basic

4 Why Do We Need National Common Core Standards? AZ State Test – 69% Proficient NAEP – 27% Proficient

5 The Impact of Limited Literacy Development on Arizona’s Children, Society, and Economy Nearly 24,700 students did not graduate form Arizona’s high schools in 2010. The lost lifetime earnings n Arizona for that class of dropouts alone total over $6.4 billion. The majority of these students had limited reading skills. Arizona could save as much as $265 million in health care costs over the lifetime of each class of dropouts had they earned their diplomas. If Arizona’s high schools graduated all of their students ready for college, the state could save as much as $104 million a year in community college remediation costs and lost earnings. Arizona’s economy could see a combination of crime-related savings and additional revenue of about $184 million each year if the male high school graduation rate increased by just 5 percent.

6 Critical “Takeaways” From the NAEP Data The NAEP is as much a language and critical thinking measure as a measure of essential “reading skills”. Low scores on the NAEP can be predicted by difficulties in:  Word reading skills  and/or vocabulary limitations  and/or reading fluency  and/or background knowledge  and/or insufficient use of reading comprehension strategies  Mismatch between text characteristics within NAEP questions and text characteristics of student’s instructional texts  Mismatch between the level of cognitive complexity within NAEP questions and the cognitive complexity of students’ instructional texts.






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