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Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 1 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8 th edition Chapter 18 A Dual Threat: Drug-Related Crime and Organized.

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1 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 1 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8 th edition Chapter 18 A Dual Threat: Drug-Related Crime and Organized Crime

2 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 2 A specific definition for narcotics is difficult. However, most jurisdictions categorize drugs into degrees of danger, referred to as Schedules of Controlled Substances.

3 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 3 Drug Categories  Depressants---alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers  Stimulants---cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine  Narcotic analgesics---heroin, codeine, methadone, Oxycontin  Hallucinogens---LSD, PCP, peyote  Cannabis---marijuana, hashish  Inhalants---hobby model glue, cleaning solvents

4 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 4 Drug Facts  Marijuana is the most abused illicit drug with the most frequent arrests  Crack cocaine is a mixture of cocaine that is less expensive and 10x more powerful  U.S./Mexico border is the primary point of entry for cocaine into the United States (77%)  Heroin is synthesized from morphine and is ten times more powerful in its effect

5 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 5 Club Drugs  Often found at raves and dance parties involving young people  Most common substances found are Ecstasy, GHB, LSD  Rohypnol is commonly known as the ‘ date rape ’ drug, paralyzing the central nervous system of the user

6 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 6 Prescription drug abuse represents 25% to 30% of the overall drug problem in the United States.

7 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 7 Terms to know…  Pharming---rifling through a medicine chest for various pills and mixing them together for ingestion.  Designer drugs---created by adding or omitting something from an existing drug. The primary drug is not necessarily illegal.  Excited delirium---behavioral condition whereby a person exhibits extremely agitated and non-coherent behavior, elevated temperature and excessive endurance without fatigue.

8 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 8 Common Indicators of Residential Drug Trafficking….  High volume of foot and vehicle traffic to and from a residence at unusual hours  Periodic visitors who stay at the residence for very brief periods of time  Altering property to maximize privacy with minimal expense, such as covering windows and glass doors with paper

9 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 9 Other Drug Outlets….  Head Shops---sell products that help the end user such as pipes and syringes  Cut/Vial stores---sell adulterants to dilute, measure, or separate drugs  Online Drug Sales---club drugs, prescription narcotics, and DXM sold on the internet  Clandestine Drug Labs---laboratories producing illicit drugs for sale, particularly methamphetamine and club drugs

10 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 10 Clandestine laboratories present physical, chemical, and toxic hazards to law enforcement officers engaged in raids on the premises.

11 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 11 Identifying a Clandestine Lab  Strong chemical odors----similar to cat urine, fingernail polish, ammonia  Windows blackened out  Hoses/pipes sticking out under windows or door for ventilation of fumes  Continuous running of exhaust fans  Disturbed ground or dead vegetation  Excessive people and vehicle traffic at odd times

12 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 12 Undercover Assignments  Used more frequently in drug cases than other criminal cases  Use of informants is commonplace  Carefully planned and executed to avoid the issue of entrapment  A flashroll (money) is commonly used in drug transactions  Three things valued by dealers: drugs, the money the drugs can bring, and their freedom to do business

13 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 13 Stings/Reverse Buys A complex operation organized and implemented by undercover officers to apprehend drug dealers by the officer posing as a dealer in the pursuit of profit.

14 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 14 The Federal Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1983 Initiated asset forfeiture as a tool that allows agencies investigating various types of crimes, including drugs, to seize items used in or acquired through the commission of that crime.

15 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 15 Organized Crime Organized Crime is any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities. A criminal enterprise is a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy engaged in significant criminal activity.

16 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 16 Characteristics of Organized Crime  Definite organization and control  High-profit and continued profit crimes  Similar control through force and threats  Protection through corruption

17 Bennett/Hess, Criminal Investigation, 8e 17 Organized Crime terms to know….  Bookmaking---soliciting and accepting bets on any type of sporting event; most prevalent gambling operation.  Loan-sharking---the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates--- usually supported from gambling operations.  Money laundering--- profits from illegal activities are given legitimacy by being invested in legal business.  Capital flight---large-scale removal of funds from a country.

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