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M RS. S PENCER : GEO Welcome back to school!. R EADY, SET, QUIZ! What club(s) does Mrs. Spencer sponsor? a) YEPO – Youth Empowerment Project of Ozark.

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Presentation on theme: "M RS. S PENCER : GEO Welcome back to school!. R EADY, SET, QUIZ! What club(s) does Mrs. Spencer sponsor? a) YEPO – Youth Empowerment Project of Ozark."— Presentation transcript:

1 M RS. S PENCER : GEO Welcome back to school!

2 R EADY, SET, QUIZ! What club(s) does Mrs. Spencer sponsor? a) YEPO – Youth Empowerment Project of Ozark b) FTA – Future Teachers of America c) Math Club d) STARS – Students Talking About Rectangles and Squares What High School did Mrs. Spencer attend? a) Nixa HS b) EPIC HS c) Ozark HS d) Kickapoo HS

3 Q UIZ PAGE 2 Who is Mrs. Spencer married to? a) b) c) What activity(s) does Mrs. Spencer enjoy outside of school? a) Gardening b) Doing Math Problems c) Cage Fighting d)Exercising

4 Q UIZ P AGE 3 Which of the following is/are Mrs. Spencer’s animal(s)? a) b) c)


6 P LEASE USE M Y W EBSITE /6396 I post all homework assignments and helpful websites

7 S YLLABUS I NFORMATION Supplies Calculator (TI-30xlls) 5 subject notebook Pencils and Erasers Pens for grading (If acquiring required materials is a problem, please see me ASAP!) Optional Glue stick or tape Small scissors Highlighters Fine point sharpies Pencil bag

8 I NTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK - 25% OF YOUR GRADE You will be making your own “geometry textbook” Will be checked randomly Reason number 1 to keep your notebook organized.

9 D AILY A CTIVITIES – 25 % OF G RADE Homework should be done in Pencil Accuracy or completeness NO WORK, NO CREDIT, NO KIDDING 10 points for each assignment Does not need to be in notebook Late work will be accepted for 80% until the unit test and 50% after that.

10 LATE WORK  Mark with an A- absent the day assigned or collected ?- do not remember if you were absent E- excused by Mrs. Spencer or official document L- if you chose not to complete the homework on time for any other reason

11 Q UIZES /T ESTS /P ROJECTS – 50% OF GRADE Given Approximately every 3 weeks Final each semester Quizzes will be given periodically Reason Number 2: YOU MAY USE YOUR INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK ON THE TESTS/QUIZZES!

12 R ESTROOM /D RINK /O THER Make passes for restroom/drink/other! Each quarter you will have 3 excused bathroom passes. Must be signed by Mrs. Spencer. Extra Credit

13 C ALCULATORS Must place a paper with your name on it in the pocket of calculator holder. Non-returned calculators will be charged to your student account

14 D AZED AND C ONFUSED ? Please Come ask for help is you have ANY questions. Before/After School Advisory Plan 4 th Block A Days & 5 th Block B Days

15 E XTRAS Cheating Zero for you and all other persons involved Cell phones I don’t want to see or hear them or I will take them Laptops Used for Education as directed by the teacher ………not for Games, Chatting, Movies, Music, etc.

16 M ORE E XTRAS Music Homework time A privilege Discipline I rarely have problems, but if problems occur I will follow handbook policy.

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