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Advertising Case Study – Suzuki Samurai How Advertising Works ? Research Streams.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising Case Study – Suzuki Samurai How Advertising Works ? Research Streams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising Case Study – Suzuki Samurai How Advertising Works ? Research Streams

2 Last Session Advertising Context in Marketing Setting Objectives Sales and Intermediate Advertising Response Variables DAGMAR Hierarchy Models Segmenting and Positioning Using MDS outputs

3 How Advertising Works Research Streams

4 #1 : Exposure effect Focus on exposure Build salience and familiarity Preference based on repeated exposure No associated cognitive activity Familiarity resulting in liking Repeat buying, Increase share in purchase basket, reinforce brand preference

5 #2 : Low Involvement Learning Low Involvement situations Low interest and low risk Behaviour change trial before attitude change What is Low Involvement Category Personal expectation from category

6 Centre Shock

7 #3 : Central and Peripheral Persuation – ELM Model Motivation to process info Ability to process info Peripheral cue present Central Route Peripheral Route Advt Yes No Yes High Involvement Low Involvement

8 Amex

9 FCB Grid Low Involvement High Involvement Think Feel Life Insurance Perfume Beer Disposable Razor Learn-Feel-Do Feel-Do-Learn Feel-Learn-Do Do- Learn-Feel

10 Sony Camcorder

11 #4 : Cognitive Response Model Cognitive Responses Positive Support Argument Execution Bolstering Negative Counter Argument Execution derogation What the consumer was thinking while watching the ad

12 Cognitive Response Model Total Number of cognitive responses Central vs peripheral Factors impacting Medium and control on pace Involvement Knowledge Distraction Emotion Self Need for cognition

13 Cognitive Response Model Nature of response (ratio of positive to negative) Factors effecting Repetition Discrepancy from belief Strength of Argument Nature of Emotion Recall of Ad and message content link to persuasion ?

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