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Music Video General Questionnaire Analysis Rachael Fowler.

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1 Music Video General Questionnaire Analysis Rachael Fowler

2 Question 1: What gender are you? This pie chart clearly shows that more females than males completed the survey. In fact, 7 females completed the survey compared with only 4 males.

3 Question 2: What age are you? This chart clearly shows that 17 to 24 year olds completed the survey. In fact, one 11 to 16 year old completed the survey, seven 17 to 24 year olds completed it, none 25 to 35 year olds completed the survey, neither did 51 to 70 year olds. However one 36-50 year old completed the survey, likewise did from the 71+ age bracket. This shows that my results are going to be more youth based.

4 Question 3: How often do you watch music channels? In this chart, 4 people who completed my survey watch music videos daily. 3 people watch them 3-5 times a week, 2 people watch them 1-2 times a week. Nobody who completed the survey watch music videos either less than once a week or once a month. Whereas 2 people watch music videos less than once a month. This means that my results will be more biased in favour of people who watch music videos often.

5 Question 4: How do you watch music videos? This graph shows that 1 person watches music videos on their iPod, but 10 people that took my survey watch music videos on TV Channels. There were also 5 people who watch music videos on YouTube.

6 Question 5: What genre do you listen/watch? This graph shows that the people that took my survey listen to a mixed range of genres of music. However, more people tended to listen to pop, rock and indie music.

7 Question 6: What do you enjoy seeing in music videos? This graph shows that more people enjoy watching videos that tell stories and also that are comical, with 6 answers each. However less people enjoy watching serious and thought provoking music videos.

8 Question 7: Do you think music videos are vital to the success of singles/albums? The results of this question clearly shows that most people believe that videos are essential to the success of singles/albums. 9 people said yes, and 1 person said no, also the same for unsure.

9 Question 8: What do you think about music videos that follow a clear narrative/story in relevance to the song lyrics? “Great” “They make sense and aren’t pointless” “These are the better form of music videos” “I think they’re interesting/fun to watch” “They are alright, however videos that are funny are the best” “They make understanding of the song” “Good and better to watch” “I think they are good because it gives a sense of relevance to the viewer” “Good and interesting to watch” “It shows the artist’s vision of the song, but I think it shows a lack of imagination” After getting my surveys back, it seems clear that the majority of people feel that a clear narrative is useful to have in a music video, as some of the quotes included show. However, people tended to express that as well as a narrative, some form of entertainment is also necessary to be included.

10 Question 9: What do you think about music videos that attempt at being original and individual, and may sometimes be controversial? (e.g. Lady Gaga) “I do not like controversial, I’m not keen and therefore avoid those videos” “It shows the creative side of the artist” “They are very memorable” “It is good because you see the artist being unique” “Stands out from other videos, but aren’t suitable for all people to watch” “They’re alright with controversial music like punk” “They are very thought provoking which is good to remember” “I love, love, love them!!” “Are either be very bad or very good” “There is too much focus on egocentricity and insufficient regard for music” Controversial music videos have very mixed views from the people who took my survey. A selection of responses have been included, which show that controversial music videos are memorable, but not always for the right reasons, so it may be very difficult to make a video that will be favourable amongst the majority of people.

11 Question 10: What do you think about music videos that often follow the artist and don’t use dance routines and studio simulated footage? “Can be poignant” “I don’t enjoy them because they are boring” “Those types of videos are very awful” “They are more fair to the artists, and don’t hype them up as something they’re not” “Good. But dance routines tend to be boring and lack originality” “There is more focus on the artist themselves, although they can sometimes be boring” “They are very good” “Can be good, depending on the artist as it gives an insight into the artist’s lives” “It depends on the song, I don’t like stereotypical views that just follow the norm” Again, similarly to question 9, there was a mixed response, as these quotes show. The response from the survey connotes that it would be very hard to make a popular music video using dance routines and studio simulated footage.

12 Question 11: What would you most like to see in a music video of your choice? “Drama, Dance, Dynamics, Costume and Big performances” “A funny, little story” “Something funny. Comedy is good” “A bit of the band playing and a narrative story” “Live sets from real gigs” “Relevance to the music” “A narrative story” “Dramatic settings” This question allowed me to get an idea of what people would like to see in a music video. Most people would like to some comedy and a narrative story in a video, something which I will look to try and incorporate into my music video.

13 Question 12: What do you think are the greatest music videos of all time? “Thriller – Michael Jackson” “Aha – Take On Me” “Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody” “Guns ‘N’ Roses – November Rain” “Susan Boyle – I Dreamed a Dream” “Nirvana – Heart Shaped Box “The Darkness – I Believe in a Thing Called Love” “Geraldine McQueen ft. Susan Boyle – I Knew Him” “Rihanna – S & M” “Foo Fighters – Learn to Fly” There were many different responses to this question. I have a list of different music videos that I can look at and see what makes them good, so that I can incorporate the same techniques into my music video.

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