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Published byElvin Little Modified over 9 years ago
Auctioning one item Tuomas Sandholm Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University
Auctions Methods for allocating goods, tasks, resources... Participants: auctioneer, bidders Enforced agreement between auctioneer & winning bidder(s) Easily implementable e.g. over the Internet –Many existing Internet auction sites Auction (selling item(s)): One seller, multiple buyers –E.g. selling a bull on eBay Reverse auction (buying item(s)): One buyer, multiple sellers –E.g. procurement We will discuss the theory in the context of auctions, but same theory applies to reverse auctions –at least in 1-item settings
Auction settings Private value : value of the good depends only on the agent’s own preferences –E.g. cake which is not resold or showed off Common value : agent’s value of an item determined entirely by others’ values –E.g. treasury bills Correlated value : agent’s value of an item depends partly on its own preferences & partly on others’ values for it –E.g. auctioning a transportation task when bidders can handle it or reauction it to others
Auction protocols: All-pay Protocol: Each bidder is free to raise his bid. When no bidder is willing to raise, the auction ends, and the highest bidder wins the item. All bidders have to pay their last bid Strategy: Series of bids as a function of agent’s private value, his prior estimates of others’ valuations, and past bids Best strategy: ? In private value settings it can be computed (low bids) Potentially long bidding process Variations –Each agent pays only part of his highest bid –Each agent’s payment is a function of the highest bid of all agents E.g. CS application: tool reallocation [Lenting&Braspenning ECAI-94]
Auction protocols: English (first-price open-cry = ascending) Protocol: Each bidder is free to raise his bid. When no bidder is willing to raise, the auction ends, and the highest bidder wins the item at the price of his bid Strategy: Series of bids as a function of agent’s private value, his prior estimates of others’ valuations, and past bids Best strategy: In private value auctions, bidder’s ex post equilibrium strategy is to always bid a small amount more than current highest bid, and stop when his private value price is reached –No counterspeculation, but long bidding process Variations –In correlated value auctions, auctioneer often increases price at a constant rate or as he thinks is appropriate –Open-exit: Bidder has to openly declare exit without re-entering possibility => More info to other bidders about the agent’s valuation
Auction protocols: First-price sealed-bid Protocol: Each bidder submits one bid without knowing others’ bids. The highest bidder wins the item at the price of his bid –Single round of bidding Strategy: Bid as a function of agent’s private value and his prior estimates of others’ valuations Best strategy: No dominant strategy in general –Strategic underbidding & counterspeculation –Can determine Nash equilibrium strategies via common knowledge assumptions about the probability distributions from which valuations are drawn
Strategic underbidding in first-price sealed-bid auction Example 1 N risk-neutral bidders Common knowledge that their values are drawn independently, uniformly in [0, v max ] Claim: In symmetric Nash equilibrium, each bidder i bids b i = b(v i ) = v i (N-1) / N Proof. First divide all bids by v max so bids were in effect drawn from [0,1]. We show that an arbitrary agent, agent 1, is motivated to bid b 1 = b(v 1 ) = v 1 (N-1) / N given that others bid b(v i ) = v i (N-1) / N Prob{b 1 is highest bid} = Pr{b 1 > b 2 } … Pr{b 1 > b N } = Pr{b 1 > v 2 (N-1)/N} … Pr{b 1 > v N (N-1)/N} = Pr{b 1 > v 2 (N-1)/N)} N-1 = Pr{b 1 N / (N-1) > v 2 } N-1 = (b 1 N / (N-1)) N-1 E[u 1 |b 1 ] = (v 1 -b 1 ) Prob{b 1 is highest bid} = (v 1 -b 1 ) (b 1 N / (N-1)) N-1 dE[u 1 |b 1 ] / db 1 = (N/(N-1)) N-1 (-N b 1 N-1 + v 1 (N-1) b 1 N-2 ) = 0 N b 1 N-1 = v 1 (N-1) b 1 N-2 | divide both sides by b 1 N-2 0 N b 1 = v 1 (N-1) b 1 = v 1 (N-1) / N ■
Strategic underbidding in first-price sealed-bid auction … Example 2 –2 risk-neutral bidders: A and B –A knows that B’s value is 0 or 100 with equal probability –A’s value of 400 is common knowledge –In Nash equilibrium, B bids either 0 or 100, and A bids 100 + (winning more important than low price)
Auction protocols: Dutch (descending) Protocol: Auctioneer continuously lowers the price until a bidder takes the item at the current price Strategically equivalent to first-price sealed-bid protocol in all auction settings Strategy: Bid as a function of agent’s private value and his prior estimates of others’ valuations Best strategy: No dominant strategy in general –Lying (down-biasing bids) & counterspeculation –Possible to determine Nash equilibrium strategies via common knowledge assumptions regarding the probability distributions of others’ values –Requires multiple rounds of posting current price Dutch flower market, Ontario tobacco auction, Filene’s basement, Waldenbooks
Dutch (Aalsmeer) flower auction
Auction protocols: Vickrey (= second-price sealed bid) Protocol: Each bidder submits one bid without knowing (!) others’ bids. Highest bidder wins item at 2nd highest price Strategy: Bid as a function of agent’s private value & his prior estimates of others’ valuations Best strategy: In private value auctions with risk neutral bidders, weakly dominant strategy is to bid one’s true valuation. (Also, in this setting, outcome is the same as in English auction.) –No counterspeculation –Independent of others’ bidding plans, operating environments, capabilities... –Single round of bidding Widely advocated for computational multiagent systems Old [Vickrey 1961], but not widely used among humans Revelation principle --- proxy bidder agents on,,
Vickrey auction is a special case of Clarke tax mechanism Who pays? –The bidder who takes the item away from the others (makes the others worse off) –Others pay nothing How much does the winner pay? –The declared value that the good would have had for the others had the winner stayed home = second highest bid
Results for private value auctions Dutch strategically equivalent to first-price sealed-bid Risk neutral agents => Vickrey outcome same as English All four protocols allocate item efficiently –(assuming no reservation price for the auctioneer) English & Vickrey have truthful (ex post or weakly dominant) strategies => no effort wasted in counterspeculation Which of the four auction mechanisms gives highest expected revenue to the seller? –Assuming valuations are drawn iid & agents are risk-neutral The four mechanisms have equal expected revenue!
More generally: revenue equivalence [version from Nisan’s review book chapter in the book Algorithmic Game Theory] Note: General allocation space No additional i.i.d. assumptions Assumes quasilinearity
Revenue equivalence holds also for non-private values settings (settings with signals) as long as the setting is symmetric [see, e.g., Krishna: “Auction Theory”]
Revenue equivalence ceases to hold if agents are not risk-neutral Risk averse bidders: –Dutch, first-price sealed-bid ≥ Vickrey, English –Reason: in the former two auctions, the bidder can “insure” himself by bidding more than a risk-neutral bidder. In contrast, truthful bidding is still a best strategy in the Vickery and English auctions Risk averse auctioneer: –Dutch, first-price sealed-bid ≤ Vickrey, English –Reason: in the latter two, the seller gets the 2 nd -highest valuation, while in the former he only gets the expectation of the 2 nd -highest valuation
Revenue equivalence ceases to hold if agents have budget constraints Prop. In Vickrey auction, the dominant strategy is: bid i = min{v i, budget i } Thm. In 1 st -price auction, if there is an equilibrium of the form bid i =min{b(v i ), budget i }, then the expected revenue is higher than in the Vickrey auction
Revenue equivalence might not hold between 1 st and 2 nd -price auctions if distributions are asymmetric Example where 2 nd -price auction yields higher expected revenue: –Bidder 1’s valuation is 2; Bidder 2’s valuation is 0 or 2 with equal probability –Expected revenue under 2 nd -price auction is 2 * ½ = 1 –In 1 st -price auction, Bidder 1 can guarantee expected payoff 1 by bidding ε; bidding above 1 would yield expected payoff <1; so he will not bid more than 1 If Bidder 2 bids 1+ε he gets expected payoff ½ (2 – (1+ε)) = ½ - ε. So her ex ante expected payoff is at least ½ Since the sum of the bidders’ payoffs is at least 1.5, the auctioneer’s expected revenue can be at most 1/2 There are also settings where the 1 st -price auction yields more expected revenue than the 2 nd -price auction –E.g., Bidder 1’s valuation is 10, Bidder 2’s valuation is uniform [0,1] –For another example, see Chapter 4.3 of the book “Auction Theory”, by Krishna, Academic Press, 2002 Q: How do these reconcile with the revenue equivalence theorem? A: They have different social choice functions f, and/or some bidder’s expected payment when he draws his lowest type differs
Revenue-maximizing (aka optimal) auction for private values setting [see Section 13.2 of “Algorithmic Game Theory” for proofs] Assume valuations are drawn independently and that they are nonnegative Def. Virtual valuation ϕ i (v i ) = v i – (1-F i (v i )) / f i (v i ) Def. Virtual surplus ∑ i ϕ i (v i ) x i – c(x) Thm. The expected revenue of any truthful mechanism equals the expected virtual surplus Thm. Virtual surplus maximization is truthful iff for all i, ϕ i (v i ) is monotone nondecreasing in v i –Sufficient condition for this is monotone hazard rate f(z) / (1-F(z)) This leads to the Myerson auction [Myerson 1981]: –Run Vickrey auction on virtual valuations (instead of valuations) –If highest virtual valuation > 0, then allocate to that agent (otherwise to noone) that agent pays the lowest valuation that he could have revealed and still won others pay nothing –Otherwise the seller keeps the item and no payments are made What does this look like in the symmetric case?
A result for single-parameter settings [from Nisan’s overview chapter]
Optimal auctions (risk-neutral, asymmetric bidders) Private-value auction with 2 risk-neutral bidders –A’s valuation is uniformly distributed on [0,1] –B’s valuation is uniformly distributed on [1,4] What revenue do the 4 basic auction types give? Can the seller get higher expected revenue? –Is the allocation Pareto efficient? –What is the worst-case revenue for the seller? –For the revenue-maximizing auction, see Wolfstetter’s survey on class web page
OPTIMAL (=EXPECTED REVENUE MAXIMIZING) AUCTION DESIGN [Based on lecture notes from Jason Hartline, Tim Roughgarden, David Parkes, Shaddin Dughmi, the AGT book, and the Myerson paper.]
“Efficient” vs “optimal” auctions Earlier: efficient auctions –Yields allocation that maximizes social surplus – sum of valuations of bidders –Vickrey auctions, VCG are efficient … assuming rational bidders – both are IC, but if bidders are dumb, all allocation guarantees are off –Efficient auctions can have very bad revenue properties Easy worst-case $0 revenue examples for second-price and VCG Now: optimal auctions –Maximize seller’s profit (payments minus cost)... … in expectation given prior --> Bayesian Optimal … for any agents’ valuations --> worst-case
Do better mechanisms exist? I. 2 bidders with valuations v 1,v 2 ~ U[0,1] Want: expected revenue of Vickrey auction Given valuations, revenue is min(v 1,v 2 ) Pr[v i x] = 1-x Pr[min(v 1,v 2 )>x] = Pr[v 1 > x & v 2 > x] = (1-x) 2 E[min(v 1,v 2 )]= Pr[min(v 1,v 2 ) > x]dx = (1-x) 2 dx = 1/3
Do better mechanisms exist? II. Same setting, but now we’ll run a Vickrey auction with reserve price r. –Sell item iff a bid is greater than r –Revenue, conditional on some bidder winning, is now max(min(v 1,v 2 ), r) Want: expected revenue when r = 1/2 –C1: v 1 0 revenue –C2: v 1 > 1/2 & v 2 > 1/2 --> revenue E[min(v 1,v 2 )] = 2/3 Expectation calculation similar to last slide, v 1,v 2 ~ U[1/2,1] –C3: v i > 1/2 & v 3-i revenue r –C1, C2 have probability 1/4, C3 has probability 1/2 –1/4*0 + 1/4*2/3 + 1/2*1/2 = 5/12 Vickrey auction with reserve r=1/2 yields revenue 5/12 > 1/3, the expected revenue from standard Vickrey auction!
Bayesian optimal auctions Prior knowledge about valuations can increase expected revenue Our setting: –N agents, 1 item –Valuations v 1, v 2, …, v N drawn independently –Not identical distributions F 1, F 2, …, F N over [0,h i ] –Cost function c(x) to producing an allocation x E.g. c(x) = 0 if the item is allocated, else c(x) = ∞ Myerson [Math of OR 1981] gives a profit- maximizing (in expectation) auction
Myerson’s optimal auction, I. Given F i, the CDF for v i is F i (z) = Pr[v i < z] Then the PDF for v i is f i (z) = dF i (z)/dz Virtual valuation function given v i : – ϕ i (v i ) = v i – (1-F i (v i )) / f i (v i ) Then the virtual surplus of allocation x is: –Σ ϕ i (v i )x i – c(x) (We show later that expected virtual surplus = expected profit of the mechanism.)
Myerson’s optimal auction, II. Myerson’s auction: 1.Translate bids b i to virtual bids b i ’ = ϕ i (b i ) 2.Run VCG on b’ --> allocation x’, prices p’ 3.Remap the prices: p i = ϕ i -1 (p i ’) 4.Output allocation x=x’ and prices p Note 1: Myerson’s auction maximizes virtual (social) surplus – if bidders act truthfully –VCG is efficient and is run on virtual valuations Note 2: Myerson does not necessarily allocate the item! All virtual valuations can be negative
Myerson’s optimal auction, III. Theorem: Myerson’s auction is the revenue- maximizing sales mechanism for private- valuations, single-item settings. Proof sketch in two steps: max x,p profit-----2----->max x virtual surplus s.t. feasiblity s.t. feasiblity IC-----1----->monotonicity IR
Myerson’s optimal auction: Truthful? Theorem: A mechanism is truthful in expectation iff the allocation rule x i (v) is monotone non-decreasing in v and p i (v) = v i x i (v) - x i (z,v -i )dz Monotone: “if the winner bids more, does she still win?” For deterministic allocation rules, the payment above is just the minimum value at which an agent would’ve won the item. Lemma: If F i is regular then the virtual surplus maximization on virtual valuations ϕ i is monotone non-decreasing in valuation v i Know: surplus maximization is monotone in agents’ valuations v (see [Nisan et al. AGT]) –So virtual surplus maximization is monotone in virtual valuation Lemma restricts to F i regular -> virtual valuation functions ϕ i monotone –Myerson’s paper has an “ironing” procedure for non-regular distributions, which gives a principled way to move to the “nearest” regular distribution – take concave closure –Convex closure of revenue curve Virtual surplus max monotone in virtual valuations which are monotone in valuation --> virtual surplus max monotone in valuations --> truthfulness, via Myerson’s VCG call maximizing virtual surplus + theorem above
Myerson’s optimal auction: Profit max? Theorem: The expected profit of any truthful mechanism is equal to its expected virtual surplus. Proof: Expected profit is E[Σp i (b i )] = ΣE[p i (b i )] = ΣE[ ϕ i (b i )x i (b i )] = E[Σ ϕ i (b i )x i (b i )], by linearity of expectation & valuations drawn independently. Lemma and proof from Hartline & Roughgarden
Example optimal auction Setting: 2 bidders, i.i.d. valuations – so F 1 = F 2 = F and ϕ 1 = ϕ 2 = ϕ Bidder 1 wins when ϕ (b 1 ) ≥ max( ϕ (b 2 ),0) –Pays: p 1 = inf{b | ϕ (b) > ϕ (b 2 ) & ϕ (b) > 0} = inf{b | b > b 2 & b > ϕ -1 (0)} Bidder 2 wins when ϕ (b 2 ) ≥ max( ϕ (b 1 ),0) –Pays: p 2 = inf{b | b > b 1 & b > ϕ -1 (0)} Theorem: The optimal single-item auction for N bidders with i.i.d. valuations is the Vickrey auction with reserve r= ϕ -1 (0). From before: 2 bidders, v i ~ U[0,1]. Can compute r= ϕ -1 (0). –F(z) = Pr[x < z] = z –f(z) = dF (z)/dz = d(z)/dz = 1 – ϕ (v i ) = v i – (1-F(v i ))/f(v i ) = v i – 1 + v i = 2v i – 1 – ϕ -1 (0): 0 = 2r – 1 --> r = ½ So, for the earlier example, setting r =1/2 is actually optimal
Results for non-private value auctions Dutch strategically equivalent to first-price sealed-bid Vickrey not equivalent to English Winner’s curse –Common value auctions: –Agent should lie (bid low) even in Vickrey & English Revelation to proxy bidders? Model: –Signals can be correlated (joint distribution not a product distribution) –Affiliated signals: if a subset of the signals X 1 …X N is large, then it is more likely that the rest of them are large –Symmetric model means signals X i drawn from same interval, and v i (X) = u(X i,X -i ), where u is symmetric in the last n-1 components Thrm (revenue non-equivalence ). Consider symmetric model with at least 2 bidders. Let signals be affiliated. Expected revenues: English ≥ Vickrey ≥ Dutch = first-price sealed bid
Results for non-private value auctions... Symmetric equilibria may be inefficient –Bidder with highest signal wins, but might not have highest valuation Def. Single-crossing property: Thm. [see Krishna, “Auction Theory”] Consider symmetric model with affiliated signals. Suppose single-crossing property holds. Then 2 nd -price, English, and 1 st -price auction all have efficient symmetric equilibria –In English auction, efficient equilibrium exists also for 2 asymmetric bidders, but not necessarily for more than 2 –Without single crossing property, no efficient mechanism might exist in asymmetric setting –If single-crossing holds, truth-telling is an efficient ex post equilibrium in VCG mechanism Winner pays v i (smallest x i that would have won, x -i ) signal vector
Results for non-private value auctions... Informally: “The greater the linkage between a bidder’s own information and how he perceives others will bid, the greater the expected price paid upon winning” Let W(z,x) denote the expected price paid by bidder 1 if he is the winning bidder when he receives signal x but bids as if his signal were z, i.e., bids ß(z) Let W’(z,x) be the partial derivative of W(z,x) wrt x Thm. Let A and B be two auctions in which the highest bidder wins and only he pays a positive amount. Suppose each has a symmetric and increasing equilibrium s.t. –for all x, W’ A (x,x) ≥ W’ B (x,x), and –W A (0,0) = W B (0,0) = 0. then A’s expected revenue is at least as large as B’s Can be applied to show that seller is best off revealing all his information Revenue ranking (aka linkage) principle
Results for non-private value auctions... Common knowledge that auctioneer has private info –Q: What info should the auctioneer release ? A: in symmetric setting with affiliated signals, in 1 st - price and 2 nd -price auction, auctioneer is best off releasing all of it –“No news is worst news” –Mitigates the winner’s curse A: among asymmetric bidders, information revelation can decrease revenue in 2 nd -price auction –[see Krishna “Auction Theory” p. 115 for an example]
Results for non-private value auctions... Asymmetric info among bidders –E.g. 1: auctioning pennies in class –E.g. 2: first-price sealed-bid common value auction with bidders A, B, C, D A & B have same good info. C has this & extra signal. D has poor but independent info A & B should not bid; D should sometimes => “Bid less if more bidders or your info is worse” Most important in sealed-bid auctions & Dutch
Results for non-private value auctions... Impossibility of efficiency if at least one agent has a multi-dimensional signal –Reason: if bidder A’s valuation only depends on the sum of his signals, it is impossible to elicit his signals, and bidder 2’s valuation might depend on one of A’s signals, so for efficiency it might be necessary to elicit A’s signals This impossibility holds even if single-crossing is satisfied See examples in Krishna book p. 244-245
Vulnerability to bidder collusion [even in private-value auctions] v 1 = 20, v i = 18 for others Collusive agreement for English: e.g. 1 bids 6, others bid 5. Self-enforcing Collusive agreement for Vickrey: e.g. 1 bids 20, others bid 5. Self-enforcing In first-price sealed-bid or Dutch, if 1 bids below 18, others are motivated to break the collusion agreement Need to identify coalition parties
Vulnerability to shills Only a problem in non-private-value settings English & all-pay auction protocols are vulnerable –Classic analyses ignore the possibility of shills Vickrey, first-price sealed-bid, and Dutch are not vulnerable
Vulnerability to a lying auctioneer Truthful auctioneer classically assumed In Vickrey auction, auctioneer can overstate 2nd highest bid to the winning bidder in order to increase revenue –Bid verification mechanisms, e.g. cryptographic signatures –Trusted 3rd party auction servers (reveal highest bid to seller after closing) In English, first-price sealed-bid, Dutch, and all-pay, auctioneer cannot lie because bids are public
Auctioneer’s other possibilities Bidding –Seller may bid more than his reservation price because truth-telling is not dominant for the seller even in the English or Vickrey protocol (because his bid may be 2nd highest & determine the price) => seller may inefficiently get the item In symmetric private-value auctions, the revenue maximizing auction is a Vickrey auction with a reserve price that is set like this (This is a special case of the Myerson auction [Myerson 81]) I.e., optimal auctions are not Pareto efficient (not surprising in light of Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem) Setting a minimum price Refusing to sell after the auction has ended
Undesirable private information revelation Agents’ strategic marginal cost information revealed because truthful bidding is a dominant strategy in Vickrey (and English) –Observed problems with subcontractors First-price sealed-bid & Dutch may not reveal this info as accurately –Lying –No dominant strategy –Bidding decisions depend on beliefs about others
Untruthful bidding with local uncertainty even in Vickrey Uncertainty (inherent or from computation limitations) Many real-world parties are risk averse Computational agents take on owners’ preferences Thm [Sandholm ICMAS-96]. It is not the case that in a private value Vickrey auction with uncertainty about an agent’s own valuation, it is a risk averse agent’s best (dominant or equilibrium) strategy to bid its expected value –Higher expected utility e.g. by bidding low
Wasteful counterspeculation Thrm [Sandholm ICMAS-96, IJEC-00]. In a private value Vickrey auction with uncertainty about an agent’s own valuation, a risk neutral agent’s best (deliberation or information gathering) action can depend on others. E.g. two bidders (1 and 2) bid for a good. v 1 uniform between 0 and 1; v 2 deterministic, 0 ≤ v 2 ≤ 0.5 Agent 1 bids 0.5 and gets item at price v 2 : Say agent 1 has the choice of paying c to find out v 1. Then agent 1 will bid v 1 and get the item iff v 1 ≥ v 2 (no loss possibility, but c invested)
Sniping = bidding very late in the auction in the hopes that other bidders do not have time to respond Especially an issue in electronic auctions with network lag and lossy communication links
[from Roth & Ockenfels]
Sniping… Amazon auctions give automatic extensions, eBay does not Antiques auctions have experts [from Roth & Ockenfels]
Sniping… [from Roth & Ockenfels]
Sniping… Can make sense to both bid through a regular insecure channel and to snipe Might end up sniping oneself
Mobile bidder agents in eMediator Allow user to participate while disconnected Avoid network lag Put expert bidders and novices on an equal footing Full flexibility of Java (Concordia) Template agents through an HTML page for non- programmers –Information agent –Incrementor agent –N-agent –Control agent –Discover agent
Mobile bidder agents in eMediator
Mobile bidder agents in eMediator...
Conclusions on 1-item auctions Nontrivial, but often analyzable with reasonable effort –Important to understand merits & limitations –Unintuitive mechanisms may have better properties Vickrey auction induces truth-telling & avoids counterspeculation (in limited settings) Myerson auction best for revenue Choice of a good auction protocol depends on the setting in which the protocol is used, and the objective
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