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Reading I 1. 手握麦克风 2. 慈善演出的主持人 3. 多多练习 4. 白天少睡会儿 5. 筹款的不同方式 6. 在网上做广告 7. 分发传单 8. 组织一次慈善演出 9. 卖书来筹款 10. 在贫困地区 11. 保护其他大型猫科动物 12. 帮助贫困女童 13. 重返校园 14. 保护河流湖泊.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading I 1. 手握麦克风 2. 慈善演出的主持人 3. 多多练习 4. 白天少睡会儿 5. 筹款的不同方式 6. 在网上做广告 7. 分发传单 8. 组织一次慈善演出 9. 卖书来筹款 10. 在贫困地区 11. 保护其他大型猫科动物 12. 帮助贫困女童 13. 重返校园 14. 保护河流湖泊."— Presentation transcript:


2 Reading I

3 1. 手握麦克风 2. 慈善演出的主持人 3. 多多练习 4. 白天少睡会儿 5. 筹款的不同方式 6. 在网上做广告 7. 分发传单 8. 组织一次慈善演出 9. 卖书来筹款 10. 在贫困地区 11. 保护其他大型猫科动物 12. 帮助贫困女童 13. 重返校园 14. 保护河流湖泊 hold a microphone in one’s hand the host of the charity show practise a lot sleep less during the day different ways of raising money give out leaflets advertise on the Internet organize a charity show sell books to raise money in poor areas protect other big cats help poor young girls return to school protect rivers and lakes Translate the phrases into English

4 Fill in the blanks with the words of this part. 1.The students are organizing a c______ show to raise money. 2.If you want to learn English well, you must p________ a lot. 3.You are sure to win o______ if I help you. 4.We can give out l________ to ask people to donate money. 5.Project Hope helps schools and students in p______ areas. 6.They often a_________ on TV. So many people know their names. 7.Millie had to use a m_________ because of too much noise. 8.I am now in Japan and I will r______ home in two days. harity ractise nly eaflets oor dvertise icrophone eturn

5 1. -- Mum, I have got the first prize in the speech competition. --_______. A. Good luck B. Come on C. Good idea D.Congratulations 2. You will pass the final exam _____ you put your heart into it. A. though B. unless C. only if D. while 3. Smoking is bad for your health. You’d better _____. A. give up it B. give it up C. take out it D. take it out 4. Why don’t _______ the money for Project Hope? A. raise B. we raise C. to raise D. raising

6 根据中文完成下列句子。 1. 我打算主持英语晚会。 I’m going ___ ___ ____ ____ of the English evening. 2. 我希望我能飞到月球上去。 I ____ I _____ ___ to the Moon. to be the host wish could fly

7 3. 你英语为什么讲得这样好,因为我经常 练习说。 Why ___ you _____ English ___ ____? Because I often _______ _________ it. 4. 如果你能少睡多运动,你就会更健康。 If you _____ ____ and _____ _____ _____, You’ll be ________. do speak so well practise speaking sleep less play sports more healthier

8 5. 他们经常散发传单叫人们不要吸烟。 They often ____ ___ _______ to ask people not to smoke. 6. 他们举办慈善活动目的为希望工程募 捐。 They’re organizing a ______ _____ to _____ ______ for ______ ______. give out leaflets charity show raise money Project Hope

9 Project Hope Spring Bud Project

10 Project Green Hope Save China’s Tigers organizer( 组织者)

11 What kinds of ways can we use to help charities? Discussion

12 a charity show for Project Green Hope

13 The singer ’ s duty is to sing. Her job is to sing. Many pop singers will come to charity show. Many fans will come too.

14 get a lot of support from the people and local businesses donate lots of money

15 Did the charity show have a good result? What result was it? Yes. It was success because many people donated money to Project Green Hope. Everyone was very generous and they had a lot of support from local businesses. Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.

16 Listen to the tape carefully and choose “T” or “F”. 1. Ricky was helping with a charity show because he wanted to raise money for Project Hope. 2. He felt happy but also nervous because of the TV cameras. F T Project Green Hope

17 3. They started working on the show three months ago. 4. It was his job to talk to each star. 5. The door closed twenty minutes before the show. F F F two introduce opened

18 6. He spoke loudly because the fans were making much noise. 7. Many people donated money to Project Green Hope. 8. They had a lot of support from local schools. T F T businesses

19 1. Why did he help with the charity show? 2. How did he feel about being the host? Because he wanted to raise money for Project Green Hope. He felt happy, excited and nervous. Ask and answer

20 3. Did he practise a lot before the show? 4. Why couldn’t he sleep well that night? 5. What does he hope to do in the future? Yes, he did. Because he was so excited. He hopes they can have more events like this to raise money for charities.

21 1. Ricky started working on the show three months ago. 2. It was Rick’s job to talk to each star. 3. Ricky had a lot of things to do. Say or

22 4. The doors closed twenty minutes before the show. 5. Many people donated money to Project Green Hope. 6. Ricky hopes more charity shows will be held.

23 Kitty and Sandy are talking about the show. Help them complete the conversation. donated duties host introduce job raise success theatre K: My cousin was the ______ of a charity show last week. They wanted to _____ money for Project Green Hope. host raise

24 S: What did he have to do? K: He had many _______, but his main _____ was to __________ the pop stars. S: Where was the charity show held? K:At a big ________. S: Was the show a ________? theatre success duties job introduce

25 K: Yes. Many people _________ money. They had a lot of support from local businesses too. Ricky said he felt very happy to be chosen as the host. He met many pop stars as well! donated

26 Look at the pictures and answer the question: what can you see ?

27 Last year there was a charity show on CCTV. They wanted to raise money for Project Hope. Dong Qing and Li Yong were chosen to be the host. They were very happy. Read the passage and answer some questions.

28 They did very well at the show. Many famous stars sang popular songs, including Zhou Jielun. Many people donated money to help schools and students in poor areas. We hope we can raise more money for charities and all the children can go to school happily.

29 1. What charity did they raise money for? 2. Who was the host? For Project Hope. Dong Qing and Li Yong. Please answer the following questions.

30 3. Did any famous stars go to the show? 4. Was the show successful? Yes. They sang popular songs, including Zhou Jielun. Yes. Many people donated money to help poor students.

31 (一)适当的介词、副词填空。 1. I am sorry that I didn’t write____ you earlier. 2. They were helping ____ the rice harvest on the farm. 3. They worked very hard to raise money ___ Project Green Hope. to with for Exercises

32 4. They were late for the meeting because ___ the bad weather. 5. He was working ____ the maths problem when the light went out. 6. Rice must be harvested ____ the right time. of on at

33 1. My dad’s job is _______ (drive) a taxi. 2. Beijing Sunshine No. 1 Middle School is the _________ (organize) of the charity show. 3. There are many _____________ (advertise) of selling houses in today’s newspaper. to drive organizer advertisements 二 Can you fill in the blanks?

34 4. There are many dark clouds in the sky. It seems _____ (be) rainy. 5. There are a lot of ________ (charity) to help people in need. 6. They hope that the show will be _________(success). 7. Project Hope is a helpful ___________ (organize). charities to be successful organization

35 8. One of her ______ (duty) is to look after these babies. 9. It is ________ (excite) to be the host of the party. 10. His parents kept ______ (ask) him, “Have you finished your homework?” duties exciting asking

36 Homework 1. Read the text again and again until you can recite it. 2. Do the exercises in Checkout Book. 3. Copy the useful expressions twice.

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