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2 THE.SUPER.SIGN 84 Well, now, Jehoshaphat, not taking a second thought, said, "Why, sure. My chariots is your chariots. My horsemen is your horsemen. My footmen is your footmen. We are brothers. Let's agree together, we'll make an alliance and we'll go up." Then it struck him, "We had better seek God, first." Oh, my! 85 Before you join that thing, you better seek God, first. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

3 BRASS.SERPENT Well now, God has a law, and that law is love. God can't work against Himself. Then if I love God correctly, then I'm going to testify the Truth about God, if I'm in love with Him. I've got a wife's here in this building. God knows how I love her. Well, you know, everything good, and everything, it's going to be for my wife. You know that. Sure. Just like your husband would be, to you. Well now, if we love God, then my confidence becomes perfect in Him, as I love Him. Now, He can't break that law of love, see, because it's in my heart. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

4 8 Women of Jerusalem, take an oath and make me a promise.
Song of Songs 5:8 (NIRV) 8 Women of Jerusalem, take an oath and make me a promise. If you find the one who loves me, tell him our love has made me weak.” 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

5 GOD'S.PROVIDED.WAY 53 Then he said to her; he said, "Now, you make yourself ready. One year from this night, I'll be back to get you." Said, "Will you marry me?“ She said, "Of course I would. But" she said, "I'm not worthy." Isn't that about the way you felt? "I'm not worthy, Lord.“ He said, "Don't think of that. I'm not looking for clothes and things; I'm looking for virtue. I want you for my wife. Will you be?" And he kissed her. And you remember when the Lord put that kiss on your heart, how you felt? Oh, my. Oh, kissed away all my sins, my sorrows, He just made something different. He's going to bring me to the wedding supper one night. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

6 The Power of Love Stay Connected 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

313. Brother Branham, what is the meaning of a annulment? Are people free to marry or is this just another word for divorce? I would like some information on this. Sure they're married. As long as they take that vow, they're married. Just like a boy, if a boy promises a girl to marry her under good faith, he's obligated to that girl. He's just as good as married her. The only thing the law does, is give you a bill of rights to live together to keep from being common-law husband and wife. But when a man tells a woman, "I will marry you, Honey; I will take you for my wife. Will you take..." he's married. Your vow is sacred; that's what marries you anyhow. There's not no preacher can marry you, no magistrate, or nothing else; it's your own vow to God and to this man. When you promise, you are married. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

8 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.1 7 I would like for the people to know that sometimes in answering these questions, it's hard. It takes a lot of grace to stand here, if you know the love that I have for you people. I couldn't express it. I don't even express it to my children; I don't even express my deep love for my wife as I ought to, because I'm temperamental, and I just keep going in one straight line. There's only one thing I'd express my whole love to: that's God Almighty. And I just love Him first of all. Other people I love, but I don't want to mar that love that I have for Him; let that be first. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

9 THE.LAMB'S.BOOK.OF.LIFE 56 You might come in at the end of the road… there'll be no stars around you to shine. I don't want to stand like that. I want to hear Him say, "It was well done, My good and faithful servant." I want to show Him my appreciation. My poor little old gray-headed wife, how I would love to do something for her that I know she likes, because I love her, and I know she loves me. And if I do that for my wife in the human love, what do I have to do to know that God, by grace, before the foundation of the world seen me a poor little sinner, staggering, going to hell, and He foreordained me, put my name in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

10 IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR 82 I submit, commit myself to Christ, many years ago. He does the leading. I just go where He leads, the best of my knowledge. 83 I'm thankful for a wonderful wife and children, who has confidence that I would not tell them anything wrong. That, they believe. Every time you tell them anything, they hold right with it. They know that I wouldn't tell them anything wrong. 84 And would I tell one of God's children anything wrong, then? Not willfully. No, sir. God wants His children in the right kind of training. And be honest with them, and truthful with them, and He will bless it, I believe. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

11 The Power of Love Stay Connected Listen Carefully 11/9/2014

12 THE.TRIAL 31 …Remember, he was her interpreter. God told what they should do, and there'd never be death, sorrow or nothing, and he come around and misinterpreted the Word. Therefore when man got from behind the Word of God, what does it make them? He is not defended by God. But, you see, Satan was the interpreter of the Word to Eve. She wouldn't listen to her husband and to God, but she took the prosecutor's interpretation of the Word. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

84 And now, so when we come out here, I constantly in meetings, doing everything I can for the Lord. But I don't do all that I should, I know that I make so many mistakes. 85 And my wife has had to be both mother and daddy, both, for those children, 'cause I'm away. A father and mother should agree upon their decisions for their children. But I'm not there, I'm in the service of the Lord. And my wife now is 44 years old, just ten years younger than I. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

14 The Power of Love Stay Connected Listen Carefully
Talk More About Money 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

15 THE.ANGEL.OF.GOD 4 There was a young man in his thirties, that had followed the meetings from Saskatoon to Edmonton, down into Calgary. He'd run out of funds. His mother had sold some of her possessions, and there was nothing left, just enough money to return home. And when she heard there was going to be a miracle line just for the crippled, then she pawned her wedding ring to get the boy to stay for the miracle line. That come into my ears that the mother had pawned her wedding ring to keep the boy there. That mother's wedding ring meant just as much to her as my mother's does, or my wife's, or your wife's. Means much to her. Maybe her husband might've been dead, for all I know. Well, we managed some way to see that she got repaid for that, and her money back. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

16 The Power of Love Stay Connected Listen Carefully
Talk More About Money Get Over the Past 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

17 ENTICING.SPIRITS 121 She said, "That's the Word of the Lord for that's a holy man of God. That's God's prophet, and I know it's the truth and that's the Word of God." Now, she didn't run across to ask the neighbors how to do it. She didn't want to go to tell the neighbor said, "Well, what do you think? The preacher's over to my house saying this. Susie, what do you think about this?" She went ahead and begin to dump out. She let go. She let go of what she had that she might get more. That's what the world needs today is a good old fashion letting go of what you got. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

18 TESTIMONY 101 And I was walking up the little hill then, right close to where I was going to stand for a few minutes, just to thank the Lord for my wife and for a successful marriage that God had give us, and the love we had for each other, these years, and our children. I do that every twenty-third day of October. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

19 The Power of Love Stay Connected Listen Carefully
Talk More About Money Get Over the Past Hang In There 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

20 THE.CURTAIN.OF.TIME 65 Now, I couldn't see that line, so I just kept my hands up like this… I felt it; it was that wire. Oh, my, you don't know what a feeling it was. I knowed if I'd follow that wire, don't take my hand off of it, follow that wire right down that hill about 2-3 mi., I'd be right with my wife and baby down at the bottom of the hill. And there it come to me: Yes, every man alienated from God, cut off in this world, not knowing where he's going, carried about everywhere. But if you'll look to Calvary, hold up your hands to God, and accept Christ as your Saviour until something strikes your hand, that's the way home. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit then. Hold your hand in His unchanging hand; it will lead you right straight to your Lover, the Lord Jesus 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

21 GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD 208 Looking back across the audience now to a dear little man: told his sweetheart good-bye the other day, just for a little while. And another one setting here somewhere told his sweetheart good-bye for just a little while, as they went out they were holding to God's unchanging hand. Their beloved husbands are here tonight holding to God's unchanging hand, to know that sweethearts will meet again. What would it be if they didn't have that? Oh, build your hopes on things eternal. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

22 PROVERBS 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. 11/9/2014 The Power of Love

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