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Letters to the Seven Churches 1.Literal places in Roman Province of Asia CHAPTERS 2-3.

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1 Letters to the Seven Churches 1.Literal places in Roman Province of Asia CHAPTERS 2-3



4 Letters to the Seven Churches 1.Literal places in Roman Province of Asia 2.Interpretation of Letters Literal letters to these congregations A history of the Christian Church from then until the end of time (Scofield and Unger) A picture of different kinds of congregations and/or individual Christians throughout the history of the church CHAPTERS 2-3

5 Letters to the Seven Churches 1.Literal places in Roman Province of Asia 2.Interpretation of Letters 3.“The Angel” (3 explanations) Literally a Guardian Angel The Pastor or Bishop of the Church The “ministry” of the Church (Henry) CHAPTERS 2-3

6 4. Pattern of the Letters Identification of the Congregation A Picture of Christ The “Good” The “Bad” Challenge or Directive Warning “Whoever has ears…” Promise to the Victorious (Overcomers)

7 Ephesus: Lost First Love (2:1-7) Picture of Christ Holder of the Churches Walking among the Churches

8 Ephesus: Lost First Love (2:1-7) The Good Hard Working Persevering & Tireless (vs. 2 & 3) Don’t tolerate wickedness “Outed” hypocrites Endured hardships Hate the practices of the Nicolaitans

9 Ephesus: Lost First Love (2:1-7) The Bad Lost (forsaken) their first love

10 Ephesus: Lost First Love (2:1-7) The Directive Repent – Do the things you did at the first

11 Ephesus: Lost First Love (2:1-7) The Warning Removal of their lampstand

12 Ephesus: Lost First Love (2:1-7) The Promise to the Victorious The right to eat from the tree of life

13 Smyrna: Persecution Awaits (2:8-11) Picture of Christ The First and the Last The one who died and came to life again

14 Smyrna: Persecution Awaits (2:8-11) The Good Endured affliction and poverty Endured slander from phonies

15 Smyrna: Persecution Awaits (2:8-11) The Bad Nothing negative is said to this church

16 Smyrna: Persecution Awaits (2:8-11) The Directives Do not fear what is about to happen to you. Be faithful

17 Smyrna: Persecution Awaits (2:8-11) The Warning You will suffer persecution

18 Smyrna: Persecution Awaits (2:8-11) The Promise to the Victorious Eternal life as the victor’s crown You will not be effected by the second death

19 Pergamum: Repentance Needed (2:12-17) Picture of Christ Holding a Sharp Double Edged Sword

20 Pergamum: Repentance Needed (2:12-17) The Good Remained faithful even in the face of persecution Endured even in an evil place

21 Pergamum: Repentance Needed (2:12-17) The Bad Followers of several false teachings

22 Pergamum: Repentance Needed (2:12-17) The Directives Repent

23 Pergamum: Repentance Needed (2:12-17) The Warning Christ will come and fight them with the sword that is in his mouth

24 Pergamum: Repentance Needed (2:12-17) The Promise to the Victorious Will be given the Hidden manna Will be given a white stone with a new name written on it

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