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LINCing List the parts Indicate a reminding word Note a lincing story Create a lincing picture.

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Presentation on theme: "LINCing List the parts Indicate a reminding word Note a lincing story Create a lincing picture."— Presentation transcript:


2 LINCing List the parts Indicate a reminding word Note a lincing story Create a lincing picture

3 1. Term An important word that you are expected to understand and remember elation

4 2. Definition A brief statement of the term’s definition elation n., joy, delight

5 3. Reminding Word A word that sounds similar to the new term. elation elephant n., joy, delight

6 A Good Reminding Word Always… Sounds like part or all of the new word Has a meaning that you already know Helps you remember what the new word means

7 4. The LINCing Story A phrase or sentence that connects (links) the definition of the new term to the reminding word. elation elephant n., joy, delight The boy was full of joy when he got an elephant.

8 A Good LINCing Story Always… Includes the reminding word Links the reminding word to the meaning of the new term Is short and simple

9 5. The LINCing Picture A memory device that provides a visual link to the new term.  Illustrates the LINCing story elation elephant n., joy, delight The boy was full of joy when he got an elephant.

10 Now you try… 1st Vocab Term STEPS: 1. Write in the term & definition 2. Choose a reminding word 3. Write a LINCing story 4. Draw a LINCing picture

11 term pos, definition

12 Thanks for watching! We will continue to use LINCing throughout the year. Thank you!

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