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What does culture mean to you? The Meaning of Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "What does culture mean to you? The Meaning of Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does culture mean to you? The Meaning of Culture

2 Definition of Culture Consists of all the shared products of human groups. These products include Physical objects Beliefs Values Behaviors ALL SHARED BY A GROUP

3 CULTURE Material Culture The physical objects that people create form a group’s material culture. Artifacts: Nonmaterial Culture Abstract human creations form a group’s nonmaterial culture. Ideas Work practices Political system Family patterns

4 What can an artifact tell us about a culture? Artifacts contain many clues about a society’s culture. Anthropologists search for artifacts to learn about cultures of past societies. What kind of information can anthropologists gain by studying artifacts? Think of an example…..

5 Society v. Culture Society Society: is a group of mutually inter-dependent people who have organized in such a way as to share a common culture and feeling of unity.

6 Huh? In simple terms… Society consists of people and Culture consists of the products that people create.

7 Components of Culture

8 Types of Norms Folkways: are norms that do not have great moral significance attached to them. They are common customs of everyday life. Ex. Holding a door for someone, saying “bless you” to a sneeze Mores: have great moral significance attached to them. Ex. Adultery, lying, cheating Law: is a written rule of conduct that is enacted and enforced by the government.

9 Cultural Ps Product: Anything created by the culture for members of that culture, tangible or intangible, such as food, art, books, educational system, and laws. Practices: What people do, when and where of social interactions, what they do with their products, etc. Perspectives: The attitudes, beliefs, or values of people in a culture.

10 Complexity of Culture Culture Traits- Use of forks and knives, saying hello to someone you see in the hall, tackling someone in a football game Culture complexes- Table manners, the game of football Culture Patterns- Sports, Religion, Family life

11 Teaching American Culture How hard would it be to teach someone from another country about our culture? Why?

12 Example: American Christmas Questions to ask myself: What makes American Christmas different from Christmas around the world? What sort of cultural products, practices, symbols, language, norms, language, etc. make up American Christmas? How could I share this with someone who has recently moved to this country?

13 American Christmas…What Makes it Different? Rides on horseback Puts toys in shoes Has a sleigh driven by flying reindeer Brings toys down our chimney Santa in Holland American Santa

14 Cultural Products, Practices, Symbols Norms: Thanking someone for a gift, RSVPing to a party, greeting someone, etc. Products: gifts, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Practices: caroling, decorating the Christmas tree, wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies, spending time with family and friends, Secret Santa, White Elephant parties, etc. Symbols: mistletoe

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