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Small Telco Facility Protection Small, business-critical spaces where business interruption cannot be tolerated.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Telco Facility Protection Small, business-critical spaces where business interruption cannot be tolerated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Telco Facility Protection Small, business-critical spaces where business interruption cannot be tolerated.

2 2 Consider… Very early warning smoke detection is accepted as the solution for protecting mission-critical facilities The perceived cost of very early warning smoke detectors precludes their application in small environments

3 3 The Solution… The new VESDA LaserFOCUS detector is the cost-effective very early warning solution for smaller environments

4 4 The VESDA Advantage… The incipient stage of fire provides the widest window of opportunity to detector and control the spread of fire.

5 5 The Result… VESDA gives the maximum warning of a potential fire VESDA buys time to respond to a fire threat Very early response enables services to be maintained

6 6 The Result… With very early warning a Telco’s infrastructure service level commitments are protected VESDA LaserFOCUS is the solution for smaller, but still critical, facilities National Exchanges, Long Distance Regional and Local Critical Exchanges Smaller PoPs (Point of Presence), CEVs (Controlled Environmental Vaults) Local Exchanges,ISP Applications, Wireless Exchanges and Huts Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

7 7 Protecting Small Environments Telecommunication facilities exhibit dense concentrations of electronics High energy consumption requires continual cooling Air movement presents a challenge to conventional detection methods

8 8 Air Conditioning Challenge Smoke in an air conditioned room travels with the airflow to the return air grille Placing sample holes at the grille provide protection

9 9 Still Air In “low or no” air flow situations, smoke will travel to the ceiling Sample holes at the ceiling provides very early warning

10 10 Code Compliance Air sampling detection provides a code compliant design –Installing sampling points where conventional detectors would be placed in the ceiling provides a compliance to local codes and standards

11 11 External Threat of Contamination Some environments use external cool air to maintain environmental operating temperature External air can be contaminated and threaten equipment operation and therefore should be monitored

12 12 External Threat of Contamination 95% of all fire damage within facilities housing electronic equipment is non-thermal* At 16 ug/cm3 there is moderate corrosion with long term effects on electronics –This damage to equipment is detrimental to ongoing performance VESDA reduces the risk of equipment failure by detecting smoke at the earliest possible opportunity *US Federal Commission of Communications

13 13 VESDA Delivers… Wide sensitivity range, 0.025– 20% obs/m Multiple programmable alarm thresholds Dual stage air filtration Instant Fault Finder AutoLearn  Smoke and Flow SonicFlow  SwiftStart  Comprehensive event logging Global distribution and support network

14 14 Companies that standardize on VESDA AT&T Verizon Bell South Sprint Cable & Wireless Telstra Vodafone British Telecom Orange

15 15 Summary VESDA is accepted as the solution for very early warning detection Very early warning detection reduces the risk of fire and ensures maximum uptime VESDA LaserFOCUS ensures your entire network is protected

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