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DVCS – Hall A Study of the Background Noise HUGS 2008 Florian ITARD.

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Presentation on theme: "DVCS – Hall A Study of the Background Noise HUGS 2008 Florian ITARD."— Presentation transcript:

1 DVCS – Hall A Study of the Background Noise HUGS 2008 Florian ITARD

2 University Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand Laboratory of Corpuscular Physics (LPC)

3 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering The simplest experiment to access to the GPDs Small cross section ~ 10 -9 Barn Latest experiment ran in 2004 Next experiment will run in may 2009 Exclusive experiment

4 Spectrometer Up beam tube pipe Down beam tube pipe Scattering chamber Proton array Calorimeter Target

5 High luminosity ~ 2.5*10 37 cm 2.s Important background noise Production of a continuous signal in the photo-mutipliers which is going to inconvenience the measure Appeareance of a darkening in the cristal Systematic errors New calibration yelded light undervalued Curing?

6 Simulation Monte Carlo: GEANT 4 One aim: Reduce the background noise without change the place of the calorimeter in the last experiment New detector simulation toolkit written in C++ and developped by The CERN collaboration Enable to generate any particules and follow them in the geometry of the experiment 10 Millions electrons generated by run 9 hours calculation in a farm Window of 640 ns

7 Reference results Mean energy deposited by each electron reaching the target (KeV)

8 Cone beam pipe Rectangular beam pipe Tungsten shielding Polyethylen front shielding

9 Final results Mean energy deposited by each electron reaching the target (KeV)

10 Mean energy fonction on the depth of the block Curing ?


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